王明明,国务院参事室原副主任,1952年5月4日生于北京,山东蓬莱人。 自幼酷爱绘画,儿童时代的作品曾到三十几个国家展出,曾获世界儿童画比赛特等奖、一等奖。1978年考入中央工艺美院未入学,同年调入北京绘画院从事专业创作。 中国文学艺术界联合会第十届全委会委员。
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现为国家一级美术师、北京市文化局党组成员、副局长,北京市美术家协会主席,中国美术家协会副主席、北京市美术系列高级职称评委会副主任、北京市人大代表。全国政协委员,政协第十一届全国委员会常务委员。华夏艺术网 已经为其开设名家专题。
1958年 《西游记》获印度国际比赛奖。作品到比利时、印度、阿根廷、荷兰等地展出。
1959年 作品送朝鲜、澳大利亚等地展出。
1960年 《人民公社好》获澳大利亚世界儿童画比赛最佳绘画一等奖。
1961年 作品送索马里、日本、古巴、意大利、香港展出。
1962年 《北京焰火晚会》获罗马尼亚世界儿童比赛特等奖。作品送日本、苏联、法国等地展出。
1963年 《暑假过队日》获全国儿童比赛一等奖。
1964年 作品送香港等地展出。
1965年 作品送日本、朝鲜、法国展出。
1969年 进入手扶拖拉机厂当工人。同时进行素描速写、色彩等基本功练习。
1972年 创作版面《出厂》参加北京市美展。
1973年 合作《春雨》参加全国美展。
1974年 创作国画、版画参加北京市美展。
1975年 作品参加北京市美展,北京市工人美展,其中包括国画、版画、习作、连环画。并到京郊写生,收集素材。
1976年 版画、插图作品参加北京市美展。
1977年 两幅国画参加北京市美展。
1978年 考取中央工艺美院,未入学,十月调入北京画院 任专业画家。赴河南太行山写生。
1979年 赴甘南藏区,山东渔村写生,收集素材。
1980年 《杜甫》获北京优秀作品甲等奖,<;北京画院收藏>;。《丝绸之路》参加全国美展。《陶渊明》赴日本展出。赴四川写生。
1981年 《杨青棵》参加北京画院、上海画院联展,并获北京市优秀品 三等奖。赴安阳四人联展。赴江西、湖南写生。加入全国美协。
1982年 创作《招魂》参加北京画院、日本南画院。《北京-京都展》作品到加拿大展出。赴烟台讲学、举办四人联展。
1983年 代表中国青年画家赴法国参加《全国中青年画展》开幕,并同法国画家进行学术交流。创作《瑰宾》获北京市优秀作品二等奖,北京市美协收藏。到太行山写生。
1984年 创作《晨曲》参加全国美展,评为全国美展优秀作品。北京市优秀作品荣誉奖,北京美协收藏。作品到新加坡、香港、日本展出。
1985年 十五人联展,中国美术馆收藏《唐人诗意》。北京展、香港展。新加坡举办个展。当选全国美协理事。
1986年 赴新加坡举办个展业并讲学。《空谷幽居》获日本现代水墨八六年优秀奖。《夏日》获北京市优秀作品奖,北京美协收藏。作品到马来西亚、加拿大、日本、香港展出。
1987年 创作《苗乡夜话》参加北京画院三十周年展。参加蒙特卡洛国际美展。四幅作品参加美国丹佛博物院举办的中国画展。《盛夏》获北京市优秀作品奖。北京美协收藏。任北京画院艺术室主任、艺术委员会副主任。北京画院聘为二级美术师。1988年 代表中国青年画家赴香港举办《全国中青年画家展》并讲学《秋获》获北京市优秀作品奖。北京美协收藏。《曹雪芹》参加国际水墨画展,获优秀作品奖。
1989年 南韩汉城举办个展并出版个人画集,台湾台北市举办个展并出版画集。《瑞雪》获北京市优秀作品奖。北京美协收藏。《苗乡三月》赴苏联展览。
1991年 香港举办个人画展并出版大型画集。
1992年 《祈祷》参加北京市美展,评为北京市优秀作品参加全国美展。
1993年 赴日本参加东京“美山慈光美术馆 ”。参加香港举办“十杰”艺术展。参加香港举办“三峡风情展”开幕式。北京画院聘为一级美术师。
1994年 参加马来西亚国际水墨画研讨会。
1995年 新加坡文物馆举办王明明画展并出版大型画集。《东坡闲居图》菲律宾国家艺术委员会收藏。《秋泉雅集图》长卷被大华银行收藏。
1996年 老师周思聪云逝。《苗乡夜话》赴韩参加展览。并出版画集。
1997年 香港崇光百货举办“王明明精品展”。推荐为北京市海外联谊会理事。十二月任北京画院艺委会主任,当选为北京市第十一届人民代表大会代表。
1998年 一月当选为第九届全国政协委员。九月参加全国美术家代表大会,当选全国美协理事。十月邀请为香港中文大学驻校艺术家,并讲学。十二月香港大会堂举办“王明明艺术作品展”。
Is now a national level artist, Party members, Beijing Municipal Cultural Bureau deputy director, chairman of Beijing Artists Association, vice chairman of Beijing Artists Association, Chinese art series of senior judges, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal People's congress. CPPCC National Committee, standing committee of the Eleventh CPPCC National committee. China art network has opened its famous topic.
