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Beijing, April 6 (reporter Chen Xue) - Gulian company of Zhonghua Publishing House recently released the "Yin Ruins Oracle Database", which gathers many years of oracle bone research results and integrates the original text, interpretation and Oracle Bone dictionary, which well solves the problem of dispersion of Oracle Bone achievements. Oracle bone inscriptions are the oldest systematic characters in China so far. They are named after being engraved on tortoise shells and animal bones. They are also known as "Qiwen". Oracle bones are relics used by Yin people for divination. The recorded contents widely involve all aspects of meteorology, agriculture, politics, military and daily life at that time. They are of great archaeological value and can be called the treasure of Chinese civilization. Since the late Qing Dynasty, the excavation, sorting and research of oracle bones have been carried out day by day, which has been spectacular so far. It provides the most direct historical data for us to understand the social history of the Shang Dynasty and the origin and development of Chinese characters. "Yin Ruins Oracle Database" clearly and completely compiles and publishes the past research results of oracle bones in digital form. "Yin Ruins Oracle Database" is a special Oracle database jointly developed by Gulian company of Zhonghua publishing house and Professor Chen Nianfu of Zhejiang Normal University. The database is based on the collation results of Oracle texts by Professor Chen Nianfu. The whole library contains 59591 oracle bones and 143856 oracle inscriptions. With reference to dozens of Oracle Inscriptions at home and abroad, each Oracle includes two parts: description and interpretation, and indicates the subject classification, specific source and font group of the oracle inscriptions. On this basis, the achievements of Oracle Bone conjugation in academic circles over the years are sorted out to make the content of the library more complete and comprehensive. The Oracle font library specially developed by the database also enables the imitation results of Oracle to be presented to the majority of readers in digital form. It is reported that the database also contains Professor Chen Nianfu's important research achievement - Oracle Bone online dictionary. The dictionary comprehensively displays the prefix, pronunciation, font shape, shape interpretation and interpretation of oracle bone inscriptions, including about 3900 prefixes and 6700 prefixes. It can not only realize the reference of a single word, but also read the interpretation content of Oracle words containing the word. On the one hand, it provides reference materials for the interpretation of oracle bone inscriptions; On the other hand, it also provides convenient service tools for relevant practitioners in the field of literature and history to use Oracle resources.
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