1966年出生于四川成都。 1984年毕业于中央美术学院附中。 1988年本科毕业于中央美术学院中国画系。 1990年硕士研究生毕业,获中央美术学院硕士学位。中国人民大学艺术学院 院长助理、教授、硕士研究生导师,中国美术家协会会员。
中国人民大学艺术学院 院长助理、教授、硕士研究生导师,中国美术家协会会员。
1989年 首届中国画大奖赛优秀作品展 中国美术馆
1990年 高毅、黄华三水墨作品展 中央美术学院画廊
1992年 汉诺威双年展 KUBUS 美术馆
黄华三作品展 哈默尔恩FAHRENHORST画廊
黄华三综合材料作品展 汉诺威VEREINS UND WESTBANK青年艺术中心
黄华三纸上作品展 泽尔策KUNSTRAUM画廊
1993年 黄华三水墨作品展 汉诺威 ARCHE NOVE画廊
当代中国画家黄华三 纽伦堡SORKO画廊
1994年 汉诺威双年展 KUBUS 美术馆
黄华三综合材料绘画展 埃森DUNSCHE 画廊
中国笔墨 黄华三水墨作品展 汉堡ZEN画廊
1995年 汉堡 艺术家联展 FLUGHAFEN画廊
1996年 黄华三综合材料绘画展 汉诺威西门子艺术中心
1997年 杜伊斯堡 艺术家联展 NNG中心
1999年 黄华三水墨小品展 瑞典特雷堡BENGTSSON画廊
2000年 黄华三绘画展 泽尔策市政府艺术中心
2004年 重提学院派经典 中国画教学名师作品展 中国国家博物馆
2005年 中国画名家邀请展 北京荣宝斋画院
2006年 深圳水墨双年展 深圳关山月美术馆
2007年 鹊华墨讯 中国画名家学术提名展 山东博物馆
水墨江山 中国画名家学术提名展 成都三和美术馆
2008年 首届中国画线描艺术展 河南美术馆
当代·笔墨 2008当代中国人物画家提名展上海明圆文化艺术中心
和谐家园 全国工笔画展 辽河美术馆
改革开放30周年全国美展 广东美术馆 中国美术馆
第三届全国青年美展 中国美术馆
走进学院 全国高校名师中国画作品邀请展 中国国家画院美术馆
21世纪水墨学术展 中国国家画院美术馆
中西合神 黄华三绘画艺术展 烟台美术馆
2009年 中国美协欢乐红河写生作品展 广东岭南美术馆
徐悲鸿弟子暨中国书画名家展 无锡博物馆
首届雅昌艺术网艺术家联展 北京观音堂美术馆
六十年辉煌 中国当代书画名家作品联展中国美术馆
黄华三绘画艺术展 烟台美术馆
2010年 阳光新疆中国美协写生作品展中国革命军事博物馆
黄华三水墨作品展 烟台美术馆
2011年 天山南北中国美术作品展中国美术馆
黄华三新作展 烟台美术馆
异乎其趣 黄华三及其学生当代水墨邀请展 温州7号艺术中心
2012年 反相对话 黄华三及其学生水墨作品展” 美国凤凰城ASU STEP画廊
水墨中国 中国当代国画精品展 葡萄牙里斯本东方博物馆
墨道同行 同学水墨作品展 北京恭王府嘉乐堂
中国美术世界行中国当代美术精品展 柏林中国文化中心
另存II水墨展 北京798桥艺术空间
学院水墨八人作品展 中国国家画院美术馆
2013年 反相对话 黄华三及其学生水墨作品展美国保尔美术馆
中国美术世界行 中国当代国画精品展 科特迪瓦阿比让画廊
在时代现场 全国写生美术作品展 中国革命军事博物馆
反相对话 中美教师研究生作品展 北京798桥艺术空间
埃及卢克索绘画艺术节 开罗埃及艺术宫
首届李可染画院院展 中国美术馆
中国美术世界行 中国美术精品走进德国 柏林世界文化中心
2014年七彩云南 多彩贵州 中国美术作品展 中国美术馆
画北京 园林写生 中国国家画院美术馆
名家笔下的澳门 澳门文化艺术宫
中国美术世界行 中国画精品走进奥地利 维也纳莫雅皇宫美术馆
大美中国梦 当代中国画名家邀请展 青岛宝龙美术馆
中国美术世界行 中国当代美术精品展 亚美尼亚美术家美术馆
北京园林写生展 中国国家画院美术馆
墨彩情致 当代中国画名家邀请展 澳门金沙中心
守望文脉 当代中国画名家邀请展 北京国艺美术馆
放逸云烟 黄华三水墨作品展 山东青州四方阁美术馆
中国美术家眼中的美国 当代中国绘画作品展 北京炎黄艺术馆
2015年 反相对话 传统的革新 美国凤凰城ASU STEP画廊
中泰美术家精品展 泰国国家美术馆
中日美术家交流展 北京李可染画院美术馆
李可染画院当代名家邀请展 徐州美术馆
北京园林写生展 中国园林博物馆
以心接物 全国高校青年教师中国画作品展 中国国家画院美术馆
艺道同行 京津冀当代中国画名家邀请展 天津美术馆
2015年全国中国画展/评委特邀作品 烟台美术博物馆 烟台
黄华三水墨作品展 一三空间 山东青州
2016年 黄华三艺术馆开馆大展 青州宋城黄华三艺术馆 山东
反相对话 中国人民大学艺术学院美术馆 北京
义新欧·丝路行——全国美术名家主题创作展义乌国际博览中心 义乌
中国精神 中国梦——美丽乡村行写生采风展 中国文联文艺之家 北京
知微见著 中西合神
Born in Chengdu, Sichuan in 1966. He graduated from the attached middle school of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984. In 1988, he graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1990, he graduated with a master's degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Assistant Dean, Professor and Master's Supervisor, School of Art, Renmin University of China, Member of China Artists Association.
