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西奥多-斯梯尔Theodore Clement Steele

西奥多-斯梯尔 (1847年9月11日–1926年7月24日)是一个 美国印象派 画家著称 印第安纳 风景斯梯尔是一个创新者和领导者,美国中西部的绘画是最重要的印第安娜 尔集团 画家。除了绘画,斯梯尔贡献的作品,公开讲座,与社区服务艺术陪审团,入选作品为国家和国际展览的时间,最明显的是 世界博览会 (1900年) 巴黎 ,法国,和 路易斯安那购买博览会 (1904年) 圣路易斯,密苏里州 。他还参与组织开拓艺术协会,如 西方艺术家协会

  • 中文名西奥多-斯梯尔
  • 性别
  • 国籍美国
  • 出生日期1847年9月11日
  • 逝世日期1926年7月24日
  • 职业画家

斯梯尔出生在 戈斯波特 进入 欧文县,印第安娜 在9月11日,1847年,《eldest孩子撒母耳harriett Newell埃文斯汉密尔顿和斯蒂尔。斯梯尔的父亲是一个马鞍制造商和农民。 1852全家搬到 韦夫兰 进入 蒙哥马利县,印第安纳州 ,斯梯尔对艺术产生了兴趣,学会画。这个 斯蒂尔T.C.不是家 大概是在上市 登记簿 和2003年。

斯梯尔开始了正式的艺术训练,在韦夫兰学院男孩(韦夫兰学院)。在十六,他继续他的艺术培训在阿斯伯里学院(现在的 迪堡大学 )在 绿堡,印第安纳州 。斯梯尔还研究了在芝加哥,伊利诺斯,和 辛辛那提 ,俄亥俄,然后返回印第安娜委员会画像。
1870斯梯尔嫁给了Mary Elizabeth(Libby)莱金。夫妇俩搬到 巴特尔克里克,密歇根 其中一个儿子,伦勃朗,或勃兰特,生于1870;女儿玛格丽特(Daisy)生于1872。戴茜出生后不久,全家搬到了 印第安纳波利斯 ,印第安娜。虽然这是困难的,斯梯尔设法支持他的家人画肖像和商业标志的委托。另一个儿子,雪莉,1879出生于印第安纳波利斯。 Libby,患有慢性 类风湿性关节炎 和 肺结核 ,卒于1899。1905印第安纳波利斯的Daisy Steele和Gustave Neubacher结婚了。

斯梯尔结婚了 劳拉neubacher塞尔玛 印第安纳波利斯,一个艺术教育家和古斯塔夫的妹妹,1907年8月9日,在印第安纳波利斯。这对新婚夫妇就搬进了新建的四室,家和家,他们命名为歌唱风的房子,超过60英亩(24公顷)的土地在山顶 布朗县,印第安纳州 。T. C.塞尔玛,他比斯梯尔年轻二十五岁,没有孩子。她于1945年8月28日去世。


斯梯尔把左边的绘画艺术”陪审团” 韦曼Elbridge亚当斯慕尼黑,德国
为了帮助斯梯尔在欧洲获得更多的艺术训练,他的朋友和艺术赞助人,Herman Lieber,设置为家庭提供财务支持,所以斯梯尔可以在研究 慕尼黑美术学院, 。 从斯梯尔在未来的绘画交流,十三人各捐赠了100美元支持斯梯尔的研究。1880斯梯尔家驶往欧洲同胞也 奥提斯亚当斯J. ,Carrie Wolf,八月Metzner,和Samuel Richards。该集团两年后加盟由印第安纳州的艺术家 威廉·佛赛 。 除了训练,在艺术家的指导下皇家学院 Gyula BenczúR 和 löfftz路德维希 ,斯梯尔花了很多时间研究慕尼黑的Alte Pinakothek画廊的早期绘画大师的作品。他还画在与家人和其他艺术家的农村,包括波士顿山水画家J. Frank Currier。  斯梯尔很享受 plein空气 ,或室外写生,这体现在他的许多风景。在斯梯尔的要求下,他的赞助商扩展他们的财政支持,他可能会持续两年多的慕尼黑研究。  斯梯尔也用了大师的画册支付一些额外的前几个月,一家人回到印第安娜1885基金。


