乔治·米歇尔Georges Michel(1763年1月12日——1843年6月8日),法国画家。
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乔治·米歇尔(1763年1月12日- 7或1843年6月8日)是法国 风景 画家。巴比松画派的重要前兆,米歇尔是他一生中几乎无人知晓,并担任抄写员和恢复。
米歇尔出生于巴黎。他的父亲是雇员Les Halles酒店,在城市的中央部分的大市场。米歇尔的第一个赞助人,在很小的时候,是一定的德先生Chalue。他的第一幅画的老师受到一项勒杜克,一个历史画家,后来米歇尔师从尼古拉斯安东尼陶奈。虽然他在此次展出的巴黎沙龙,他未能取得认可,并作为抄写员和工作恢复赢得了他的生活; 他专门在荷兰绘画,并在业务是帮助伊丽莎白-路易斯Vigée-勒布伦的丈夫。
米歇尔大部分的工作集中在巴黎周围地区的田园风光。他被荷兰风景画家,如影响雅各布车雷斯达尔和Meindert霍贝玛。米歇尔曾在油画,水彩画平等设施。他被遗忘在他死后几十年; 第一个大型展览他的作品被巴黎吉恩夏邦杰酒店介绍,1927年今天,他的作品在博物馆找到了世界各地,包括艺术的大都会博物馆,波特兰艺术博物馆,范德比尔特大学画廊,斯特拉斯堡博物馆DES Beaux-艺术,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,等等。
Georges Michel (12 January 1763 – 7 or 8 June 1843) was a French landscape painter. An important precursor of the Barbizon school, Michel was practically unknown during his lifetime, and worked as copyist and restorer.
Michel was born in Paris. His father was an employee at Les Halles, a large marketplace in the central part of the city. Michel's first patron, at a very early age, was a certain Monsieur de Chalue. His first painting teacher was one Leduc, a history painter, and later Michel studied under Nicolas-Antoine Taunay. Although he exhibited at the Paris Salon, he failed to achieve recognition and earned his living by working as copyist and restorer; he specialized in Dutch paintings and was helped in business by Élisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun's husband.
Most of Michel's work concentrates on rural landscapes in the area around Paris. He was influenced by Dutch landscape painters such as Jacob van Ruisdael and Meindert Hobbema. Michel worked in oil and watercolor with equal facility. He was forgotten for decades after his death; the first large exhibition of his work was presented by the Parisian Jean Charpentier hotel, in 1927. Today his works are found in museums around the world, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Portland Art Museum, Vanderbilt University Gallery, Strasbourg Musée des Beaux-Arts, Victoria and Albert Museum, and many others.