杰. 安东尼.华托Jean-Antoine Watteau(1684年10月10日——1721年7月18日),法国画家。
华托是在镇出生于1684年十月瓦朗谢讷[1]它最近从传入西班牙荷兰法国。他的父亲让-菲利普·华托,给予了争吵的一个盖屋顶。显示在早期兴趣画画,让安东尼可能已经师从雅克-阿尔伯特日兰,当地的画家。让安东尼的第一个艺术受试者对骗子瓦朗谢讷街头叫卖庸医补救措施。华托在1702离开巴黎。在那里,他找到了工作在车间圣母院桥,使得流行的副本风俗画在佛兰芒和荷兰传统; 正是在这一时期,他发展了他的特点sketchlike技术。
在1709华托试图获得罗马大奖,被拒绝的学院。[6] 1712年,他又试了一次,被认为是如此之好,而不是接受为期一年的留在罗马为他曾申请,他是。接受学院的正式成员[7]他花了五年时间,以提供所需的“ 前台一块 ”,但它是他的代表作之一:西游记Cythera,也叫上船的Cythera。[8]
华托缺乏贵族的食客 ; 他的买家都是资产阶级,如银行家和交易商。在他最著名的画作中,两个版本旁朝圣Cythera(一个在卢浮宫,另外在夏洛腾堡宫,柏林),是皮埃罗(长确定为“吉尔”),祝宴Venitiennes酒店,爱在意大利剧院,爱在法国的剧院,“Voulez-VOUS triompher宫美人?”和Mezzetin。他的标志性的绘画的主题,皮埃罗(吉尔),是在一个白色的绸缎服装的演员谁站在他的四个同伴孤立,与凝视前方他脸上的表情高深莫测。[9]
他超出了他的信徒一小圈生前鲜为人知,“被提及,但很少在当代艺术批评,然后通常责备”华托。[13]爵士迈克尔·利维曾指出,华托“创建,不知不觉中,个人主义艺术家的概念忠于自己,自己很孤独。“ 如果他的追随者立即(LANCRET和佩特)将描绘贵族的浪漫追求的不加掩饰的frillery,华托在几个杰作预计对艺术的艺术,通过艺术家的眼睛看到的艺术世界。与此相反的洛可可狂想和放荡通过培育布歇和弗拉戈纳尔在后期路易十五统治时期,华托的戏剧派头通常与爱情等世俗快乐的短暂一记同情,心里酸酸的,悲伤的色彩。[14]
华托是一位多产的起草人。他的画,通常在执行三河蜡笔技术,甚至被那些收集和钦佩,如凯吕斯或Gersaint,谁发现故障与他的画。[2] 1726年和1728 吉恩·de Jullienne发表版画套房华托的图纸后,并于1735年他出版了他的画作经过一系列的版画,在海牙讲义集Jullienne。[2]的复制品的质量,采用雕刻和蚀刻的混合物继鲁本斯雕刻的实践中,根据聘用人员的技能变化通过Jullienne,但往往是非常高的。如此全面的记录是迄今无人能及。[2]这有助于传播他的影响一轮欧洲和到装饰艺术。
华托的对艺术(不仅是绘画,但影响力的装饰艺术,服装,电影,诗歌,音乐),比几乎其他所有18世纪的艺术家更加广泛。在华托裙,长,sacklike礼服搭配宽松打褶从肩挂在后面,类似的许多在他的画的女性穿着,以他命名。按照1911大英百科全书 “,在他治疗的景观背景和人物的大气的氛围中可以发现的细菌印象派 ”。他对画家后人的影响可能已经在法国比在英国,已经不太明显特纳是他的崇拜者之一。[15]为华托一个重新崛起的风盛行期间,开始在英格兰英国摄政,以及后来被封装龚古尔兄弟而艺术世界。
Watteau is in the town of Valenciennes was born in October 1684 [1] it recently imported from Spain Holland france. His father Jean - Philip Juato, gave a roof to the brawl. [3] showed early interest in painting, so that Anthony may have been under the tutelage of Jacques - Albert Gerin, local artist. The first art subjects [1] let Anthony selling quack remedies to the liar Valenciennes street. [1] Watteau left Paris in 1702. [4] there, he found work in the workshop of Notre Dame bridge, makes a copy of genre painting popular in Holland and the Flemish tradition; it was during this period that he developed his technical characteristics of sketchlike.
By 1705 he was hired as an assistant to the painter Claude Gillot, and their work was opposed to the swelling of the official art response to the dominance of Louis Xiv. [5] familiar with the characters become Watteau improvisational comedy in the glitter studio (the act have been expelled from France in 1697), one of the most love subjects Gillot, will become one of the lifelong passion watteau. [2]
Later, he moved to the workshop Claude Audran three, an interior designer, under his influence, he began to do admire their exquisite drawings of elegance. Audran is the curator of the Luxemburg house, where Watteau can see spectacular series of oil painting of Peter Paul Rubens's Queen Mary Chi. The Flemish artist will become with one of his main influence, coupled with the Venice masters, his patron and friend, the collection in the future study of Pierre Crozat.He is beyond a small circle of his followers was little-known, "is mentioned, but little criticism in contemporary art, and often blame" watteau. Sir [13] Michael Levy has pointed out, Watteau "created, imperceptibly, the concept of individualism artist loyal to himself, he is very lonely. "If his followers immediately (LANCRET and Pater) will depict the romantic pursuit of noble unabashed frillery, Watteau in several art masterpiece is expected to see, through the eyes of the artists in the art world. In contrast to the Rococo fantasy and debauchery by cultivating Boucher and Fragonard in the late fifteen during the reign of Louis, the drama style and usually Watteau love worldly pleasures for a brief note of sympathy, heart sour, sad color. [14]
Watteau is a prolific draftsman. His paintings, usually in the implementation of Sanhe crayon technology, even by those who collected and admired, such as Kay Marius or Gersaint, who found fault with his painting. In 1726 1728 [2] and Jean - de Jullienne: print suite Watteau's drawings, and in 1735 he published his paintings after a series of prints, lectures on Jullienne in Hague. The quality of the [2] replicas, using a carving and etching of the mixture following the practice of Lubensi carving, varies according to the skills employed by Jullienne, but is often very high. Such a comprehensive record is so far no one can. [2] this helped spread his influence round Europe and into the art deco.
The art of Watteau (not only painting, but the decorative art, the influence of clothing, film, poetry, music), than almost any other artist of eighteenth Century more widely. In the long sacklike, Watteau dress, dress collocation loose pleats hanging from the shoulder at the back, similar to many women dressed in his paintings, named after him. According to the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica, the bacterial impressionism can be found in the landscape background and atmosphere of the characters". His influence on the later generations of painters may have been in France than in Britain, and it is not obvious that Turner is one of his admirers. [15] is a re emergence of Watteau prevailed during the Regency began in England UK, and later encapsulated the Goncourt brothers and the art world.
In 1984, to create a community in Paris by Watteau, Jean Ferre, and London, by Selby, Dr. hviding. In Paris, Washington and Berlin's large-scale exhibition to commemorate his three hundred anniversary in 1984 since 2000 has been in the center of Watteau Valenciennes professor Chris Rauseo set up. The catalogue of his paintings has been compiled by Pierre Rosenberg, replacing a jazz Karl Parker, and Wintermute is preparing a painting of him.