brief introduction
Assistant Dean, Professor and Master's Supervisor, School of Art, Renmin University of China, Member of China Artists Association.
Born in Chengdu, Sichuan in 1966.
He graduated from the attached middle school of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984.
In 1988, he graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1990, he graduated with a master's degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
From 1990 to 1995, he went to FACHHOCHSCHULEHANNOVER College in Hanover, Germany to study for master's degree.
From 1995 to 2000, he lived and created as a freelance artist in Hanover, Germany, and was a member of the German Association of Plastic Artists.
During his stay in Germany, he held more than 30 individual art exhibitions in Europe, and his works were collected by different galleries, art institutions and collectors.
He returned to China in 2000 and served in Renmin University of China.
Art chronology
Excellent Works Exhibition of the First Chinese Painting Grand Prix, 1989, China Art Museum
1990 Gao Yi and Huang Hua Three Ink Works Exhibition Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts
1992 Hanover Biennale KUBUS Gallery
Huanghua Three Works Exhibition Hammern FAHRENHORST Gallery
Huang Huasan Composite Works Exhibition Hanover VEREINS UND WESTBANK Youth Art Center
Huang Hua's Three Paper Works Exhibition Zeltzer KUNSTRAUM Gallery
1993 Huanghua Sanhua Ink Works Exhibition ARCHE NOVE Gallery, Hanover
SORKO Gallery, Sannuremberg, Huanghua, a Contemporary Chinese Painter
1994 Hanover Biennale KUBUS Gallery
Huang Huasan Composite Material Painting Exhibition Essen DUNSCHE Gallery
Hamburg ZEN Gallery
1995 Hamburg Artists Joint Exhibition FLUGHAFEN Gallery
1996 Huanghua Three Composite Materials Painting Exhibition Siemens Art Center, Hanover
NNG Centre, 1997 Duisburg Artists'Joint Exhibition
1999 Huanghua Three Ink Sketches Exhibition, BENGTSSON Gallery, Treburg, Sweden
2000 Huanghua Three Painting Exhibition Zelze Municipal Government Art Center
2004 Re-mention of the Famous Teachers'Works Exhibition of Classical Chinese Painting of Academic School in the National Museum of China
2005 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painters Beijing Rongbaozhai Painting Academy
Shenzhen Ink Biennale 2006 Guanshan Moon Art Museum, Shenzhen
2007 Quhua Moxun Academic Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Painters Shandong Museum
Academic Nomination Exhibition of Famous Chinese Painters in Water and Mohist Mountains, Sanhe Art Museum, Chengdu
2008 First Chinese Line Drawing Art Exhibition Henan Art Museum
Contemporary Brush and Ink 2008 Nominated Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Character Painters Shanghai Mingyuan Cultural and Art Center
Harmonious Home National Fine Brushwork Exhibition Liaohe Art Museum
National Art Exhibition on the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up
The First Biennial Exhibition of Landscape Painting Guilin Museum of Art
The Third National Youth Art Exhibition, China Art Museum
Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painting Works by Famous Teachers of Colleges and Universities in China National Academy of Painting Art Museum
Academic Exhibition of Ink and Wash in the 21st Century China National Academy of Painting Art Museum
Yantai Museum of Art
2009 Happy Red River Sketches Exhibition of China Association of Arts Guangdong Lingnan Art Museum
Xu Beihong's Disciple and Famous Chinese Painters and Calligraphy Exhibition Wuxi Museum
The 2nd National Academic Nomination Exhibition of Ink and Wash Artists in Jiangshan, China National Academy of Painting Art Museum
Inspiration Plateau China Art Exhibition China Art Museum
The First Art Network Artists'Joint Exhibition of Yachang, Beijing Guanyintang Art Museum
Sixty Years of Brilliant Works of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters Joint Exhibition of China Art Museum
Huang Huasan Painting Art Exhibition Yantai Art Museum
2010 Sunshine Xinjiang China Association of Art Sketches Exhibition China Revolutionary Military Museum
