安格尔出生在蒙托邦,塔恩-加龙省,法国,第一次让-玛丽·约瑟夫·安格尔(1755年至1814年)和他的妻子安妮Moulet(1758年至1817年)的七个子女(其中五存活婴儿期)的。他的父亲是一个成功的自升式的,全行业在艺术,画家微缩模型,雕塑,装饰石匠和业余音乐家; 他的母亲是一个高手wigmaker的近文盲女儿。
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安格尔出生在蒙托邦,塔恩-加龙省,法国,第一次让-玛丽·约瑟夫·安格尔(1755年至1814年)和他的妻子安妮Moulet(1758年至1817年)的七个子女(其中五存活婴儿期)的。他的父亲是一个成功的自升式的,全行业在艺术,画家微缩模型,雕塑,装饰石匠和业余音乐家; 他的母亲是一个高手wigmaker的近文盲女儿。从他的父亲年轻的安格尔就受到了鼓励和指导绘画和音乐,他的第一个已知的绘画,古董投经过研究,在1789年提出于1786年开始他参加了当地学校的学校desFrères的DE L'教育Chrétienne,但他的教育受到的动荡打乱了法国大革命,和学校在1791年的收盘标志着他的常规生活的结束。在他的教育的缺失将一直保持对他的不安全感的来源。
1797年三月,学院颁发安格尔一等奖绘画,并于8月他前往巴黎与学习雅克-路易·大卫,France's和Europe's领先革命时期的画家,在他的工作室呆了四年。安格尔跟着师傅的新古典主义的例子,但透露,根据大卫,“朝他的研究夸张的倾向。” [8]他被录取了的画系巴黎高等美术学院在1799年10月,又赢了,追平了后在1800年第二位,在盛大的罗马大奖在1801年为他的阿基里斯的帐篷阿伽门农大使。他对罗马的旅途,然而,推迟到1806年,在财政紧张的政府终于拨出的旅费。
Angell was born in Montauban, Tarn et Garonne, France, for the first time - Mary Joseph Angel (1755 to 1814) and his wife Anne Moulet (1758 to 1817) of the seven children (five survived infancy). His father is a jack of the success of the whole industry in art, sculpture, decorative painter of miniatures, masons and amateur musicians; his mother was nearly illiterate daughter of a master wigmaker. [3] from his father, the young Angell had received encouragement and guidance of painting and music, his first known paintings, antique investment through research, put forward in 1789 [4] he attended the local school desFr res DE L'Chr tienne education in 1786, but his education was disrupted by the French unrest in 1791 revolution, and the school's closing marks the end of his routine life. The absence of his education will remain a source of insecurity.
In 1791, Joseph Angel took his son to Toulouse, where the young Jean - Auguste - Royal PEINTURE in France,, sculpture and other architectural admission. There, he studied the sculptor Jean Pierre Weigand, landscape painter Jean Brion and neoclassical painter Guillaume Joseph luokesi. Luokesi 'worship Rafael has a decisive influence on the young artist. Angell won the prize for a number of academic disciplines, such as the composition of "characters and antiques," the study of life. His musical talent was developed under the tutelage of violinist Lejeune, and from thirteen years old to 16 years old, he played the violin in the second symphony hall Du Toulouse.
In March 1797, the Academy awarded Angell the first prize painting, and in August he traveled to Paris to study with Jacques - David -, France's and Europe's, a leading revolutionary painter who spent four years in his studio. Angell followed the example of the master's neoclassicism, but revealed, according to David, "an exaggerated tendency toward his research." [8] he was admitted to the painting department of Paris Academy of Fine Arts college in October 1799, and won, tied in 1800 second, the Rome grand prize in 1801 for his Achilles tent of Agamemnon ambassador. His trip to Rome, however, was postponed until 1806, when the government of the tight finances finally set aside the travel expenses.