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弗拉曼克Maurice de Vlaminck

( 野兽派画家代表之一 )

    莫里斯·德·乌拉曼克(Maurice de Vlaminck),法国画家,生于1876年4月4日,卒于1958年10月11日。莫里斯·德·乌拉曼克是野兽派的画家代表之一,对艺术领域有着很多的贡献,这点用语言是无法说完和说全的。莫里斯·德·乌拉曼克的作品擅长运用各种色彩,甚至敢于运用强烈的色彩的对比,给人以视觉上的冲击,但是与此同时,也能让人感受到美的享受。从这点来看,艺术大师莫里斯·德·乌拉曼克给艺术领域带来了一笔很大的精神上的财富。

  • 中文名莫里斯·德·弗拉曼克
  • 外文名Maurice de Vlaminck
  • 性别
  • 国籍法国
  • 出生地巴黎
  • 出生日期1876年4月4日
  • 逝世日期1958年10月11日
  • 职业画家


弗拉芒克参加了1905年有争议的秋季沙龙展。查看弗拉芒克的色彩大胆的画布之后马蒂斯德朗阿尔伯特·马尔凯,基斯范栋勤,查尔斯CAMOIN,并让多姆,艺术评论家路易·沃克塞尔贬低画家为“ 野兽派 ”(野兽),从而使他们的运动通过它出名的名称,野兽派。

1911年,弗拉芒克前往伦敦,并在画泰晤士河。1913年,他再次与德兰涂在马赛和Martigues的。在第一次世界大战中,他被派驻在巴黎,并开始写诗。最终,他在吕埃拉加代利埃,一个小村庄巴黎西南部解决。他娶了第二任妻子,巴馥库姆斯,他有两个女儿。从1925年,他的足迹遍及法国,但继续沿着主要是油漆塞纳河,巴黎附近。怨恨那个野兽派已经被超越立体主义作为一种艺术运动弗拉芒克指责毕加索 “为拖法国绘画成一个猥琐的死胡同和混乱状态”。在期间第二次世界大战弗拉芒克访问德国,并在他的回归在1942年6月一个天才的故事取款发表对毕加索的立体主义和长篇大论的周期性Comoedia,弗拉芒克写了很多自传,这是不是有点含糊通过或缺乏绝对的真实性破坏。 




在接下来的几年弗拉芒克住在或接近槎头(灵感他的画在槎头屋),绘画和旁边参展德兰,马蒂斯,和其他野兽派画家。这时他旺盛的涂料应用和充满活力的用色显示的影响梵高。苏尔乐锌称为想起工作图卢兹-劳特累克和他的妓女和孤独饮酒者的描绘,但不会尝试探测保姆的心理━带个性化肖像百年老欧洲的传统打破。[3]根据艺术评论家Souren Melikian,它是“一种类型的客观动画片。” [3]在他的山水画,他的做法是相似的。他忽略了细节,与景观成为一个纯粹的借口来表达通过暴力色彩和笔触的情绪。[3]一个例子是各县BOIS,绘于1904年。次年,他开始尝试“解构”,转动身体世界陷入传达运动感的dAb和颜色的条纹。[3]他的画勒蓬德槎头(在槎头桥),莱斯Ramasseurs德POMMES德渔村(马铃薯拾荒者),塞纳河一个槎头(塞纳河在槎头)和乐韦尔热(果园)体现了这一趋势。[3]

弗拉芒克的组合物表现出与熟悉印象派,其中一些人在19世纪70年代和19世纪80年代在同一地区绘了。参观后,凡高的展览,他宣称,他“爱梵高的那一天超过了自己的父亲。” [9]从1908年他的调色板变得更加单色,而主要的影响是的塞尚。[6]他后来的工作显示一个黑暗的调色板,通过对比的白色油漆的重招打断。

People life

Maurice Vlaminck was born on the street in Lescot, Paris in. His father Edmund Julian is a Flemish and taught the violin and his mother Josephine Caroline Gouriye from Lorraine came and taught piano.  his father taught him to play the violin.] he started painting in his late teens. In 1893, he and a painter named Henry Rigalon of France island chatou. 1894 he married Susan Berly. The turning point in his life was the last chance of a train to Paris to stop him in the army. Vlaminch, then 23, met an aspiring artist, Andre Delain, made a lifelong friendship with him. When  Vlaminch completed his service in 1900, two people rent a studio in the United States and the United States together, Levanneur is now installed Cneai, for a year before mother left to do his military service. in 1902 and 1903, he wrote that some mild pornographic novels by teresa. he painted in the daytime and won his life by giving violin lessons in the evening to the music band performances. 

Vlaminch participated in the disputed 1905 autumn salon exhibition. After viewing the Vlaminch bold color canvas Delang, Matisse, Albert Markey, Keith van Dongen, Charles CAMOIN, and let DOM, the art critic Louis Walker Searl. Painter for "Fauvism" (the beast), so that their movement through its famous name, fauvism. 
In 1911, Vlaminch went to London, and drawing in Thames River. In 1913, he again with Marseille and Martigues on teresa. In World War I, he was stationed in Paris, and began to write poetry. Finally, he Lvaila Jiadailiai, a small village in southwestern Paris to solve. He married his second wife, Berthe Combes, he had two daughters. From 1925, he traveled throughout France, but continued along the main paint Seine River, near Paris. The resentment has been beyond the Cubism Fauvism as an art movement Vlaminch accused Picasso of "drag France into a painting, a wretched alley and confusion". During the Second World War Vlaminch visit to Germany, and delivered a periodic Comoedia of Picasso's Cubism and in the story teller a long and minute statement of his return in June 1942 a genius, Vlaminch wrote a lot of autobiography, which is a bit vague or lack of authenticity through absolute destruction.
In Lvaila Jiadailiai Vlaminch died in October 1958 11.

Artistic career

Vlaminch groundbreaking paintings, two Suhl Le zinc (bar) and L'HOMME (a pipe smoking a pipe) was painted in 1900 
In the next few years living in or near Vlaminch chatou (inspired by his paintings at chatou house), and next to the painting exhibition Declan, Matisse, and other fauvists. At this time his exuberant paint application and vibrant color display influence Van Gogh. Suhl Le zinc called to mind Lautrec and his work depicting Toulouse prostitutes and lonely drinkers, but don't try to detect nurse psychological - with personalized portrait of century old European tradition of breaking. according to the art critic Souren Melikian, it is "a type of objective animation." in his landscape painting, his approach is similar. He ignored the details, and the landscape became a mere excuse to express emotions through violent colors and strokes.BOIS is an example of the county, painted in 1904. The following year, he began to try to "deconstruct" the body of the world into a sense of movement and the color of the dAb. His painting  chatou (in Le Pont de chatou bridge), les Ramasseurs de POMMES de Terre (potato pickers) a chatou, Seine River (Seine River in chatou) and Velger (orchard) reflects this trend.
Artistic influence
The composition exhibits Vlaminch with Impressionism, some of them in 1870s and 1880s in the same area painted. After the visit, he declared, Van Gogh exhibition, "he loves Van Gogh that day more than his father." from 1908 his palette became more monochrome, while the main effect was Cezanne. his later work showed a dark palette, interrupted by contrasting white paint strokes.

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