托马斯.凯泽出生和死亡 阿姆斯特丹 。他作为一个出色的肖像画家,而且是最需求的肖像画家在荷兰直到1630年,当 伦勃朗 他欢迎黯然失色。伦勃朗被他的作品影响,许多凯泽的画,后来被错误地归因于伦勃朗
Thomas de Keyser - Frederick van Velthuysen和他的妻子,josina -谷歌艺术project.jpg他的肖像画充满个性和巧妙的处理,往往区分颜色和伦勃朗式丰富的金色光芒 明暗对照法 。他的一些肖像画,真人大小,但艺术家通常喜欢让他们在一个相当小的规模,像著名的 四阿姆斯特丹市长接受玛丽de Medici的组装 1638,现在陈列在 莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆 博物馆 海牙 。
除了肖像画,他还执行了一些历史和神话的图片,如 特修斯和阿里阿德涅 在阿姆斯特丹市政厅,现在 皇家宫殿 。De Keyser还曾作为一名建筑师。从1662直到他的死亡在1667他监督新阿姆斯特丹市政厅的建筑,现在的皇宫。
这个 国家博物馆 在阿姆斯特丹有最大的收藏de Keyser的画。他的工作也可以看到在 罗浮宫 进入 巴黎 ,的 大都会艺术博物馆 进入 纽约市 ,的 隐士 进入 圣彼得堡 和 国家画廊 进入 伦敦 ,其中。
这个 市立博物馆 在阿姆斯特丹现代艺术博物馆将其正面的de Keyser雕像。一街 恩斯赫德 是以他的名字命名的。
De Keyser是一个儿子的建筑师和雕塑家 亨德里克de凯泽 。我们有自己的训练没有明确的知识,但缺乏信息作为自己生命的历程。根据 荷兰艺术史研究所 他是一个小学生, Cornelis van der继续 。 画家 AERT Pietersz , valckert Werner Van den 和 尼古拉斯eliaszoon pickenoy 已被不同的部门开发了他的天赋,有时他的作品被这些画家的困惑,是谁画的类似风格的肖像画。 山水画家 雅各布·范·雷斯达尔 画山水为背景对他的一组肖像。
在17世纪40年代,de Keyser很少画佣金,并被迫寻求其它收入。他拥有一个玄武岩业务从1640直到1654,当他回到绘画。
Thomas. Keyser was born and died in Amsterdam. He excelled as a portrait painter, but also is the most demand portrait painter in Holland until 1630, when he welcomed Rembrandt be cast into the shade. Rembrandt was influenced by his works, many of Keyser's paintings, and later wrongly attributed to the works of the author of the works of the author of the works of art in the world
Thomas de Keyser - Frederick van Velthuysen and his wife, josina - Google art project.jpg his portrait is full of personality and clever, often distinguish colors and Rembrandt rich golden light chiaroscuro. Some of his portraits, life size, but the artist usually love to let them in a very small scale, like the famous four Amsterdam mayor Marie de Medici an assembly of 1638, is now on display at the Royal Murray Theis Museum of Art Museum of Hague.
In addition to portraits, he also performed a number of historical and mythological images, such as Theseus and Ariadne at the Amsterdam city hall, now the Royal palace. De Keyser also worked as an architect. From 1662 until his death in the city of Newamsterdam, he oversaw the construction of the palace of the city of.
The National Museum in Amsterdam has the largest collection of paintings by de Keyser. His work can also be seen in Paris in the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the hermit in St Petersburg and the National Gallery in London, which.
The Museum of modern art in Amsterdam museum will be the front of the statue of Keyser De. Enschede is named after him.
De Keyser is a son of architect and sculptor Hendrik de Keyser. We have our own training without explicit knowledge, but lack of information as the course of our lives. According to the Holland Institute of art history, he is a pupil, Cornelis van der continues. Valckert Werner Van painter AERT Pietersz, den eliaszoon and Nicholas pickenoy have been different departments to develop his talent, his works are sometimes these artists confused, is similar in style who painted portraits. A series of portraits of Dahl, a landscape painter, who painted landscapes in the background of the painting by the artist, Jacob Van Reis.
In 1640s, de Keyser rarely drew commissions and was forced to seek other income. He owned a basalt business from 1640 to 1654 when he returned to painting.