所罗门.范.雷斯达尔( 1602年那顿 -埋1670年11月3日,哈勒姆)是荷兰黄金时代的风景画家。
《林中小屋》表明他是17世纪前期荷兰风景画写实传统的继承者。之后,其画风越来越洒脱,对自然的深刻理解,使他将对形态、空间和运动的敏锐感受,融于绘画之中。1650年左右,他外出旅游。他还画了上些以瀑布为题材的作品。《犹太人公墓》、《麦田》等,表达了他豪迈的气势,是最具戏剧性和诗意的佳作,预示着19世纪西方浪漫主义风景画的产生。 1657年,他迪居于阿姆斯特丹,一生共创作了500多幅风景画。但一生贫困,默默无闻,最后于1682年3月14日死于救济医院,并被安葬在哈莱姆。
Solomon. Van. Les Dahl in Holland in seventeenth Century one of the most famous landscape painter, is also the Holland classical landscape painting pioneer, his landscape painting vivid and beautiful. 1628 (1629) born in Haarlem, a small family of famous painters. His uncle Dahl was influenced by the art of Les S.van. Works depict the sea, plains and rural. In 1648 a member of the Harlem artists guild. Early works with dignified realistic and profound skill.
"The cabin in the woods" shows that he is the successor of the realistic tradition of Holland landscape painting in the early seventeenth Century. After that, the style is more and more clear, deep understanding of nature, so that he will be on the morphology, space and motion sensitive feeling into the painting. He travels around 1650. He also painted some of the falls. "The Jewish cemetery", "wheat", expressed his heroic style, is the most dramatic and poetic works, indicates that in nineteenth Century the romantic western landscape painting. In 1657, he lived in Amsterdam, a total of more than and 500 landscapes created. But a life of poverty, unknown to the public, finally died in March 14, 1682 of relief hospital, and was buried in harlem.