Huang Huasan Ink Works Exhibition Yantai Art Museum
2011 Tianshan North-South China Art Exhibition China Art Museum
Huang Hua's Three New Works Exhibition Yantai Art Museum
Unlike its fun, Huang Huasan and his students Contemporary Ink and Wash Invitation Exhibition Wenzhou 7 Art Center
Anti-Relative Dialogue Huang Huasan and His Student Ink Works Exhibition 2012 "ASU STEP Gallery, Phoenix, USA
Chinese Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition of Ink and Wash, Oriental Museum, Lisbon, Portugal
National Art Exhibition to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of Speech Publication China Revolutionary Military Museum
Ink and Wash Works Exhibition of Mexican and Taoist Peers Beijing Gongwang Palace Jiale Hall
China Art World Travel China Contemporary Art Exhibition Berlin China Culture Center
Chinese Art Works Exhibition on the vast grassland, China Art Museum
Save Art Space of Beijing 798 Bridge for II Ink and Wash Exhibition
Academy of Ink and Wash Works Exhibition of Eight People, National Academy of Art Museum of China
Anti-Relative Dialogue Huang Huasan and His Student Ink Works Exhibition, Paul Museum of Art, USA, 2013
World of Chinese Fine Arts Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings Gallery in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
National Sketch Art Exhibition on the Site of the Times China Revolutionary Military Museum
On the Art Space of Beijing 798 Bridge
Egyptian Luxor Painting Festival Cairo Egyptian Palace of Art
The First Academy Exhibition of Li Keran Art Academy, China Art Museum
Chinese Fine Arts World Exhibition Chinese Fine Arts into the World Cultural Center in Berlin, Germany
Yunnan Colorful Guizhou Chinese Art Works Exhibition, China Art Museum, 2014
Painting Beijing Landscape Sketch Art Museum of China National Academy of Painting
Macau Cultural and Art Palace by Famous Artists
Chinese Fine Arts World Exhibition Chinese Painting Fine Works Entering the Maya Palace Art Museum, Vienna, Austria
Damei Chinese Dream Contemporary Chinese Painters Invitation Exhibition Qingdao Baolong Art Museum
World of Chinese Art Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition Armenian Art Museum
Beijing Landscape Sketch Exhibition China National Academy of Painting Art Museum
Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painters by Ink Painting Emotion Macau Jinsha Center
Watch Contemporary Chinese Painters'Contemporary Context Invitation Exhibition Beijing National Art Museum
Free Cloud and Smoke, Huanghua Three-ink Works Exhibition, Sifang Pavilion Art Museum, Qingzhou, Shandong Province
American Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition in the Eyes of Chinese Artists Beijing Yanhuang Museum of Art
Innovation of Anti-Relative Dialogue Tradition in 2015 ASU STEP Gallery, Phoenix, USA
Fine Art Exhibition of Chinese and Thai Artists Thailand National Museum of Art
Sino-Japanese Artists Exchange Exhibition Beijing Li Keran Academy Art Museum
Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Famous Artists by Li Keran Academy of Painting Xuzhou Art Museum
Beijing Landscape Sketch Exhibition China Landscape Museum
National Youth Teachers'Chinese Paintings Exhibition of National Academy of Painting Art Museum
Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painters from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei by Art and Taoism Peers Tianjin Art Museum
2015 National Chinese Painting Exhibition/Judge Invited Works Yantai Art Museum Yantai
Huanghua Three Ink Works Exhibition 1-3 Space Qingzhou, Shandong Province
2016 Huanghua Three Art Museum Opening Exhibition Qingzhou Songcheng Huanghua Three Art Museum Shandong Province
On the contrary, Art Museum, School of Art, Renmin University of China, Beijing
Yixinou Silk Road Travel: Yiwu International Exposition Center of National Art Famous Artists Theme Creation Exhibition
Chinese Spirit and Chinese Dream: Beautiful Countryside Sketch Exhibition, Beijing, Literature and Art House of China Federation