皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿Pierre-Auguste Renoir(1841年2月25日——1919年12月3日)法国画家。印象画派成员之一。以油画著称,亦作雕塑和版画。早年当过徒工,画过陶瓷、扇子、窗帘等。对鲁本斯及法国18世纪绘画有较深的研究。在创作上能把传统画法与印象主义方法相结合,以鲜丽透明的色彩表现阳光与空气的颤动和明朗的气氛,独具风格。作品有《包厢》、《游船上的午餐》、《小玛高脱像》、《煎饼磨房的舞会》等。
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皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷诺阿出生在利摩日,上维埃纳省,法国,1841年他的父亲莱昂纳尔·雷诺阿,是温和的手段裁缝,所以在1844年,雷诺阿的家人在寻找更有利的前景移居巴黎。他们家的位置,在的Rue d'Argenteuil的中部巴黎,雷诺阿放置在靠近卢浮宫。虽然年轻雷诺阿有画图的自然倾向,他表现出对唱歌有较大的人才。他的天赋得到了老师的鼓励夏尔·古诺,谁是合唱团主在圣圣罗克教堂的时间。然而,由于家庭的财务情况,雷诺阿不得不中断他的音乐课,并在十三岁离开学校在追求一个学徒的瓷器工厂。
希望通过吸引肖像佣金,以确保生计,雷诺阿于1876年显示大部分人像在第二印象派画展他贡献了画更多样化明年当组提交了第三展区; 它们包括舞乐煎饼磨坊和秋千。雷诺阿并没有在第四或第五印象派的展览展示,而是重新提交他的作品沙龙。由19世纪70年代末,特别是他画成功后夫人夏邦杰和她的孩子在1879年的沙龙(1878年),雷诺阿是一个成功的时尚画家。
虽然生活和工作的蒙马特,雷诺阿采用苏珊瓦拉东作为一种模式,谁对他提出(大泳客,1884年至1887年;舞布吉瓦尔,1883)和许多他的画家; 那段时间她学习他们的技术,并最终成为当天的主要画家之一。
1890年,他娶了艾琳Victorine Charigot,谁,与一些艺术家的朋友们一起,已经担任过一个模型乐DEJEUNER Des Canotiers酒店(在船上的午宴 -她是在左边与狗玩女人)在1881年,和谁在一起,他已经有了一个孩子,皮埃尔,于1885年他结婚之后,雷诺阿画他的妻子和日常家庭生活,包括他们的孩子和他们的护士,艾琳的表弟的许多场景加布里埃尔勒纳尔。该雷诺阿有三个儿子:让·雷诺阿,谁成为一个值得注意的导演,皮埃尔·雷诺阿,谁成为舞台和电影演员,和克劳德·雷诺阿,谁成为一个陶瓷艺术家。
大约1892年,雷诺阿开发类风湿关节炎。1907年,他搬到了“莱斯Collettes,”一家农场的温暖的气候卡涅,靠近地中海沿岸。雷诺阿在过去的20年的生命画,甚至在他的关节炎严重限制了他的移动。他开发了他的手和进步畸形强直他的右肩膀,要求他改变他的绘画技巧。它经常被报道,他的关节炎晚期,他画由具有绑在他瘫痪的手指一刷,但是这是错误的; 雷诺阿仍然能够掌握一刷,虽然他需要一个助手把它拿在手里。他的双手绷带,在艺术家的照片,后期明显的包裹,有助于防止皮肤过敏。
他最初的绘画展现的colorism的影响欧仁·德拉克洛瓦和光度卡米耶柯罗。他也钦佩的现实主义库尔贝和马奈和他的早期作品就像他们在他使用的黑色作为颜色。雷诺阿欣赏埃德加·德加 “运动感。另一位画家雷诺阿十分钦佩的是18世纪的主人弗朗索瓦·布歇。
雷诺阿的早期工作和库尔贝的现实主义的影响的证据,一个很好的例子是戴安娜,1867年从表面上看神话主题,绘画是一种自然主义的工作室工作; 图仔细观察,扎扎实实地建模,并在一个人为的景观叠加。如果工作是一个“学生”一片,雷诺阿的女性感提高个人的反应存在。该模型是厉色Tréhot,艺术家的情妇当时和灵感为一些画作。
在19世纪60年代末,通过绘画的光与水的做法EN plein空气(室外),他和他的朋友莫奈发现阴影的颜色不是褐色或黑色,但是物体的反射色包围他们,效果今天被称为漫反射。几副画的存在,其中雷诺阿和莫奈曾并排侧,描绘同一场景(香格里拉Grenouillère两家,1869年)。
其中最知名的印象派作品是雷诺阿1876年在勒煎饼磨坊(舞蹈煎饼磨坊的舞会)。这幅画描绘了一个露天的场景,在上一个流行的舞蹈花园挤满了人蒙马特尔高地接近他住的地方。他早期成熟的作品是典型的现实生活中的印象派快照,全波光粼粼的色彩和光线。中期,19世纪80年代,然而,他已经与移动破碎到一个更严格的正式技术应用于人像和人物画,特别是妇女。这是意大利之旅在1881年,当他看到作品拉斐尔等文艺复兴时期的大师,这使他确信他是在错误的道路上,并在未来数年里,他在一个更严重的风格画,企图返回古典。注意力集中在他的绘画,并强调数字的轮廓,他画的作品,如大型泳客 ;(1884年至1887年费城艺术博物馆在什么有时被称为他的“)安格尔时期”。
1890年后,他又改变了方向。要解散的轮廓,在他的早期作品,他回到稀薄地刷颜色。从这一时期起,他专注于巨大的裸体和国内的场面,这美好的例子是在钢琴的女孩,1892年,和GRANDES Baigneuses,1887年后者的画是最典型的,成功的雷诺阿的后期,丰富充实的裸体。
Pierre Auguste Renoir was born in Limoges, Haute Vienne, France, in 1841 his father Lionel Renoir, is a tailor means moderate, so in 1844, Renoir's family moved to Paris for more favorable prospects. Their home location, in the Rue d'Argenteuil in central Paris, Renoir is placed near Le Louvre museum. Although young Renoir had a natural tendency to paint, he showed great talent for singing. His talent was encouraged by the teacher, Charles Cournot, who was the choir master at the San san. However, due to the financial situation of the family, Renoir had to interrupt his music class, and at the age of thirteen to leave the school in the pursuit of an apprentice porcelain factory.
