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约瑟夫·克里斯蒂安Joseph Christian

约瑟夫·克里斯蒂安Joseph Christian(1874年3月23日——1951年7月25日),美国插画家。约瑟夫·克里斯蒂安Leyendecker('JC'或'乔')在德国西南部,靠近莱茵河的小全村,彼得Leyendecker(1838年至1916年)和伊丽莎白Oreseifen Leyendecker生于1874年3月23日,在蒙塔鲍尔(1845年至1905年) 。约瑟夫是第一个出生的儿子,他的弟弟弗朗西斯泽维尔三年后出生的。移居美国家庭后一姐,奥古斯塔,第三和最后一个孩子,到了。

  • 中文名约瑟夫·克里斯蒂安
  • 外文名Joseph Christian
  • 性别
  • 国籍美国
  • 出生地莱茵省
  • 出生日期1874年3月23日
  • 逝世日期1951年7月25日
  • 职业插画家

中国美术网 09-18 浏览

专访欧洲顶级东方古董商人克里斯蒂安.戴蒂耶  希拉克、萨科奇的艺术顾问  作为两任法国总统的艺术顾问,他曾多次陪同希拉克到中国观看文物,力促萨科奇首次访华的西安文物之旅。他告诉《外滩画...

约瑟夫·克里斯蒂安Leyendecker('JC'或'乔')在德国西南部,靠近莱茵河的小全村,彼得Leyendecker(1838年至1916年)和伊丽莎白Oreseifen Leyendecker生于1874年3月23日,在蒙塔鲍尔(1845年至1905年) 。约瑟夫是第一个出生的儿子,他的弟弟弗朗西斯泽维尔三年后出生的。移居美国家庭后一姐,奥古斯塔,第三和最后一个孩子,到了。
下学习绘画和解剖后,约翰H. Vanderpoel在芝加哥艺术学院,JC和弟弟弗兰克就读于Académie朱利安[8]在巴黎一年,他们在那里接触到的工作图卢兹-劳特累克,朱CHÉRET,而且阿尔丰斯·慕夏,在法国的领导艺术风格的运动。



1900年,乔,弗兰克,和他们的妹妹玛丽搬到纽约市,那么,美国的商业艺术,广告和出版业的中心。在接下来的十年里,俩兄弟开始与服装的利润丰厚的长期合作关系,包括制造商Interwoven的袜子,Hartmarx,B.Kuppenheimer和公司,以及Cluett皮博迪&Company公司。后者导致Leyendecker最重要的佣金时,他被聘为开发出了一系列箭头品牌衬衫衣领的图像。Leyendecker的箭领人,以及他后来的Kuppenheimer西服和Interwoven袜子创建的映像,来在早期的几十年二十世纪来定义时尚的美国男性。Leyendecker经常用他最喜欢的模型和合作伙伴查理海滩( 1886年至1952年)。



随着20世纪20年代标志着JC Leyendecker的职业生涯的顶点,所以20世纪30年代标志着其衰落的开始。大约1930-31,Cluett,皮博迪,与公司使用其广告Leyendecker的插图,现在衬衫和领带停止衣领行业1921年后下降严重这段时间,总是害羞Leyendecker越来越深居简出,很少说话与他的妹妹玛丽·奥古斯塔和查尔斯以外的人(弗兰克于1924年死于瘾困扰的生活方式的结果)。也许反应在过去十年几乎他无孔不入广泛普及,或者作为继新经济现实的结果是1929年华尔街股灾,Leyendecker收到佣金的数量稳步下降。1936年,在编辑星期六晚邮报所有Leyendecker的职业生涯到这一点,乔治·贺拉斯·洛里默,退休了,被韦斯利Winans的斯托特(1937-1942),然后奔希布斯(1942年至1962年)所取代,两者的很少人委托Leyendecker说明封面。


