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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名王建中
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 出生地北京
  • 出生日期1955年8月出生
  • 职业清华大学美术学院教授、博士生导师
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校中央工艺美术学院
《鲍壶赞》―诚者人乐 仁者乐人 (作者:王建中)

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


主要经历及社会兼职:中国工艺美术学会副理事长、常务理事,中国陶瓷工业协会艺术委员会执行会长,中国陶瓷艺术设计中心主任,中国日用玻璃协会名誉副理事长,中国科协全国委员,中国美术家协会会员 。
2011年 荣获“推进中国陶瓷艺术与设计发展特殊贡献奖”、2013年 荣获“中国陶瓷艺术与设计教育杰出贡献奖”。


1、2011年 荣获“推进中国陶瓷艺术与设计发展特殊贡献奖”、2013年 荣获“中国陶瓷艺术与设计教育杰出贡献奖”;
2015年 陶瓷作品《丙申瑞猴》获中国第二届生肖大赛金奖
2015年 玻璃作品《山·水·天》获清华美院教师作品展优秀奖
2013年 荣获“中国陶瓷艺术与设计教育杰出贡献奖”
2011年 荣获“推进中国陶瓷艺术与设计发展特殊贡献奖”
2011年 玻璃铸造艺术品《叠泉》获中国轻工精品展暨首届中国玻璃艺术名家作品展金奖
2007年 作品《窗系列之朝阳》获第5届韩国清州国际手工艺大赛优秀奖
2003年 荣获“清华大学教书育人奖”
2002年 作品《天安门礼品设计》获中国首届纪念品设计大赛银奖
2002年 作品《巫》《舞》获首届清华工美杯教师作品展铜奖
2001年 作品《冷咖啡具》获韩国世界陶瓷博览会优秀奖
1999年 作品《远古印象》获中国当代陶艺大展珍品奖
1999年 作品《冷咖啡具》获北京1999工业设计大赛银奖
1997年 作品《天坛》系列获“97中国旅游年”设计大赛三等奖
1994年 作品《合》获全国陶瓷美术设计创作银奖
1994年 荣获“北京市高等院校优秀青年骨干教师”
1990年 作品《神偶》获国工艺美术院校优秀作品评比优秀奖
1989年 作品《大寿瓶》获中华人民共和国建设部新成就展一等奖

English Introduction

Wang Jianzhong, born in August 1955 in Beijing, was admitted to the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in 1978. He is now a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, vice-chairman and executive director of the Chinese Academy of Arts and Crafts, executive chairman of the Art Committee of the China Ceramic Industry Association, director of the China Ceramic Art Design Center, and director of China Daily Glass. Honorary Vice President of the Association, National Member of China Association of Science and Technology, and Member of China Artists Association. "Design China" (National Ceramic Design Evaluation Activity) chief planner. Vice Chairman and Standing Director of China Arts and Crafts Association, Executive Chairman of Art Committee of China Ceramic Industry Association, Director of China Ceramic Art Design Center, Honorary Vice Chairman of China Daily Glass Association, National Member of China Association of Science and Technology, and Member of China Artists Association. "Design China" (National Ceramic Design Evaluation Activity) chief planner.

The main research directions are: innovation research of Arts and crafts, creation and theoretical research of glass and ceramics art and handicraft art.

Major Experiences and Part-time Social Work: Vice Chairman and Standing Director of China Arts and Crafts Association, Executive Chairman of Art Committee of China Ceramic Industry Association, Director of China Ceramic Art Design Center, Honorary Vice Chairman of China Daily Glass Association, National Member of China Association of Science and Technology, and Member of China Artists Association.

Academic proposition: The generosity of basic knowledge is the source of innovation, and the interdisciplinary and the communication of aesthetic consciousness are the important ways of innovation. Academic research is a serious and arduous work. Only by being calm, calm, down-to-earth and advancing bravely can we make a difference in creation and innovation. The expression of creativity and innovation is not only reflected in the amount of knowledge, but also in the depth of experience and rich experience. Therefore, diligence in practice and continuous thinking are the daily necessities of our artists. The ancients said: "Life is diligent, no gain." The field of Arts and crafts covers a wide range, even glass and ceramics are as deep as the sea. Academic research needs fire-like enthusiasm, transparent and pure quality and perseverance.

He has published works such as International Ceramic Design View, Purple Sand Pot Making Techniques, International Ceramic Design, Cizhou Kiln Porcelain, Chinese Famous Kiln Porcelain-Cizhou Kiln Porcelain, World Modern Glass Art, Glass Art, Furnace Fire Red, Furnace Fire Red-Wang Jianzhong Art Works Collection, etc. Its ceramics "Eternal Series" is collected by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China; its glass works "Start" and "Arrive" are collected by the Chinese Art Museum; its ceramics "Ancient Rhyme" and "Iron Red Carved Cans" are collected by the National Museum; its ceramics "Ancient Echo" is collected by the Chinese Art and Craft Museum; and its ceramics "Blue" is collected by the Chinese Art and Craft Muse The Dream of Color is collected by the People's Government of Zibo City, Shandong Province, and the glass work Echo is collected by Shanghai Glass Museum, etc. Making glass sculpture "Qi Feng" for Zibo Railway Station Square, making mural "Dunhuang Music and Dance" for the Administrative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in Macao, and making glass mural "Four Great Inventions" for the Consulate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in New York, etc.

In 2011, he was awarded the Special Contribution Award for Promoting the Development of Chinese Ceramic Art and Design, and in 2013, he was awarded the Excellent Contribution Award for Chinese Ceramic Art and Design Education.

The glass art studio of Tsinghua University is the earliest university in China to establish undergraduate glass art education specialty. Wang Jianzhong Glass Art Exhibition held in 2001 promoted contemporary glass art in China. The World Modern Glass Art published in 2004 was the first monograph in China to comprehensively introduce the development of modern glass art in the world, which is of great significance to the development and theoretical research of contemporary glass art in China. Since 2002, papers on contemporary glass art have been published in key national journals, which is of positive significance to the theoretical construction of contemporary glass art in China. As a curator, China's contemporary glass art has entered the national exhibition, such as the Biennial of Chinese Arts and Crafts held in the National Museum. It has gone through three years since its founding. Promote the exchange of Chinese contemporary glass art with the world glass art; for several years actively committed to the mainstream of Chinese contemporary glass art into the field of art, has done a lot of organization, promotion and publicity work. Ceramic and glass works are collected by the Chinese Art Museum, the Chinese Arts and Crafts Museum, the National Museum, the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, local governments, foreign art institutions and private collectors.






    最近更新:2025-01-13 09:23:14
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