奥托·迪克斯Otto Dix(1891年12月2日——1969年7月25日),德国画家。奥托·迪克斯出生于Untermhaus,德国,现在是城市的一部分格拉。弗兰兹和路易丝·迪克斯,他的一家铸铁厂的工人,她谁曾在她的青春诗写裁缝的长子,他从小就接触到艺术。小时他在他的表弟,弗里茨阿曼,谁是一个画家的工作室度过,是在形成年轻奥托的野心成为一名艺术家决定性的; 他从他的小学老师接受额外的鼓励。之间的1906年和1910年,他送达画家卡尔Senff学徒,并开始画他的第一个景观。1910年,他进入Kunstgewerbeschule在德累斯顿(应用艺术学院)。
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奥托·迪克斯出生于Untermhaus,德国,现在是城市的一部分格拉。弗兰兹和路易丝·迪克斯,他的一家铸铁厂的工人,她谁曾在她的青春诗写裁缝的长子,他从小就接触到艺术。小时他在他的表弟,弗里茨阿曼,谁是一个画家的工作室度过,是在形成年轻奥托的野心成为一名艺术家决定性的; 他从他的小学老师接受额外的鼓励。之间的1906年和1910年,他送达画家卡尔Senff学徒,并开始画他的第一个景观。1910年,他进入Kunstgewerbeschule在德累斯顿(应用艺术学院),其中理查德Guhr是他的老师之一。
1924年,他加入了柏林分裂 ; 这个时候,他正在开发的绘画一个越来越现实的风格,使用油漆薄釉超过彩画底色,在老主人的方式。他1923绘画沟槽,其中描绘的肢解和战斗后腐烂的尸体的士兵,造成如此轰动的瓦尔拉夫理查尔茨博物馆躲在窗帘后面画。1925年当时的市长科隆,阿登纳,取消了购买油画,迫使博物馆馆长辞职。
迪克斯是一个贡献者NEUE Sachlichkeit展曼海姆在1925年,它通过乔治·格罗茨,精选作品马克斯·贝克曼,海因里希·玛丽亚Davringhausen,卡尔Hubbuch,鲁道夫Schlichter,乔治·肖尔茨等等。迪克斯的作品,这样的格罗茨,他的朋友和同胞老将,是非常重要的当代德国社会中,往往在打转的行为Lustmord,或性谋杀。他提请注意生活的暗淡的一面,毫无保留地描绘卖淫,暴力,衰老和死亡。
在他最著名的画作是三联 都市报(1928年),德国的魏玛共和国,在那里不停的狂欢是应对战争的失败和金融灾难的方式的堕落行为的一个轻蔑的写照,和惊人的画像记者的西尔维亚·冯·哈登(1926年)。他的无腿和毁容的老兵,一个常见的景象在柏林街头的描写20世纪20年代推出的战争丑陋的一面与当代德国社会中说明他们忘记了身份,一个概念,还开发了埃里希·玛丽亚·雷马克的西线无战事。
迪克斯,像所有其他执业的艺术家,被迫加入美术纳粹政府的帝国商会(Reichskammer DER bildenden Kuenste),戈培尔文化部(的细分Reichskulturkammer)。会员资格是强制性的在帝国所有的艺术家。迪克斯只好答应只画山水无害。他还画了批评纳粹理想偶尔寓言画。他是被认为是“堕落”画作的1500+画作中发现了一位艺术商人隐藏起来和他在2012年的儿子
Otto Dicks was born in Untermhaus, Germany, is now part of the city of glasgow. Franz and Louise Dicks, one of his cast iron factory workers, who had written the tailor's eldest son in her youth poetry, he was exposed to art since childhood. Hours in his cousin, Fritz Oman, who is a painter's studio through, is to become an artist in the decisive formation of young Otto's ambition; he received extra encouragement from his primary school teacher. [1] between 1906 and 1910, he served as an apprentice painter Carle Senff, and began to draw his first landscape. In 1910, he entered Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresden (Applied Arts Institute), where Richard Guhr was one of his teachers.
First World War Service
When the outbreak of the first World War, enthusiastically volunteered for the German army dix. He was assigned to the Dresden field artillery regiment. The autumn of 1915, he was assigned as Sergeant gun units in the west, and participated in the battle of the somme. In November 1917, his unit was transferred to the East until the end of the war in Russia and in February 1918, he was stationed in Flanders. Before returning to the west, he fought in the German spring offensive. He won the Iron Cross (class second) and reached level vizefeldwebel. In August of that year, he was injured in the neck, shortly after he took the pilot's training courses. He was discharged from service in December 1918 [2]
Dix is deeply influenced by the war of the landscape, the recurring nightmare, he crawled through destroyed houses. He represented his traumatic experiences in many later works, including fifty combined etching called der Craig, published in 1924.
At the end of 1918 to Glasgow Dix, but the next year he moved to Dresden, where he worked in the Hochschule to BildendeK nste. He became the founder of the Dresden separatist group during the 1919, when his work was done through a period of performance. In 1920, he met George Grosz, and through the influence of dada, began collage elements into his works, some of which he was the first dada exposition in Berlin. He also took part in the year of Cian Damm Skei Tate's performance in germany.
In 1924, he joined the Berlin division; this time, he is developing a more realistic painting style, using paint thin glaze over painting background, in the old master mode. His 1923 painting groove, which depicted dismembered and rotting corpses of soldiers after the battle, caused such a sensation Wallraff Richard F Museum behind the curtain painting. In 1925 the then mayor of Cologne, Adenauer, canceled the purchase of oil paintings, forcing the museum curator to resign.
Dix is a contributor to the NEUE Sachlichkeit exhibition in Mannheim in 1925 by George Grosz Heinrich, selected works of Max Beckman, Maria Davringhausen, Carle Hubbuch, Rudolf Schlichter, George Scholz and so on. Dix works, such as Grosz, his friend and fellow veteran, is very important in Contemporary German society, often around the Lustmord, or murder. He drew attention to the dark side of life, depicting the prostitution, violence, aging and death without reservation.
In his statement, announced in a 1927 Dix, published: "the object is formed by the object and the form of primary school."
In his most famous paintings is triple city newspaper (1928), Germany, the Weimar Republic, don't stop there is a carnival turpitudes of contempt to deal with the war and the failure of financial disaster and the portrayal of the amazing portrait of the journalist Silvia von Harden (1926). His legs and disfigured veteran, 1920s in the streets of Berlin to describe a common sight to launch war ugly side and Contemporary German society, that they forget the identity of a concept, but also the development of the Erich Maria Remak of the western front.
World War II and the Nazis
When the Nazis came to power in Germany, they regarded Dix as a fallen artist, he will from his post at the Art Institute of Dresden teacher dismissal. He moved to Bodensee in southwest germany. Dix works trench and disabled in war exhibition state sponsored 1937 Munich exhibition of degenerate art, Entartete hole Conns. They were later burned.
Dix, like all other practicing artists, art was forced to join the Nazi Empire chamber of Commerce (Reichskammer DER bildenden Kuenste), the Ministry of culture Goebbels (segment Reichskulturkammer). Membership is mandatory for all artists in the empire. Dix had promised only harmless landscape painting. He also drew occasional allegorical criticism of Nazi ideals. [6] he is considered to be a "fallen" painting of the 1500+ paintings found in an art dealer hiding and his son in 2012