斯梯尔的画表现了他从慕尼黑回来后在风格上一个显著的变化。斯梯尔的慕尼黑画着黑暗,单调的色彩和高对比度,但他的作品在印第安娜逐渐迈向更光明、更生动的调色板。斯梯尔在捕捉大自然的美通过光与色的表情特别感兴趣。他的作品包括城市和农村的场景和描绘的季节变化以及雪,天气雨和阳光。 斯梯尔的作品表现出一种“交感”和“技术把握其主体”与“理解大自然的雄伟的方面”与“光和环境的影响太大的感觉。”

除了当地的艺术展览,斯梯尔出现在印第安娜,包括著名的第八年度展 美国艺术家协会 在 大都会艺术博物馆 进入 纽约市 和1886年。在夏天的几个月里,斯梯尔带着他的家人到乡村,在那里他画的乡村风景。这个 马斯卡塔塔克河 近的 弗农,印第安娜 ,是一个最喜欢的地方。同山水画家福塞斯经常陪着斯梯尔在这些探险。斯梯尔也画 佛蒙特 和 田纳西 ,他拿了他的第一任妻子,Libby,在改善她的健康的希望。

1890年是斯梯尔事业的转折点。1890斯梯尔出版 斯梯尔的投资组合 凹版版画,其中包含二十五个作品,包括 船工 ,他的获奖学生作品来自慕尼黑。福塞斯于1891加入了斯梯尔作为一个在印第安娜艺术学院讲师,斯梯尔成立于1889。斯梯尔继续教到1895,然后回到画一个全职的基础上。1894十一月印第安纳波利斯艺术协会主办 夏天的工作表现 由斯梯尔、福塞斯, 李察B.格鲁埃尔 ,和 奥托斯塔克 。展览的艺术评论家和小说家印象深刻 汉姆林·加兰德 他安排了展览在芝加哥展出。由中央美术协会主办,印第安娜展览,称为 五色彩的画家 ,扩大到包括亚当斯的画作。这个芝加哥展览被推出印第安娜画家的色彩组的职业。

在19世纪90年代斯梯尔画风景在温暖的月份,回到了冬天的工作室画肖像,还是他的主要收入来源。此外,斯梯尔积极展示自己的作品,发表演讲,并帮助组织了西方艺术家的社会,其每年的展览引起了全国的注意。斯梯尔后来成为该组织的主席。 [ 26 ] 斯梯尔画室外近弗农,然后搬到了布卢明顿 印第安纳州门罗县 ,和 梅塔莫拉 进入 富兰克林县,印第安纳州 ,在那里他做了一些他最好的工作。 [ 27 ] 梅塔莫拉周围的地区是在印第安纳州的山水画发展的工具同山水画家亚当斯、福塞斯、Stark等人参加了斯梯尔为他画的户外。1898斯梯尔和亚当斯买回家 Brookville,印第安娜 ,梅塔莫拉以东八英里,所以他们可能接近该地区的风景。命名Hermitage,家里很安静,与世隔绝的,并提供了一个地方,艺术家可以不间断地工作。1899斯梯尔成为陪审团的选择美国绘画在1900巴黎世界博览会包含成员,世界博览会预计将吸引数以百万计的游客。可悲的是,斯梯尔的妻子,Libby,死于1899年十一月四十九岁。

新世纪标志着一些斯梯尔生活中的变化。1900他获得荣誉硕士学位来自沃巴什学院 crawfordsville,印第安纳州 。同年,印第安纳波利斯艺术协会收到大量捐赠从John Herron建立一个博物馆,在市艺术学校。该协会选定的小炉匠的豪宅,斯梯尔的家在印第安纳波利斯,和购买的财产由他的房东。 斯梯尔的艺术工作室成为第一 该学院的艺术 。斯梯尔租用的东圣克莱尔大街上另一家在印第安纳波利斯。 肖像佣金仍为斯梯尔和他的臣民的一大收入来源包括诗人 ·惠特赖利 ,几个印第安娜州长的官方肖像,总统 本杰明哈里森 印第安纳州,和其他突出。


