阿道夫 · 德诺伊维尔Alphonse de Neuville(1853年5月31日—1885年5月18日),法国画家。
阿道夫 · 德诺伊维尔(1835年5月31日- 1885年5月18日)是一个法国学术画家研究下尤金·德拉克洛瓦。他戏剧性的和强烈的爱国主题说明集普法战争,克里米亚战争,祖鲁战争和肖像的士兵。他的一些作品已经收集的赫米蒂奇博物馆在圣彼得堡和大都会博物馆在纽约.
出生Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe Deneuville有钱的父母Saint-Omer,加莱海峡,获得了学位bachelier es-lettres,尽管家人反对,他进入(1856)海军学院洛里昂,在那里,他的艺术本能开始。
他的全功率达到后普法战争1870 - 71年。法国的反应是长期的复仇主义:一个深层次的痛苦,仇恨和报复德国的需求,尤其是阿尔萨斯和洛林的损失。绘画,强调了屈辱的失败是在高需求,如“间谍”地区。
1881年,他的官军团肯墓地的Saint-Privat Despatch-bearer和“匈奴人沙龙餐厅之战”。这些年Neuville一起工作爱德华Detaille然而在一个重要的艺术作品,Rezonville的全景。地区死于巴黎1885年5月18日。在销售的国家购买他的作品宫殿du卢森堡到处游荡,攻击封锁的房子,用水彩谈判,绘图的阿尔及利亚士兵战斗修剪。
Alphonse de Neuville (31 May 1835 – 18 May 1885) was a French Academic painter who studied under Eugène Delacroix. His dramatic and intensely patriotic subjects illustrated episodes from the Franco-Prussian War, the Crimean War, the Zulu War and portraits of soldiers. Some of his works have been collected by the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg and by the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
Born Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe Deneuville to wealthy parents at Saint-Omer, Pas-de-Calais, earned his degree of bachelier ès-lettres, and in spite of family opposition, he entered (1856) the naval school at Lorient; it was there that his artistic instincts started.
He was discouraged by several painters of repute, but he was admitted to work in the studio of François-Edouard Picot; he did not remain there long. He was painting by himself when he produced his first picture, The Fifth Battalion of Chasseurs at the Gervais Battery(Malakoff). In 1860 Neuville painted an Episode of the taking of Naples by Garibaldi for the Artists' Club in the rue de Provence, and sent it to the Paris Salon in 1861 The Guard Chasseurs in the Trenches of the Mamelon Vert.
He participated in illustrating the Hetzel editions of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. He also illustrated Le Tour du monde andGuizot's History of France. At the same time he painted a number of remarkable pictures: The Attack in the Streets of Magenta by Zouaves and the Light Horse (1864), A Zouave Sentinel (1865), The Battle of San Lorenzo (1867), and Dismounted Cavalry crossing the Tchernaia(1869). In these he showed peculiar insight into military life.
His full power was reached after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. The long-term French reaction was Revanchism: a deep sense of bitterness, hatred and demand for revenge against Germany, especially because of the loss of Alsace and Lorraine. Paintings that emphasized the humiliation of the defeat came in high demand, such as "the Spy" by de Neuville.
He then aimed at depicting in his works the episodes of that war, and began by representing the Bivouac before Le Bourget (1872). His fame spread rapidly, and was increased byThe Last Cartridges (1873), memorializing an episode involving the Blue Division of the French marines, in which it is easy to discern the vast difference between the conventional treatment of military subjects, as practised by Horace Vernet, and that of a man who had lived the life that he painted.
In 1874 the Fight on a Railroad was not less successful, and was followed by the Attack on a House at Villersexel (1875) and the Railway Bridge at Styring (1877). In 1878 the painter exhibited (not at the Great Exhibition) Le Bourget, the Surprise at Daybreak, The Intercepted Despatch-bearer, and a considerable number of drawings. He also exhibited in London some episodes of the Zulu War. Fifty thousand people paid to see his impression of The Defence of Rorke's Drift (1880), which the infant Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney paid a large sum to acquire.
In 1881 he was made an officer of the Légion d'honneur for The Cemetery of Saint-Privat and The Despatch-bearer and the "Huns in the Battle of Chalon". During these years Neuville was at work with Édouard Detaille on an important though less artistic work, The Panorama of Rézonville. Neuville died in Paris on May 18, 1885. At the sale of his works the state purchased for the Palais du Luxembourg the Bourget and the Attack on a Barricaded House, with a watercolor The Parley, and a drawing of a Turco in Fighting Trim.