杨子华,北齐画家,擅画人物、宫苑、车马等,曾任直阁将军、员外散骑常侍。 是北齐世祖高湛的爱臣,北齐世祖时(561年~565年)任直阁将军、员外散骑常侍。善画贵族人物、宫苑、车马,所画马尤其生动逼真,据传他在壁上所画马甚至引起观者夜间听到马索水草而嘶鸣的幻觉。时有“画圣”之称。北齐世祖使其供职宫廷,非有诏不得与外人画,成为专门的御用画家。他所画人物形象丰满圆润,有别于顾恺之的“秀滑清丽”,他的画风影响到唐代,具有承前启后的历史地位。 杨子华也向被认为是牡丹圣手,苏轼面对牡丹曾发出浩叹:“丹青欲写倾城色,世上今无杨子华。
画中人物其神情均极生动。此图用笔细劲流动,细节描写神情精微。设色简易标美。画中人物的特征,已不同于顾、张等人的秀骨清象,人物面孔都呈鹅蛋形,与出土的娄叡墓壁画相吻合。因为他善于画壁画,所以有人把1979年出土的北齐娄叡墓的壁画推测为他的手笔。唐代阎立本评其画曰:“自像人以来,曲尽其妙,简易标美,多不可减,少不可逾,其唯子华乎!” 《北齐校书图》
Yang Zihua is a painter of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He is good at drawing characters, palaces, horses and chariots. He was a general of Zhige and a regular servant of scattered riders. He was the love Minister of Gao Zhan, the ancestor of the Northern Qi Dynasty (561-565), who served as a general of the Zhige and a regular servant of scattered horsemen. The paintings of noble figures, palaces, carriages and horses are particularly vivid and lifelike. It is said that his paintings of horses on the murals even arouse the illusion that the viewers can hear the neighing of Marceau's water plants at night. Sometimes it is called "painting saint". The ancestors of the Northern Qi Dynasty made him serve in the court. He could not draw with foreigners without an imperial edict and became a special imperial painter. His paintings are full and mellow, which is different from Gu Kaizhi's "elegant, smooth and beautiful". His painting style influenced the Tang Dynasty and has a historical status of connecting the past with the future. Yang Zihua is also regarded as the sage of peony. Su Shi once said to peony, "Danqing wants to write about the city, there is no Yang Zihua in the world today."
Yang Zihua has painted many murals in Chang'an and other places, but they have disappeared to this day. There is only one volume of the Northern Qi School Drawings (now hidden in the Boston Museum of the United States) handed down by Song Lin, which is the only scroll painting we can see today by Yang Shi.
The Song Dynasty copy of the Northern Qi School of Calligraphy is 29.3 centimeters in length and 122.7 centimeters in breadth. This volume depicts the history of the Five Classics collected by 11 people, including Emperor Wen Xuan, Emperor Gao Yang, Fanxun, and scholar Gao Ganhe, in the seven years of Tianbao in the Northern Qi Dynasty (556). According to the inscriptions and postscripts of the Song Dynasty, Yang Zihua's works were originally painted in ink and wash, with a juvenile standing side by side, holding Scriptures for reading; a scholar sitting in a chair holding pens and writing with two attendants holding paper inkstones; a man holding a scroll and two waitresses behind him. In the middle part of the couch, the two men wrote. As soon as the waiter turned around and talked to the Fuqin man, the two waitresses behind the couch stood up with several pianos and pots in each of the three waitresses at the side of the couch. There are two horses in the scroll-tail painting, one with a whip in his hand, two with a horse, and one with a horse like a Westerner.
The characters in the painting are very vivid. This picture flows vigorously with a pen, describing the exquisite expression in detail. Simple and elegant coloring. The characteristics of the characters in the painting are different from those of Gu and Zhang. Their faces are oval-shaped, which coincides with the unearthed murals of Lou Rui's tomb. Because he is good at painting murals, some people speculate that the murals unearthed in 1979 from Lou Rui Tomb in Northern Qi Dynasty are his handwriting. Yan Liben commented on his paintings in the Tang Dynasty and said, "Since the time of self-portrait people, they have done their best, simple and elegant, more irreducible, less insurmountable, and their only son is brilliant!" "Schools and Drawings of the Northern Qi Dynasty"
Shizu served as a general in the Zhige at that time. Taste the horse on the barrier and listen to the long hoofs sounding like water grass at night. Tulong Yu Su, Shujuan Yun glorious gathering. The forefathers attached great importance to it, so that the name of the world in the forest was "Painting Saint". If there is no imperial edict, you can't draw with foreigners. Sometimes, there are princes who are good at chess and have a clear mind. They are called "two absolute qualities". Yan Libenyun: "Since the self-image people, the music is wonderful, simple and elegant, more irreducible, less incomprehensible, its only son Huayu?" There are golden statues of Dendrobium Law, Qi Guiqi's Tour Garden, Palace Garden Character Screen, Hundred Opera in Euphorbia, Lion Mao Tu and passed on to the generations. The paintings include the official edition of the Sui Dynasty, "Golden Statue of the Dendrobium Law", "Tour Garden of the Northern Qi Dynasty's Guiqi", "Travel of Yiwei", "Personal Screen of the Palace Court", "A Hundred Lions in Yezhong Drama". It is recorded in the History of Zhenguan Public and Private Paintings. His murals are found in Xuansi Temple and Yongfu Temple in Yezhong, Chang'an, etc.