English is introduced

Steele was born in Goss Porter, Indiana, on September 11th, in, in 1847, eldest child Samuel Harriett Newell, and he and his wife,, and. Steele's father was a saddle maker and farmer. 1852 the family moved to Montgomerie County, Indiana, and Steele, who was interested in art, learned how to draw a picture of the artist and the artist in the state of. The Steele T.C. is not home to be listed on the register and 2003.
Steele began formal art training in Waveland, college boy (Wei Fulan College). In sixteen, he continued his artistic training at Asbury College (now DePauw University) in Greencastle, Indiana. Steele also studied portraits in Chicago, Illinois, and Cincinnati, and then returned to Indiana by the Committee of.
In 1870 Steele married Mary Elizabeth (Libby) laikin. The couple moved to Battle Click, Michigan, one of his sons, Rembrandt, or, born in 1870; daughter of (Daisy) was born in the year of 1872, in which she was born in the year of. Shortly after he was born, the family moved to Indianapolis, Indiana. Although it was difficult, Steele managed to support his family by painting portraits and commissioned by commercial signs. Another son, Shirley, was born in Indianapolis in 1879. Libby, suffering from chronic rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis, died in 1899. 1905 Indianapolis Daisy Steele and Gustave Neubacher got married.
Steele was married to Lara neubacher Indianapolis, an art educator and sister of the August 9, 1907, in Indianapolis, in the, on the. The couple moved into a new room, home and family, they named the singing wind house, more than 60 acres (24 hectares) of land at the top of the mountain in Brown County, Indiana. T. C. Thelma, who is twenty-five years younger than Steele, has no children. She died in August 28, 1945.

In 1890s Steele painted landscapes in the warm months, returning to the winter studio to paint portraits, or his main source of income. In addition, Steele showed his work actively, delivered a speech, and helped organize the society of Western artists, and their annual exhibition attracted national attention. Steele later became chairman of the organization. [26] Steele studio near Vernon, then moved to Monroe County in Bloomington Prefecture of Indiana, and Mehta Mora in Franklin County, Indiana, where he did some of his best work. [27] the area around meI thamola is in the state of Indiana landscape painting development tool with landscape painter Adams, Forsyth, et al Stark joined Steele as he painted outdoors. 1898 Steele and Adams buy home Brookville, Indiana, east of, about eight miles, so they may be close to the scenic area. Named Hermitage, the home is quiet, secluded, and provides a place where artists can work non-stop. 1899 Steele became the jury's choice of American painting at the Paris World Expo in 1900, including members of the World Expo is expected to attract millions of visitors. Sadly, Steele's wife, Libby, died in November 1899 at the age of forty-nine.
The new century marks some changes in Steele's life. In 1900 he received his master's degree from Wabash college honor Crawfordsville, Indiana. In the same year, the Indianapolis Art Association received a large donation from John Herron to build a museum in the city art school. The Association selected the tinker mansion, Steele's home in Indianapolis, and the purchase of the property by his landlady. Steele's art studio became the first college of art. East St. Clair Avenue Steele rented another home in Indianapolis. Portrait commissions is still a big source of income for Steele and his subjects include poet Riley Whitby, several Indiana governor's official portrait, President Benjamin Harrison of Indiana, and other prominent.
1902 Steele and his daughter, Lucy, went to the west coast to visit relatives in Oregon and Redlands, California. Cross County Travel inspired a dozen outstanding works of Steele's painting art. He entered the art of painting on the west coast of several of his West Coast artists for sixth years, which was well received by art critics. Steele and his daughter in 1903 another cross-country trip. A year later, Steele was invited to buy the Louisiana Expo Selection Committee judges, the 1904 World Expo in Saint Louis. Steele's painting four was selected for the Expo and an additional five paintings were built in Indiana. At home in Indianapolis, Steele began to actively participate in the art society's new museum program, as chairman of the acquisition committee. Tinker's house was demolished, 1905 for the art of space. 1906 Steele put him in return and interest in Brookville and Adams returned to Indianapolis, he has been active in the art world where.







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