In March 1969, former Beijing tractor factory, Beijing painters, vice president, executive vice president, dean.
September 2000 Beijing cultural bureau Party members, deputy director, in charge of the city's art work.
In January 2010, he served as deputy director of the State Department counselor.
April 2011 was appointed as counsellor of the state council.
April 2015 will no longer serve as deputy director of the office of the Counselors'Office of the state council.
Wang Mingming made a lot of creative works in recent years, a wide range of subjects, like writing. He sought to transparent tradition, emphasizing the charm, the literati painting tranquil beauty and modern sense of blending with the traditional pen and ink spirit and life depth blending with fresh air. Masterpieces such as "Du Fu", "evocation" and "Maitan Weng", "religious", "Miao", March "Linquan Kao" and other works to leave an unforgettable impression. Through the works of ink, color splash, work and write, dynamic and static, Chinese painting with point line surface Xian wanton performance fine, will bring people to dream and the reality of the situation. Works participated in the national large-scale exhibition. Works repeatedly participated in the national large-scale exhibition, eye-catching, won the peer recognition and praise. Wang Mingming has held an exhibition and lecture in Singapore, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, Canada, a great impact.
1958 "journey to the west" won the India international competition award. Works to Belgium, India, Argentina, Holland and other places on display.
1959 works to North Korea, Australia and other places on display.
1960 "good people's commune" won the world children's painting competition in Australia best painting award.
1961 works to Somalia, Japan, Cuba, Italy, Hongkong exhibition.
In 1962 the "Beijing fireworks" by the Romania children's world grand prize contest. Works to Japan, the Soviet Union, France and other places on display.
1963 "summer day" won the first prize of the National Children's game.
1964 works to show in Hongkong and other places.
1965 works to Japan, Korea, France exhibition.
In 1969 to enter the tractor factory when the workers. At the same time, color sketch sketch of the basic training.
In 1972 the creation of "factory" layout in Beijing City Art exhibition.
1973 "spring" in the national art exhibition.
In 1974 the creation of Chinese painting, printmaking art exhibition in Beijing city.
1975 works in the Beijing city art exhibition, Beijing city workers art exhibition, including painting, printmaking, writing, comics. And to the suburbs of Beijing painting, collecting material.
1976 prints, illustrations in the Beijing art exhibition.
In 1977 two Chinese painting exhibition in Beijing city.
In 1978 admitted to the Central Academy of fine arts, not in school, October transferred to the Beijing art academy as a professional painter. Go to Taihang Mountain Henan painting.
In 1979 he went to Gannan and Tibet, Shandong village sketch, collect material.
1980 "Du Fu" won the first-class prize of excellent works of Beijing, Beijing Academy of painting > <. "Silk Road" in the national art exhibition. Tao Yuanming goes to Japan for exhibition. Go to Sichuan to sketch.
1981 "Yang Qingke" in the Beijing art gallery, Shanghai art exhibition, and won the third-prize excellent products in Beijing city. Four exhibition in Anyang. To go to Hunan, Jiangxi painting. Join the national association.
In 1982 the creation of the "evocation" in Beijing art academy, southern Japan academy. "Beijing Kyoto Exhibition" works on display in canada. To give lectures in Yantai, held four exhibitions.
1983 on behalf of Chinese young artists went to France to attend the "National Youth Art Exhibition" opening, and academic exchanges with the French painter. The creation of "guests" Rose won the two prize of excellent works of Beijing City, Beijing City Artists Association of. Sketching from Taihang Mountain.
In 1984 the creation of "morning song" in the national art exhibition, named the national art exhibition of outstanding works. The excellent works of Beijing Artists Association of Beijing awards. Works to Singapore, Hongkong, Japan exhibition.
1985 fifteen exhibition, China Art Museum collection "Tang poetry". Beijing exhibition, Hongkong exhibition. Singapore holds a solo exhibition. Elected to the national artists association.
