巴拉,Balla, Giocomo(1871~1958),意大利画家,未来主义思潮的创始人之一。巴拉是一位抒情画家,其名作有《街灯——光的习作》、《拴着皮带的狗》、《雨燕的飞行》、《悲观与乐观》等。他倡导绘画艺术的同时性原则,通过同时描写某一活动中的物体的各个侧面来表现物体的运动。强调旋律、光与色的抽象处理。作品的特点是用色和形为基础的抽象符号,表现运动、速度和力量。
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在巴黎学画时深受新印象派影响。1901年定居罗马,逐渐接受米兰诗人菲立普·马里内蒂的影响。1910年与意大利其他美术家联名发表《 未来主义绘画技法宣言》,号召以美术为武器摧毁旧的社会和文化秩序。
Studies in Paris influenced deeply by Neo Impressionist influence. Settled in Rome in 1901, gradually accepted the influence of the Milan poet Philip Marinetti. In 1910, with other artists in Italy issued a joint declaration "and" futurist painting techniques, appeal to art as the weapon to destroy the old social and cultural order.
Barak is a lyric painter, or a "light - light practice", "a dog on a leash", "Yu Yan", "flying" such as optimism and pessimism. He advocated the simultaneous principle of painting art, and at the same time to describe the movement of objects in the various objects in a certain activity. Emphasizing the abstract treatment of melody, light and color. The characteristic of the work is the abstract symbol, which is based on color and shape.
During the first World War, a large area of simple color plane was used to compose, but gradually returned to the traditional style.