2022年3月,纽约苏富比将于亚洲艺术周举行三场中国艺术拍卖,包括「艺萃流芳:吴权博士藏珍」、「中国艺术珍品」及「博古五千」网上拍卖,涵盖多个艺术品类,尽现千年璀璨文明,敬请藏家拭目以待。艺萃流芳:吴权博士藏珍吴权博士雅蓄是最全面的中国艺藏之一,广涵四千年中国艺术文化,类别囊括瓷器、玉雕、青铜器及书画等。「艺萃流芳:吴权博士藏珍(第一部分)」现场拍卖将于3月22日在纽约举锤。继纽约之后,拍卖系列将于 2022 年陆续在香港及伦敦举行,横跨三地。本次在纽约率先亮相的逾一百四十件吴权博士雅藏,皆为各门类上乘珍品,蕴藏着一段段华夏文明的历史。西周末 / 春秋初 戴叔朕鼎估价:100,000-150,000 美元宽 36 公分中国艺术珍品本次纽约亚洲艺术周「中国艺术珍品」拍卖继往佳绩为广大藏家诚献各类雅藏佳器。领衔拍品包括西周末虢季氏子组壶、明宣德青花云龙纹钵及现时所知年代最久远的华人摄影师作品——上海丽昌照相号僧格林沁肖像照(1853年)等。更多精品如一组Speed艺术博物馆藏中国玉器珍品及巴里・马克林先生(Mr Barry MacLean)收藏之中国高古青铜器。虢季氏子组壶西周末 公元前九世纪末或八世纪 虢季氏子组壶估价:800,000-1,200,000 美元高 42.5 公分Speed艺术博物馆藏中国玉器珍品路易斯维尔市Speed艺术博物馆乃美国肯塔基州最古老、规模最大之博物馆。该馆由 Hattie Bishop Speed(1858-1942 年)于 1927 年成立,以纪念其丈夫 James Breckinridge Speed(1844-1912 年),经过多年发展,现时珍藏来自世界各地之艺术精品。其馆藏中国艺术品之主要捐赠者包括 William H. 及 Sophia H.(1912-2001年)Harrison 伉俪以及Preston Pope Satterwhite(1867-1948年)医生,后者亦为十五至十七世纪法国及意大利装饰艺术品收藏大家,乃博物馆之重要捐赠人。清乾隆 黄玉仿古龙首觥估价:60,000-80,000 美元高 16.1 公分博古五千苏富比中国艺术品部为您诚献「博古五千」网拍系列(原纽约「博古:亚洲艺术珍品」),拍卖涵盖逾190件佳品珍玩,包括陶瓷器、青铜器、玉器及各类艺术精品。亮点拍品包括一组来自美国东海岸私人收藏之鼻烟壶,Speed艺术博物馆释出之瓷杂雅藏,以及出自一纽约私人收藏之陶瓷佳器等。网拍将于3月18日开放竞拍,3月29日美东时间早9时半开始截拍,敬请各位藏家雅鉴拾珍。
In March 2022, Sotheby's in New York will hold three Chinese art auctions at the Asian art week, including "art highlights: Dr. Wu Quan's treasures", "Chinese art treasures" and "bogu5000" online auctions, covering a number of art categories and showing the splendid civilization of the millennium. Please wait and see. Art highlights: Dr. Wu Quan's collection is one of the most comprehensive collections of Chinese art. It covers 4000 years of Chinese art and culture, including porcelain, jade carving, bronzes, calligraphy and painting. "Art highlights: Dr. Wu Quan's collection of treasures (Part I)" will be auctioned live in New York on March 22. Following New York, the auction series will be held in Hong Kong and London in 2022, spanning three places. The more than 140 elegant collections of Dr. Wu Quan first appeared in New York this time are all excellent treasures of various categories, containing a period of history of Chinese civilization. Valuation of Dai Shuzhen Ding at the Western weekend / early spring and Autumn: US $100000-150000, 36 cm wide Chinese art treasures. The auction of "Chinese art treasures" at the Asian Art Week in New York has continued to make good achievements and sincerely offer all kinds of elegant collections for collectors. The leading products include the Guo Ji's sub group pot at the Western weekend, the blue and white cloud dragon bowl in Xuande of the Ming Dynasty, and the portrait of monk greenqin (1853), the oldest known work of a Chinese photographer - Shanghai Lichang photography. More boutiques include a set of Chinese jade treasures collected by the speed Art Museum and Chinese high ancient bronzes collected by Mr Barry MacLean. Guo Ji's sub group pot West weekend valuation of Guo Ji's sub group pot at the end of the ninth century or the eighth century BC: US $800000-1200000, 42.5cm high. The speed Art Museum collects Chinese jade treasures. The speed Art Museum in Louisville is the oldest and largest museum in Kentucky. The museum was founded by Hattie bishop speed (1858-1942) in 1927 to commemorate her husband James Breckinridge speed (1844-1912). After years of development, it now treasures fine art from all over the world. The main donors of its collection of Chinese art include William H. and Sophia h. (1912-2001) Harrison and his wife and Dr. Preston Pope satterwhite (1867-1948). The latter is also a great collector of decorative art in France and Italy from the 15th to 17th centuries and is an important donor of the museum. Qing Qianlong Topaz imitation ancient dragon first wine Valuation: US $60000-80000, 16.1 cm high. Sotheby's Chinese Art Department sincerely presents you the "bogu5000" online auction series (formerly "Bogu: Asian art treasures" in New York). The auction covers more than 190 pieces of high-quality treasures, including ceramics, bronzes, jade and various art boutiques. Highlights of the auction include a set of snuff bottles from the private collection of the east coast of the United States, the elegant collection of porcelain released by the speed Art Museum, as well as excellent ceramic ware from a private collection in New York. The online auction will be open on March 18. The auction will be stopped at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time on March 29. Please pick up your treasures.