多梅尼科Domenico Feti(1589年——1623年)是一个意大利巴洛克式的主要在画家一直活跃罗马,曼图亚和威尼斯.
出生在罗马一个鲜为人知的画家,Pietro Fetti,Domenico据说最初在当过学徒卢多维Cigoli,或者他的学生安德里亚Commodi在罗马从大约1604 - 1613。然后,他在曼图亚从1613年到1622年,由红衣主教光顾,以后杜克·我贡扎加。在公爵的宫殿,他画了面包和鱼的奇迹。新约的一系列表示比喻他进行他的赞助人studiolo引发了一个受欢迎的专业,他和他的工作室经常重复他的作品。
他的绘画风格似乎是受到鲁本斯。他很可能会继续找到优秀的赞助在威尼斯在1623年或1624年他没有死。简·利斯河八岁,但他抵达威尼斯几乎同时,死于瘟疫的1629 - 30。随后,Fetti的风格会影响到威尼斯人德拉Pietro维基亚和塞巴斯蒂安。马佐尼。他的学生在曼图亚弗朗西斯科·贝尔纳迪(il Bigolaro)和Dionisio Guerri.
Born in Rome to a little-known painter, Pietro Fetti, Domenico is said to have apprenticed initially under Ludovico Cigoli, or his pupil Andrea Commodi in Rome from circa 1604–1613. He then worked in Mantua from 1613 to 1622, patronized by the Cardinal, later Duke Ferdinando I Gonzaga. In the Ducal Palace, he painted the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. The series of representations of New Testament parables he carried out for his patron's studiolo gave rise to a popular specialty, and he and his studio often repeated his compositions.
In August or September 1622 his feuds with some prominent Mantuans led him to move to Venice, which for the first few decades of the seventeenth century had persisted in sponsoring Mannerist styles (epitomized by Palma the Younger and the successors ofTintoretto and Veronese). Into this mix, in the 1620s–30s, three "foreigners"—Fetti and his younger contemporaries Bernardo Strozzi and Jan Lys—breathed the first influences of Roman Baroque style. They adapted some of the rich coloration of Venice but adapted it to Caravaggio-influenced realism and monumentality.
In Venice, where he remained despite pleas from the Duke to return to Mantua, Fetti changed his style: his formalized painting style became more colorful. In addition, he devoted attention to smaller cabinet pieces that adapt genre imaging to religious stories. His group of paintings entitled Parables, which represent New Testament scenes, are at the Dresden Gemäldegalerie. He influenced Leonaert Bramer.
His painting style appears to have been influenced by Rubens. He would likely have continued to find excellent patronage in Venice had he not died there in 1623 or 1624.Jan Lys, eight years younger, but who had arrived in Venice nearly contemporaneously, died during the plague of 1629–30. Subsequently, Fetti's style would influence the Venetians Pietro della Vecchia and Sebastiano Mazzone. His pupils in Mantua wereFrancesco Bernardi (il Bigolaro) and Dionisio Guerri.