多索.多西Dosso Dossi(1490年——1542年),意大利画家。
西出生在还是圣乔凡尼德尔尼日尔,一个村在省的曼图亚。他早期的培训和生活不是有据可查的;他的父亲,原本的特兰托是一个会计员的公爵(spenditore或fattore)费拉拉。他可能有本地培训洛伦佐科斯塔或在曼图亚,大家都知道他已经在1512年。到1514年,他将开始为公爵三十年的服务阿方索我和Ercole II·德校长,成为法院的艺术家。尼日尔工作经常和他的兄弟巴蒂斯塔Dossi曾在罗马车间的训练拉斐尔。公爵的作品他创作了包括家具的短暂的装饰品和戏剧集。他一起工作il Garofalo在Costabilipolyptych。他的一个学生乔凡尼Francesco Surchi(il Dielai)。
这幅画的franco rollo曾经研究埃涅阿斯在极乐世界是d 'Alabstro阿方索我在埃斯特城堡,装饰着油画描绘酒神节和情爱主题包括神的盛宴乔凡尼贝里尼和金星崇拜的提香。弗里兹作品是基于埃涅阿斯记,这一幕被西书6还是第709 - 635行,埃涅阿斯是在桥上引导极乐世界由Cumaean预言家.俄耳甫斯在森林里掠过弹琴、唱歌,在后台的鬼马死去的战士。
赫拉克勒斯和俾格米人,赫拉克勒斯击败后已经睡着了吗安泰的军队,将拇指大小的俾格米人,他失败。他收集在狮子的皮肤。画作描绘一个强大的大力神通常为then-ruler杜克Ercole II·德。神话的主题场景和土八该隐是未知的。
青年的画像,唯一确认的画像Lucrezia博尔吉亚多索·多西(1514 - 1516),还是在的维多利亚国家美术馆.
在他的学生中有费拉拉Gabriele天使细面,雅格布Panicciati,乔凡尼Francesco Surchi.[5]
Dossi was born in San Giovanni del Dosso, a village in the province of Mantua. His early training and life is not well documented; his father, originally of Trento, was a bursar (spenditore or fattore) for the Dukes of Ferrara. He may have had training locally with Lorenzo Costa or in Mantua, where he is known to have been in 1512. By 1514, he would begin three decades of service for dukes Alfonso I andErcole II d'Este, becoming principal court artist. Dosso worked frequently with his brother Battista Dossi, who had trained in the Roman workshop of Raphael. The works he produced for the dukes included the ephemeral decorations of furniture and theater sets. He is known to have worked alongside il Garofalo in the Costabili polyptych. One of his pupils was Giovanni Francesco Surchi (il Dielai).
Dosso Dossi is known less for his naturalism or attention to design, and more for cryptic allegorical conceits in paintings around mythological themes, a favored subject for the humanist Ferrarese court (see also Cosimo Tura and the decoration of the Palazzo Schifanoia). Freedberg uses the term sprezzatura to refer to the style of Dossi's caricature-like, primitivist, and eccentric distortions of proportion. Dossi is also known for the atypical choices of bright pigment for his cabinet pieces. Some of his works, such as the Deposition have lambent qualities that suggest some of Correggio's works. Most of his works feature Christian and Ancient Greek themes and use oil painting as a medium.
The painting Aeneas in the Elysian Fields was part of the Camerino d'Alabstro of Alfonso I in the Este Castle, decorated with canvases depicting bacchanalia and erotic subjects including Feast of the Gods by Giovanni Bellini and Venus Worshipby Titian. The frieze paintings were based on the Aeneid; this scene by Dossi is book 6, lines 635-709, wherein Aeneas is guided over the bridge into the Elysian Fields by the Cumaean Sibyl. Orpheus with the lyre flits in the forest; in the background are the ghostly horses of dead warriors.
In Hercules and the Pygmies, Hercules has fallen asleep after defeating Antaeus, and is set upon by an army of thumb-size pygmies, whom he defeats. He gathers them in his lion skin. Paintings depicting a powerful Hercules were commonly made for the then-ruler Duke Ercole II d'Este. The subjects of the Mythological Scene and Tubalcain are unknown.
Recently, "Portrait of a Youth" at the National Gallery of Victoria, the mysterious portrait of an unknown subject by an unknown painter, has been identified as a portrait of the infamous Lucrezia Borgia by Dosso Dossi.
In Ferrara, among his pupils were Gabriele Capellini, Jacopo Panicciati, and Giovanni Francesco Surchi.[5]