尤金Eugène Fromentin(1820年10月24日——1876年8月27日),法国画家。
他的著作包括莱斯管家d 'autrefois(“过去的时间”的大师,1876年),一个有影响力的升值早期荷兰绘画和北方的巴洛克风格大师比利时和荷兰,多米尼克和夏天在撒哈拉沙漠。Les管家d 'autrefois他处理画作的复杂性鲁本斯,伦布兰特和其他人,他们的风格和艺术家的情绪的时候创建他们的杰作。他也是第一个“艺术批评”方法的主题大师从个人的观点来看,作为一个画家本人。他还把工作的社会、政治和经济背景下,随着荷兰黄金时代绘画荷兰赢得独立后不久。这本书由期刊的文章。迈耶Fromentin夏皮罗写了一篇文章,”尤金Fromentin评论家”。
1876年联合国纪念品d 'Esneh Fromentin,他们认为,“艺术的表达是不可见的可见”,在风格的影响尤金·德拉克洛瓦。他杰出的作品引人注目的组成、灵巧的处理和辉煌的色彩。在他们与伟大的真理和细化了野蛮人的无意识的宏伟和动物的态度和姿态。然而,他后期的作品表现出的疲惫的静脉和疲惫的精神,或造成身体衰弱。但必须注意到,Fromentin的绘画只显示一侧的天才也许更恰当地表达了在文学,虽然不那么缤纷。多米尼克,首次出版Revue des两个蒙德1862年,致力于乔治·沙值得注意的是,在20世纪小说精致和富有想象力的观察和对感情认真。
Fromentin的其他文学作品Visites artistiques(1852);简单Pelerinages(1856);联合国研讨会在撒哈拉沙漠(1857);一个annee在萨赫勒(1858)。1876年,他是一个成功的候选人学院。他在拉罗谢尔突然去世8月27日,1876年。
He was born in La Rochelle. After leaving school he studied for some years under Louis Cabat, the landscape painter. Fromentin was one of the earliest pictorial interpreters of Algeria, having been able, while quite young, to visit the land and people that suggested the subjects of most of his works, and to store his memory as well as his portfolio with the picturesque and characteristic details of North African life. In 1849, he was awarded a medal of the second class.
In 1852, he paid a second visit to Algeria, accompanying an archaeological mission, and then completed that minute study of the scenery of the country and of the habits of its people which enabled him to give to his after-work the realistic accuracy that comes from intimate knowledge.
His books include Les Maîtres d'autrefois ("The Masters of Past Time", 1876), an influential appreciation of Early Netherlandish painting and the Northern Baroque of the Old Masters of Belgium and Holland, Dominique and A Summer in the Sahara. In Les Maîtres d'autrefois he deals with the complexity of paintings by Rubens, Rembrandt and others, their style and the artists' emotions at the time of creating their masterpieces. He is also one of the first "art critics" to approach the subject of The Old Masters from a personal point of view - being a painter himself. He also puts the work in a social, political and economic context, as the Dutch Golden Age painting develops shortly after Holland won its independence. The book developed from articles for journals. Meyer Schapiro has written an essay on Fromentin, "Eugene Fromentin as Critic".
Fromentin, who maintained that "art is the expression of the invisible by means of the visible", was much influenced in style by Eugène Delacroix. His works are distinguished by striking composition, great dexterity of handling and brilliancy of colour. In them is given with great truth and refinement the unconscious grandeur of barbarian and animal attitudes and gestures. His later works, however, show signs of an exhausted vein and of an exhausted spirit, accompanied or caused by physical enfeeblement.
But it must be observed that Fromentin's paintings show only one side of a genius that was perhaps even more felicitously expressed in literature, though with less profusion. Dominique, first published in the Revue des deux mondes in 1862, and dedicated to George Sand, is remarkable among the fiction of the century for delicate and imaginative observation and for emotional earnestness.
Fromentin's other literary works are Visites artistiques (1852); Simples Pèlerinages (1856); Un été dans le Sahara (1857); Une année dans le Sahel(1858). In 1876 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Academy. He died suddenly at La Rochelle on August 27, 1876.