- 契马布耶 Cimabue Alias Bencivieni Di Pepo
- 1285
- 223 x 385 cm
- 镶嵌昼 Mosaic Inlaid
1301 年.契马布耶负责绘製福音书作者圣约翰像.以完成圣方济画师未完成的镶嵌昼.这幅镶嵌画位于比萨大教堂后殿的半圆形屋顶上。这个圣徒形象是镶嵌画中的一个细部.这幅作品可代表契马布耶艺术生涯中的最后阶段:镶嵌画的立体感使这幅作品显得更为庄严.更为宁静。在契马布耶的其他作品中.似乎部流露出不安的情绪.而在这幅画作中.那种情绪好像已透过立体的效果而平静下来。契马布耶是活跃于哥德式传统散发最后余辉时期的艺术家.他力求恢复有生命力、有感染力的东西.以便创造出能够表现那个时代新精神价值的图象:一些既痛苦又具戏剧性的图象。评论界对圣约翰这个形象的看法并不一致:有些人认为.契马布耶此时已经江郎才尽了;而另有一些人却认为.这是一幅杰作。我们先暂且不提评论家所表示的怀疑及消极看法.毕竟此画仍有一些特点:如圣约翰脸部细腻的表情.衣服的色彩团块与褶纹极富立体感﹝来目罗马风格﹞.它的色彩质地特殊.细节描绘精心.手和脚的描绘则像是拜占庭式的手法。
1301 Chemabuye was responsible for drawing the image of St. John, the author of the Gospels To complete the unfinished mosaic of St. Franciscans This mosaic is located on the semicircular roof of the apse of Pisa cathedral. The image of the saint is a detail in the mosaic This work can represent the last stage of his artistic career: the three-dimensional sense of mosaic makes this work more solemn More peaceful. In other works of Butch There seems to be an uneasy mood in the Department And in this painting The emotion seems to have calmed down through the three-dimensional effect. Chemabuye is an artist active in the last afterglow of Gothic tradition He tried to restore something vital and infectious In order to create images that can express the new spiritual values of that era: some images that are both painful and dramatic. Critics have different views on the image of St. John: some people think At this time, chimabuye was exhausted; Others think This is a masterpiece. Let's leave aside the skepticism and negative views expressed by the critics After all, the painting still has some features: such as the delicate expression of St. John's face The color clumps and pleats of clothes are very three-dimensional (Roman style) Its color and texture are special The details are meticulously depicted The depiction of hands and feet is like a Byzantine technique.