Although Renoir shows the talent of his work, he often tired of the subject and took refuge in the gallery of Le Louvre museum. The boss of the factory knew his apprentice's talent and conveyed the Renoir family. After that, Renoir began to take lessons to prepare for entry to Paris Academy of Fine Arts. When the porcelain factory in 1858 through the process of mechanical reproduction, Renoir was forced to find other ways to support his learning. [3] in the art school before, he also painted fans missionary and decoration.
In 1862, he began studying art at Charles Graven in Paris. There, he met Alfred Sislev, Frederick Baqer and Claude Monet. sometimes, in 1860s, he didn't have enough money to buy paint. Renoir had his first successful salon in 1868 with his painting of Lisa with a parasol (1867), which depicts the of the Tr of hot, his then lover. Although Renoir first started showing the painting in the Paris salon in 1864, admitted that part of the reason is the be long in coming, the storm resulted in the Franco Prussian war.
In the Paris commune in 1871, and Renoir painted on the Bank of the Seine River, some communes that he is a spy was about to throw him into the river, then leader of the commune, Raoul Rigault Renoir acknowledged the man who protected him early occasion.
In 1874, a period of ten years of friendship and the Cathedral of Jules and his family came to an end,and Renoir lose valuable support of the association was also generous, welcome to stay close to their property in Fontainebleau and scenic forest. The loss of the position of the favorite painting caused significant changes in the subject.
Renoir was inspired by the styles and themes of the former modern painters of both Pissarro and manet. consists of a series of salon jury refused, he combined the Monet, Sisley, Pissarro and several other artists installed the first Impressionist exhibition in April 1874, in which Renoir showed six paintings. Although the exhibition critical response was largely unfavorable, Renoir's works were relatively well received. in the same year, his two works are performed with Du Lande - Reuel in london.
Hopes to attract portrait commissions, to ensure the livelihood of Renoir in 1876 showed that most figures in the second Impressionist exhibition he contributed paintings more diversified next year when the group submitted to the third exhibition; they include pancake mill and swing dancing. Renoir did not show in the fourth or fifth Impressionist exhibitions, but re submit his work salon. By the late 1870s, especially after he painted his wife Xia Bangjie and her children in the salon in 1879 (1878), Renoir was a successful fashion painter.
In 1881, he traveled to Algeria, where he was working with the state of Eugene Delacroix, [12], and then to Madrid, to see the work of Vilas. Then, he went to Italy to see the famous in Florence and Titian's painting of Rafael in Rome. In January 15, 1882 Renoir met with composer Richard Wagner at his home in Palermo, Sicily. Renoir painted portraits of Wagner in just 35 minutes. In the same year, pneumonia and permanent damage to the respiratory system, Renoir recovered six weeks in Algeria.
In 1883, Renoir spent the summer on an island of Guernsey in the English Channel and the beach, cliff Bay and different scenery, where he created 15 paintings for more than a month. Most of these features the Moulin Rouge in the Gulf of Guernsey Saint Martin, Hugh. These pictures are a group from the bailiwick of Guernsey in the 1983 issue of the commemorative stamp theme.
Although the life and work of Montmartre, Renoir used Susan Valadon as a model, who put to him (the swimmers, from 1884 to 1887; Bbu Gio Val dance, 1883) and many of his painters; at that time she was studying their technology, and eventually became one of the major artists of the day.
In 1887, when Queen Victoria celebrated her golden jubilee, and in the Queen's associates, Philip Richbourg, Renoir donated several paintings "French impressionist painting" directory as a symbol of his loyalty.