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圣方济 Tavola Di San Francesco

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  • 契马布耶 Cimabue Alias Bencivieni Di Pepo
  • 1280 - 90
  • 107 x 57 cm
  • 蛋彩.木板 Tempera on wood

  • 1948年.艺术评论家洛勃托.隆基认为.这幅木板画与契马布耶在亚西西时的艺术活动有关联。在《端坐宝座的圣母与圣婴.四位天使和圣方济》中.圣母右边的圣方济像.和此画有着密切关係。依照传统.这幅木板画应该就是这位圣徒的墓穴顶盖。虽然这幅画的品质并不十分出色.不论是出自契马布耶之手.还是当时其他画派的作品.说得更简单些.亦即摹拟圣方济大教堂圣方济像的作品.其中仍有令人印象深刻之处:第一是形象简洁.主体穿着袈裟.衣褶阴影清晰可见;第二是画像的脸部特徵.是经过理想化的面孔.圣徒的双颊发红.呈三角形.耳朵很大.就风格而言.它与《端坐宝座的圣母与圣婴.四位天使和圣方济》那幅湿壁画相距甚远.若排除其他不同之处.只单就这张过分渲染的面孔.而与亚西西湿壁画中的那张面孔相较.便显示此画缺少灵气.与亚西西湿壁画的面孔相距甚远。究竟此画是出自摹拟者、或是门徒之手.还是因为契马布耶只是想以更「符合尘世」、更世俗、更人性化的手法来表现这位穷苦大众的圣徒呢?依照朱塞佩.帕隆伯的说法.这是「一幅临摹下教堂《庄严》一画的细部之作这幅《庄严》还是古伊多.达.古比奥修润之前的那幅」;然而.巴提斯蒂却认为.这是一幅「取法于下教堂圣方济像的平庸之作」。圣母的故事画面.是来自于人们虔诚的信仰.并没有特别惊心动魄的内容。.但是那幅《庄严》.却显示出一种新的构图布局。充满着深刻苦痛之情的背景.将画面的节奏感衬托得更为活泼而强烈;然而.却也使充满诗意的笔调变得阴沉下来。馆 藏 处义大利 天使圣马利亚大教堂博物馆,亚西西Museo della Porziuncola, Assisi


    1948 Art critic Roberto longI believes This wood painting is related to the artistic activities of chimabuye in Assisi. In the virgin and the baby sitting on the throne, the four angels and the Franciscans St. Francis on the right of the virgin It is closely related to this painting. According to tradition This wood painting should be the top cover of the saint's tomb. Although the quality of the painting is not very excellent Whether it's from chmabuye It was also the work of other painting schools at that time Put it more simply That is, a copy of the statue of St. Francis in St. Francis's Cathedral There are still some impressive things: first, the image is concise The main body wears cassock The shadow of pleats is clearly visible; The second is the facial features of the portrait Is an idealized face The saint's cheeks flushed It is triangular in shape Big ears In terms of style It is far from the fresco of the virgin and the baby sitting on the throne, the four angels and St. Francis If other differences are excluded Just this exaggerated face Compared with the face in asisi fresco It shows that the painting lacks aura Far from the face of asisi fresco. Whether the painting came from a imitator or a disciple Or is it because chimabuye just wants to show the poor saint in a more "earthly", secular and humanized way? According to Giuseppe palombo This is "a detailed copy of the painting" solemnity "of the lower church. This" solemnity "is still the one before Guido Da gubishurun"; However Batisti thought This is a "mediocre work based on the statue of St. Francis in the lower church". The story picture of the virgin It comes from people's pious faith There is no particularly thrilling content But the solemn painting But it shows a new composition layout. The background is full of deep pain Set off the rhythm of the picture more lively and strong; However But it also makes the poetic tone gloomy. Museum & ENSP; Tibetan & ENSP; Located in the Italian Angel Cathedral Museum of Saint Mary, Assisi Museo della porziuncola, Assisi
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