- 契马布耶 Cimabue Alias Bencivieni Di Pepo
- 1268 - 71
- 336 x 267 cm
- 蛋彩.木板 Tempera on wood
当时曾有如此的规定:圣方济教会及道明会的修道院中不应有雕像.也不应有彩绘玻璃窗和用黄金涂染的字母。这种力行苦修的风气.从当时的建筑形式和木板上基督或圣母的画像中.就可以看得出来。因此.当时的祭坛画所表现的.是那神秘的瞬间、地位卑贱之人的激情.以及返朴归真的精神。当契马布耶答应为道明会教士绘製一幅《钉刑图》时.他将人类最大的悲剧.浓缩到悬挂于十字架上的人物:硕大的胸膛畸形地扩展.他的形体拉长.脸部斜倒在肩膀上.圣母及约翰则泪流满面。而十字架的形式则是以一些色彩所烘托出来:包裹耶稣臀部包巾的红色、十字架的浅蓝色.以及肤色所呈现那令人产生死亡感受的浅绿色。契马布耶运用了形式、色彩和明暗对比.有意使他的《钉刑图》产生光与影.以使上帝之子具有凡人躯体的形态和重量.并使备受折磨的躯体显得格外鲜明.惨不忍睹。总之.这是破天荒的第一次.契马布耶以磅礡的气势及戏剧的效果.加上立体感来表现这个主题.与当时艺术界那种平面而扁平的画法大相逕庭。馆 藏 处义大利 圣多明尼哥教堂Chiesa di San Domenico
At that time, it was stipulated that there should be no statues in the monasteries of St. Franciscans and Dominicans There should also be no painted glass windows and letters painted with gold. This practice of practicing austerity From the architectural forms of the time and the portraits of Christ or the virgin on wooden boards You can see. Therefore What the altar paintings at that time showed It's the mysterious moment, the passion of a lowly man And the spirit of returning to simplicity. When chimabje promised to draw a "crucifixion map" for the Taoist priest He will be the greatest tragedy of mankind Condensed to the figure hanging on the cross: the huge chest expands abnormally His figure elongated His face tilted over his shoulders The virgin and John burst into tears. The form of the cross is set off by some colors: the red covering Jesus' hip scarf and the light blue of the cross And the pale green color of the skin that makes people feel dead. Qimabuye used form, color and light and shade contrast He intended to make his "crucifixion map" produce light and shadow To give the son of God the form and weight of a mortal body And make the tortured body stand out too horrible to look at. In short This is the first time in the world With majestic momentum and dramatic effect, khimabuye Add a three-dimensional sense to express the theme It is quite different from the flat and flat painting method in the art world at that time. Museum & ENSP; Tibetan & ENSP; Chiesa di San Domenico, Church of Santo Domingo, Italy