1986 went to Singapore to hold a lecture and Exhibition industry. "Valley and" won the Japan modern ink painting 86 years of excellence award. "Summer" won the prize of excellent works of Beijing City, Beijing Meixie collection. Works to Malaysia, Canada, Japan, Hongkong exhibition.
In 1987 the creation of "Miao talk" in Beijing art academy thirty anniversary exhibition. In Monte Carlo International Art exhibition. Four works in the exhibition organized by the Denver Museum Chinese. "Midsummer" won the Beijing outstanding works award. Beijing Meixie collection. Director of the Academy of art in Beijing, deputy director of art committee. Beijing academy hired two artists. 1988 on behalf of China young artists went to Hongkong organized the "National Youth Artist Exhibition" and won the "lecture" autumn awarded as the excellent works of Beijing. Beijing Meixie collection. Cao Xueqin participated in international ink painting exhibition, won outstanding works award.
1989 South Korea exhibition held in Seoul and Taiwan in Taipei City, his personal collections, exhibitions and published. "Snow" won the prize of excellent works of Beijing city. Beijing Meixie collection. "Miao" in March to the former Soviet Union exhibition.
In 1991 Hongkong held personal exhibitions and published a large collection.
1992 "prayer" in Beijing city art exhibition, named the outstanding works of Beijing city in the national art exhibition.
1993 Went to Japan to participate in the "Tokyo Meishan ciguang art museum". In Hongkong held a "Shijie" art exhibition. Hongkong to participate in the "Three Gorges style exhibition" opening ceremony. Beijing Academy of painting, first class artist named.
1994 Malaysia international ink painting seminar.
1995 Singapore Museum held the Wang Mingming exhibition and published a large collection. "Dongpo Philippines map" homebound National Arts Council collection. "Long autumn spring Aristo map" by UOB collection.
1996 teacher Zhou Sicong cloud died. "People talk" to Korea to participate in the exhibition. And publishing the album.
1997 Hongkong SOGO held the "exhibition of Wang Mingming". Director of Beijing Overseas Friendship association. In December the Beijing Academy of Arts Council director, was elected to the Beijing Municipal People's Congress eleventh.
January 1998 was elected to the Ninth CPPCC National committee. In September the National Congress was elected to the national artists, artists association. October invited to Chinese University Hong Kong in the school of artists, and lectures. Wang Mingming art exhibition held in Hongkong City Hall in December".
September 2000 painter Wang Mingming Beijing municipal cultural bureau Party members, deputy director, in charge of the city's art work.
In January 2010 the painter Wang Mingming was appointed deputy director of the State Department counselor.
April 2011 was appointed as counsellor of the state council.
For the love of art, from Wang Mingming to the traditional learning things very much, his most love the four, Shi Tao, eight, and Ren, Wu Changshuo, he is widely read and absorb their nutrients, the impact of these techniques on his painters are very large. For example, he said, painting "Lanting Pavilion" in order, we must first study the history of the artist is how to draw this theme, so after his field trips to Lanting Pavilion, he wanted to own personal feelings and how to learn from the ancient painters where things to integrate into their own picture of style, this is one of his the main creation process. He felt that a painter must study the laws of his predecessors and the success of the various factors, and then determine how to absorb these things.
Not from a combination of absorption of traditional style, from writing hard to understand, it should be a painter, become a kind of "sublimation". Style is the painter according to nature to their feelings, their own literary foundation naturally formed, rather than some kind of mechanical reproduction. So Wang Mingming stressed that artists should not blindly pursue "unique" style, if you pursue this extremely unique style, it will be in your creation into a shell, finally will become an obstacle to the development of their true style. He said, we draw a lot of problems, that is, we want to pay attention to techniques, attention to tradition, but was bound by many traditional techniques. Wang Mingming in the review of history outstanding painters inherited style, these pictures of the artist looks and previous similar, but is actually not the previous style, he has his own understanding of things, so he can make another era of a new style, new style: to create the new style of the people, must be on a style most in-depth understanding, he understood the previous things, and not be bound by previous. But the outstanding painter why can't be bound by previous? Why have many artists will not jump out? Wang Mingming thinks that a successful painter must have two Kung Fu: one is to further the traditional martial arts, the second is his strong feelings on the reality, to be reflected by the superb modeling ability two, this effort is indispensable. For example, the painter does not have other abilities, no personal feelings, only copying ability, and that he would fall into the circle; in turn, the painter has personal feelings and modeling capabilities, but did not absorb the China tradition of painting, his pen and ink in only one level, it is difficult to develop. Only when an artist has such two abilities can he freely enter the tradition. With the capacity of the two artists to deeply study the essence of Chinese slowly year by year painting, different ages for the traditional Chinese painting is not the same understanding, the text is also shown is not the same, to a certain extent will be showing their own unique features.