皮埃尔.苏贝利亚斯(1699年11月25日- 1749年5月28日)是法国 画家。苏贝利亚斯出生于圣吉尔-迪加尔,法国。他离开法国在1728年,已经带走了法国科学院的大奖,其中携带奖学金学习罗马。在罗马,他画的选民萨克森州弗雷德里克基督徒,是“基督的参观法利赛人西门的家”。
苏贝利亚斯出生于圣吉尔-迪加尔,法国。他离开法国在1728年,已经带走了法国科学院的大奖,其中携带奖学金学习罗马。在罗马,他画的选民萨克森州弗雷德里克基督徒,是“基督的参观法利赛人西门的家”,[1] (后来被苏贝利亚斯自己刻),这项工作促成了他的允许进入著名的罗马艺术家协会,Accademia di圣·卢卡。
苏贝利亚斯显示了他那古怪的风格的照片,这是他在相当数量(卢浮宫)产生更大的个性。[2]在他的插图拉封丹和薄伽丘他的真正关系到现代出来; 他从自然的图纸常常令人钦佩(见在厚重的斗篷披一个人的一个大英博物馆)。
Subeili Elias was born in St. Giles - Gard, france. He left France in 1728, has taken the French Academy of Sciences prize, which carries a scholarship to study in Rome. In Rome, he painted the voters Isaacson, Frederic Christian, is "Christ's visit to Simon the Pharisee's house", [1] (later, his subeili moment), this work contributed to his permission to enter the famous Rome Artists Association, Accademia Di of St. Luca.
Get next to cardinal Valenti Gonzaga of Saint Basil and the emperor Valens for his command (also known as the [3] 's quality, it is executed in mosaic in St. Peter's. [4] another masterpiece is his paintings of Saint Lellis came to the rescue Kamiluode lesions in the Holy Spirit hospital. [5]
He was a very incisive portrait painter, as evident from the portrait of the Pope Benedict fourteen [6] or the obese cardinal Valenti Gonzaga. The Pope [7] personally directed the two great painting, "San Catherine's marriage" and "Camilla", the effective which he placed in his own private apartment.
Subeili, shows his strange style photos, this is he in the amount (Le Louvre Museum) have more personality. [2] in his illustrations of La Fontaine and Bio's real relationship to the modern; his drawings from nature are often admirable (see a man in a heavy cloak draped a British Museum).