English Introduction

Joseph Christian Leyendecker ('JC'or' Joe ') in southwest Germany, a small village near the Rhine, Peter Leyendecker (1838 to 1916) and Elizabeth Oreseifen Leyendecker was born on March 23, 1874, in Monta Bauer (1845 to 1905). Joseph was the first son to be born, and his brother, Francis Xavier, was born three years later. Moved to the United States after the family of a sister, Augusta, third and the last child, to the.
In 1882, Leyendecker's family moved to Chicago, Illinois, where Elizabeth's uncle had founded the successful Mcavoy brewing company. The work in late adolescence in Chicago engraving company, after J. Muntz with the company, and completed 60 Bible that his first commercial power Committee of the brothers, JC seek formal training in art school in the Art Institute of Chicago.
Study of painting and anatomy, John H. Vanderpoel at the Art Institute of Chicago, JC and his brother Frank attended Acad Mie Julian [8] in Paris for a year, where they are exposed to the work of Toulouse Lautrec, Zhu CH e RET, and Alphonse Mucha in France, the art of leadership style movement.In 1899, the Leyendecker brothers returned to the United States and established an apartment in Hyde Park, illinois. They worked in the studio of Chicago fine arts building in 410 South Michigan avenue. In May 20th of that year, Joe accepted his first committee cover for a Saturday Evening Post - his 44 year association began in the country's most popular magazine. Finally, he will have 322 sets of magazines, introduces many iconic visual images and traditions, including the new year baby, chunky red handed dressed in Santa Claus, flowers for mother's day, and firecrackers on the independence day in the United states.
In 1900, Joe, Frank, and their sister, Marie moved to New York, then the center of American commercial art, advertising and publishing. In the next ten years, the two brothers started a long relationship with the clothing lucrative, including manufacturers of Interwoven socks, Hartmarx, B.Kuppenheimer and Cluett, and Peabody Company company. The latter led to the Leyendecker's most important commissions when he was hired to develop a series of arrows branded shirt collar images. Leyendecker's arrow man, as well as his later Kuppenheimer suits and Interwoven socks to create the image, came in the early decades of twentieth Century to define the fashion of American men. Leyendecker often uses his favorite model and partner Charlie Beach (1886 to 1952).
For Leyendecker, another important commission from the Kellogg, breakfast food manufacturers. As part of a major advertising campaign, he created a series of twenty children of Kellogg's music promotion corn flakes.
In 1914, Leyendeckers, along with Charles beach, moved into the house and art studio in New York, Xinluo Cher, where JC will live for the remainder of his life. [15] during the first World War, in addition to his many commissions for magazine covers and men's fashion advertisements, JC also drew posters for American troops and the war effort.
In 1920s, many of the most famous works of Leyendecker's career were completed during this period. Modern advertising has entered into its own, and Leyendecker is widely regarded as an outstanding commercial artist between the United states. This popularity extends to business and into Leyendecker's personal life, where he and Charles beach hosts all walks of life to attend the premiere. They held their Xinluo Rochelle home / Studio sides are important social celebrities and production activities.
As 1920s marks the culmination of JC Leyendecker's career, 1930s marks the beginning of its decline. About 1930-31, Cluett, Peabody, Leyendecker and company use its advertising illustrations, serious this time down now stop collar shirt and tie industry after 1921, more and more Leyendecker are shy and reclusive, rarely speak with the outside of his sister Mary Augusta and Charles's (Frank died in 1924 by way of life addiction results). Maybe the reaction in the past ten years he almost get in by every opening wide spread, or as the new economic reality is the result of the Wall Street crash of 1929, Leyendecker received a steady decrease in the number of commissions. In 1936, to this point, the editor of the Saturday evening post all Leyendecker occupation career of George Horace Lorimer, retired, Wesley Winans, and Ben Hibbs Stott (1937-1942) (1942 to 1962) replaced the few people that cover by Leyendecker.
Leyendecker's final cover Saturday evening post is a new year's baby for January 2, 1943, which ends with the Commission's most profitable, most famous string of artists. The new Committee continues to filter, but slowly. One of the most prominent is the U.S. Department of war for the poster, which Leyendecker describes the armed forces to encourage the purchase of the commanding officer of the bonds to support the country's efforts in the second world war. Leyendecker died in July 25, 1951, in one of his Xinluo real estate Rochelle acute coronary artery occlusion.






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