卢多维科.卡拉奇Carracci, Lodovico(1555年4月21日—1619年11月13日),意大利画家。
卢多维学徒的普洛斯彼罗丰塔纳在博洛尼亚和旅行弗洛伦斯,帕尔玛,威尼斯之前,回到他的家乡。和他的表兄弟Annibale和阿戈斯蒂诺•Carracci,鲁多维科在博洛尼亚的连环壁画描绘的历史杰森和美狄亚在宫殿蚕豆(1584),和罗莫路和勒莫的历史(1590 - 1592)宫殿马格纳尼。个人的贡献,这些作品尚不清楚,尽管Annibale,比卢多维年轻5年最好的三个而出名了。这导致Annibale著名的佣金的神的爱在罗马的宫殿法。阿戈斯蒂诺•加入Annibale短暂。
多维仍在博洛尼亚,这并不意味着他更有影响力,Lanzi状态的传记,大约在1585年,鲁和他的表兄弟所谓的成立折衷的学院(也称为作画学院degli Incamminati。最近的推测是,没有与课程建立了学院,但鲁多维科辅导很多在他的工作室。
然而推动这个工作室的Emilian艺术家卓越在罗马和其他地方,和非常帮助鼓励所谓的波伦亚的学校16世纪晚期的包括在内Albani,Guercino,萨基,Reni,Lanfranco和Domenichino。Carracci的学徒画的研究集中在观察自然和自然的姿势,并使用一个大胆的规模在画人物。卢多维科的一个主要的学生Giacomo Cavedone和弗朗西斯科·Camullo.
Ludovico apprenticed under Prospero Fontana in Bologna and traveled toFlorence, Parma, and Venice, before returning to his hometown. Together with his cousins Annibale andAgostino Carracci, Ludovico worked in Bologna on the fresco cycles depicting Histories of Jason and Medea (1584) in Palazzo Fava, and theHistories of Romulus and Remus (1590-1592) for the Palazzo Magnani. Their individual contributions to these works are unclear, although Annibale, the younger than Ludovico by 5 years had gained fame as the best of the three. This led to Annibale's famed commission of the Loves of the Gods in the Palazzo Farnese in Rome. Agostino joined Annibale there briefly.
While Ludovico remained in Bologna, this does not mean that he was any less influential, the biography of Lanzi states that around 1585, Ludovico and his cousins had founded the so-called Eclectic Academy of painting (also called the Accademia degli Incamminati. More recent conjectures are that there was no established Academy with curriculum, but that Ludovico tutored many in his studio.
This studio however propelled a number of Emilian artists to pre-eminence in Rome and elsewhere, and singularly helped encourage the so-called Bolognese School of the late 16th century, which included Albani, Guercino, Sacchi, Reni, Lanfrancoand Domenichino. The Carracci had their apprentices draw studies focused on observation of nature and natural poses, and use a bold scale in drawing figures. One of Ludovico's main pupils was Giacomo Cavedone and Francesco Camullo.