阿尔贝托·巴尔加斯 (又译 阿尔贝托·瓦格斯 Alberto Vargas 1896年2月9日-1982年12月30日)著名秘鲁插画家。1916年移居美国。一生就用他的“水彩和喷枪(笔)”制作大量香艳的“迷人的女孩”,一度风靡世界。1982年12月30日他死于中风,享年86岁。
阿尔贝托·瓦尔加斯(又名瓦尔加),(1896—1983)秘鲁出生,是一个专业摄影师的儿子(年轻的瓦尔加斯做了照片修饰)。他在法国学习,1916年搬到纽约。瓦加斯是在艺术家做橱窗展示时被佛罗伦萨·齐格菲尔德“发现”的。从1919年起,他为齐格菲尔德女孩画了12年。从20世纪20年代末开始,瓦尔加斯在许多电影制片厂工作,做从明星肖像到电影海报到布景设计的一切工作(他是一位有成就的绘图员)。瓦加斯的职业生涯在很多方面都与他的插图画家乔治·佩蒂的命运相似。当佩蒂和士官为了金钱和内容而分开公司时,瓦尔加斯被雇佣了。Vargas的名字,签名方式,被出版商David Smart改为“Varga”,这样Esquire就可以在合同中对其“产品”的别针进行更多的控制(不想让另一个小东西在他们手上)。瓦尔加斯也跟随佩蒂为詹森工作,真正的杂志,并做溜冰项目(尽管佩蒂跟随瓦尔加斯做电影工作室工作和旧的黄金促销)。在20世纪50年代末和60年代初,当一些插画家从Esquire搬到Playboy时,与他们一起去的并不是小人物(他断断续续地回到Esquire Fold),而是Vargas。花花公子把他的全名和多年的尊重和一贯的工作还给了瓦加斯。瓦加斯在花花公子时代非常忠诚,几乎拒绝了所有外界的机会。16年来,他为杂志画了150多个瓦尔加斯女孩。像许多插针艺术家一样,瓦尔加斯是一个独身的女人。1930年他和安娜·梅·克里夫特私奔了。他们的婚姻一直持续到1974年她去世。约瑟夫·胡佛和儿子,日历女孩(1935)瓦加斯-绘画,一种罕见的粉彩,在拍卖会上出售(2004年)
Alberto Vargas (aka Varga)
(1896 - 1983)
Peruvian born, the son of a professional photographer (young Vargas did the photo retouching). He studied in France and moved to New York in 1916. Vargas was "discovered" by Florenz Ziegfeld as the artist was doing window displays. From 1919, he painted the Ziegfeld girl for twelve years. From the late 1920s, Vargas worked for a number of movie studios, doing everything from stars portraits to movie posters to set design (he was an accomplished draftsman).
Vargas’ career was, in many aspects, one that paralleled the fortunes of fellow illustrator George Petty. When Petty and Esquire parted company over money and content, Vargas was hired. Vargas’ name, signature-wise, was changed to “Varga” by publisher David Smart so Esquire could contractually exercise more control over its pin-up “product” (didn't want another Petty on their hands). Vargas also followed Petty in working for Jantzen, True Magazine, and doing ice skating programs (though Petty followed Vargas in doing movie studio work and Old Gold promotions).
When a number of illustrators moved from Esquire to Playboy in the late 1950s and early 1960s, it wasn’t Petty who went with them (he had returned intermittently to the Esquire fold), but Vargas. Playboy gave Vargas back his full name and many years of respect and consistent employment. Vargas was so loyal during his Playboy years that he turned down virtually all outside opportunities. He painted over 150 Vargas girls for the magazine in sixteen years.