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艾萨克范.奥斯塔德Isack van Ostade

艾萨克范.奥斯塔德Isack van Ostade(1621年6月2日——1649年10月16日),荷兰画家。

  • 中文名艾萨克范.奥斯塔德
  • 外文名Isack van Ostade
  • 性别
  • 国籍荷兰
  • 出生地哈勒姆
  • 出生日期1621年6月2日
  • 逝世日期1649年10月16日
  • 职业画家

凡OSTADE开始了他的哥哥,在他的研究迪恩,与他保持直到1641年,当他开始了自己的做法。在较早的时期,他觉得伦勃朗的影响,这是明显的杀年猪的1639年,在奥格斯堡的库。他很快就找到了风格更适合自己的倾向。他制作的图片在1641年至1642年在他的兄弟的线条-这当中的五感,这阿德里安事后被代表的人读一纸,一农民品尝啤酒,一个仿古他涂抹软膏溃疡乡下人在嗅探鼻烟壶在此期间,艾萨克工作的一个标本可能会在看到一个罐啤酒笑莽汉,在阿姆斯特丹的博物馆; 山寨内,有两个农民和近火,在柏林博物馆的三个孩子; 一个音乐会,与人听伴随着风笛和长笛演奏家歌手和一个莽汉偷接吻从女人的拉卡兹收藏在卢浮宫英寸


以撒在他的新路径的进展由他以前的经历作为人物画家大大便利; 并且,虽然他现在无论是从高庄街道或结冰的河面选择他的臣民,他通过描绘如画对比的精致和搜索研究的人的动画组给了鲜活的生命的场景。他没有在有生之年把他的艺术的最高完美。他于1649年10月16日去世已经绘约400张照片(详见H德格鲁特,1910)。




English Introduction


Van Ostade began his studies under his brother, Adriaen, with whom he remained until 1641, when he started his own practice. At an early period he felt the influence of Rembrandt, and this is apparent in a Slaughtered Pig of 1639, in the gallery of Augsburg. He soon found a style more suited to his own inclinations. He produced pictures in 1641-1642 on the lines of his brother - amongst these, the Five Senses, which Adrian afterwards represented by a Man reading a Paper, a Peasant tasting Beer, a Rustic smearing his Sores with Ointment and a Countryman sniffing at a Snuff-box. A specimen of Isaac's work at this period may be seen in the Laughing Boor with a Pot of Beer, in the museum of Amsterdam; the cottage interior, with two peasants and three children near a fire, in the Berlin museum; a Concert, with people listening to singers accompanied by a piper and flute player, and a Boor stealing a Kiss from a Woman, in the Lacaze collection at the Louvre.

The interior at Berlin is lighted from a casement in the same Rembrandtesque style as Adrian's interior of 1643 at the Louvre. He received low prices for this kind of painting, in which he could only remain subordinate to his brother. Gradually he abandoned Adrian's cottage subjects for landscapes in the fashion of Esaias van de Velde and Salomon van Ruysdael. Once only, in 1645, he reverted to the earlier mode, when he produced theSlaughtered Pig, with a boy puffing out a bladder, in the museum of Lille.

Isaac's progress in his new path was greatly facilitated by his previous experience as a figure painter; and, although he now selected his subjects either from village high streets or frozen canals, he gave fresh life to the scenes by depicting animated groups of people with a refined and searching study of picturesque contrasts. He did not live long enough to bring his art to the highest perfection. He died on 16 October 1649 having painted about 400 pictures (see H de Groot, 1910).

The first manifestation of Isaac's surrender of Adrian's style is apparent in 1644 when the skating and sledging scenes were executed which we see in the Lacaze collection and the galleries of the Hermitage, Antwerp and Lille. Three of these examples bear the artists name, spelled Isack van Ostade, and the dates of 1644 and 1645. The roadside inns, with halts of travellers, form a compact series from 1646 to 1649. This is the last form of Isaac's art and has very distinct peculiarities. The air which pervades his composition is warm and sunny, yet mellow and hazy, as if the sky were veiled with a vapour coloured by moor smoke. The trees are rubbings of umber, in which the prominent foliage is tipped with touches hardened in a liquid state by amber varnish mediums. The same principle applied to details such as glazed bricks or rents in the mud lining of cottages gives an unreal and conventional stamp to them.

These quirks are overcome by his broad contrasts of light and shade and the masterly figures of horses, riders, travellers, rustics, quarrelling children, dogs, poultry and cattle. A favorite place is always given to the white horse, which seems as invariable an accompaniment as the grey in the skirmishes and fairs of Philip Wouwerman.

Isaac displays the best qualities in winter scenes. The absence of foliage, the crisp atmosphere and the calm air of cold January days, unsullied by smoke or vapour, preclude the use of the brown tinge, and leave the painter no choice but to ring the changes with a great variety of opal tints. Then the figures emerge with masterly effect on the light background. Amongst the roadside inns it is worth noting those in the collections of Buckingham Palace, the National Gallery, London, the Wallace Collection and Holford collections in England, the Louvre, Berlin, Hermitage and Rotterdam museums and the Rothschild collection at Vienna. The finest of the ice scenes is the famous one at the Louvre.






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