沃尔特·伯纳德·亨特Hunt, Walter(1888年3月13日——1970年3月30日),美国艺术家、作家。
沃尔特·伯纳德“奔”亨特(1888年3月13日- 1970年3月30日)是美国的艺术家,户外教育家和作家,其著作和文章涉及的主题,如美洲原住民艺术和性能,木工,削,scoutcraft,开拓进取,珠宝制作,金属加工和书法。
亨特出生于格林菲尔德,威斯康星州,并在长大木屋。他参加了雄鹿队的南师附中,但没有毕业,辍学成为“ 平版雕刻(现在的图形设计师的)布鲁斯出版公司。” 亨特搬到黑尔斯角落,威斯康星州与他的妻子劳拉在1920年1924年,亨特,与他的父亲在法律和弟弟,一起埃德温·亨特C.建他家后面的一个小木屋。该小屋 “,一个16x28英尺的结构”由落叶松原木,是亨特的第一篇文章的主题,“我们如何构建我们的小木屋。” 在20世纪30年代后期,亨特开始研究美国本土艺术家的作品。作为研究的一部分,亨特会见了艺术家和领导者,如尼克黑麋,弗兰克智能(或首席Gogeoweosh)和詹姆斯·“巴克”Burshears。 亨特分享了他与密尔沃基雄鹿队的“印第安的传说”知识男孩童子军领袖,并在1942年,亨特开始写的文章男孩的生活。他成为员工的正式成员,并最终撰写“1000多篇,为3的平均百分之四的问题。” 亨特的工作男孩的生命,导致他担任的工作人员全国童子军大会于1950年,1953年,1957年,1960年和
Walter Bernard "Ben" Hunt (March 13, 1888 – March 30, 1970) was an American artist, outdoor educator and author whose books and articles covered topics such as Native American arts and performance, woodworking, whittling, scoutcraft, pioneering, jewelry making, metalworking, andcalligraphy.
Hunt was born in Greenfield, Wisconsin and grew up in a log cabin. He attended Milwaukee’s South Division High School, but did not graduate, dropping out to become “a lithographic engraver (nowgraphics designer) at the Bruce Publishing Company.” Hunt moved to Hales Corners, Wisconsin with his wife, Laura, in 1920. In 1924, Hunt, along with his father-in-law and brother, Edwin C. Hunt, built a log cabin behind his home. The cabin, “a 16x28-foot structure” made of tamarack logs, was the subject of Hunt’s first article, “How We Built Our Log Cabin.”During the late 1930s, Hunt began to study the work of Native American artists. As part of his research, Hunt met with artists and leaders such as Nick Black Elk, Frank Smart (or Chief Gogeoweosh), and James F. "Buck" Burshears. Hunt shared his knowledge of "Indian lore" with Milwaukee's boy scout leaders and, in 1942, Hunt started writing articles for Boys' Life. He became a regular member of its staff, ultimately writing "over 1,000 articles, an average of three to four per issue."[5] Hunt's work for Boy's Life, led him to serve on the staff of the National Boy Scout Jamboree in 1950, 1953, 1957, and 1960.