清 姚文瀚 摹宋人文会图
清 姚文瀚 四序图卷 绢本设色 纵31.5厘米横318厘米 北京故宫博物院藏
清 姚文瀚 紫光阁赐宴图卷 绢本设色 纵45.7cm横486.5cm 北京故宫博物院藏
本幅款署“臣姚文瀚恭绘”。钤“文”、“瀚”联珠印。宫廷鉴藏印诸方。 乾隆二十五年(1761年),紫光阁修缮完成,乾隆下旨将平定准部、回部的100名功臣画像张悬于四壁。次年正月,乾隆皇帝又在此设庆功宴,王公贵族、文武大臣、蒙古族首领以及西征将士百余人出席。此幅描绘了当时宴庆的宏大场面。图中建筑借助西洋绘画手法而沿用中国画传统的手卷形式来表现。位于中南海内的紫光阁始建于明代,到清代成为皇帝阅射和殿试武举之所,乾隆时重修,至今依然保持着当年盛世的形貌,图画中之建筑与紫光阁实景两相对照,饶有情趣。
清 姚文瀚 岁朝欢庆图 轴 纸本设色 82.4×55公分 台北故宫博物院藏
Yao Wenhan (18th century A.D.) was born in Shuntian (today's Beijing). The year of his birth and death is unknown. During Qianlong period, he worshipped the Neiting Empire, and wrote works such as Gongdao interpretation, figures, landscapes and boundary paintings. Shiqu Baoji recorded his previous work "Imitating the Upper Rivers of the Qingming Dynasty". When the works were performed by groups of workers, the articles were tailored and shortened. Qianlong liked to inscribe poems and commented on them: "This volume is much smaller than the original size at the end of the selection, and the characters are getting smaller and smaller. Taste the axis of Wuyin Qinglei Picture, the axis of Spring Dynasty Baby Drama, the axis of Sui Chao Happy Picture, the axis of Guanyin Picture, and the axis of Wenshu Picture. In the seventeenth year of Qianlong reign (1752), he tasted the Volume of Imitating Song Humanities Association, and in the twenty-sixth year (1761), he wrote the Volume of Ziguang Pavilion Tin Banquet. The works handed down from generation to generation include Four Preface Pictures volume, silk book, color design, vertical 31.5 cm, horizontal 318 cm, describing the leisurely life of court ladies during spring outing, cool reception, Lake tour and snow appreciation, with ingenious conception, quiet mood, delicate depiction, vivid image, neat brushwork and elegant color design. Although small, this work is full of gestures, both physical and spiritual. It is now in the Palace Museum. From art activities in the Qianlong period.
Qingyao Wenhan imitates the Song Humanities Association Map
When Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty was king of Qin Dynasty, there were eighteen strategists in the government. After his accession to the throne, he ordered Yan to draw eighteen bachelor's maps. After Song Dynasty, he often presented them in the form of elegant collection of literati. Yao Wenhan painted this volume in the seventeenth year of Qianlong. There is a regular script "Eighteen Bachelors'Praise" on it. It has the same composition as the collection "Eighteen Bachelors' Pictures of Liu Songnian and Tang Dynasty" in the courtyard. It has clear and beautiful colors, delicate and vigorous strokes, slightly shadowed characters, three-dimensional sense, and exquisite details of all kinds of furniture and utensils.
This volume of Linben furniture has a clearer image and a reasonable shape, which shows the artist's insight into the shape of objects. There are many pieces of furniture in the whole volume, which provide valuable information in terms of quantity, type, shape and decoration.
Qingyao Wenhan Four-Sequence Picture Volume Silk Setting Colour 31.5 cm Longitudinal and 318 cm Transverse in Beijing Palace Museum Collection
This volume depicts the different enjoyment life of court ladies in spring outing, cool reception, Lake tour and snow appreciation. The layout is ingenious and the realm is quiet. It contains characters, landscapes, terraces, pavilions, different trees and flowers in spring, summer, autumn and winter and their scenery in one volume. Careful depiction, vivid image, meticulous brush and ink, with colors of the same kind, quite natural. Although the characters are small, they are well equipped with all kinds of gestures, shapes and spirits. Although the scenery is complex, it is dense and appropriate to foil the various recreational activities of the characters. It's really a masterpiece of meticulous management.
Qingyao Wenhan Ziguang Pavilion Granted Banquet Picture Volume Silk Setting Colors 45.7 cm Longitudinally and 486.5 cm Horizontally in Beijing Palace Museum Collection
This picture is "painted by Yao Wenhaigong". Scandium "Wen" and "Han" joint Pearl printing. The imperial court collects and seals all over the world. In the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong (1761), the restoration of Ziguang Pavilion was completed. Qianlong's decree was to hang 100 portraits of meritorious officials in the quadrant and Hui. In the first month of the following year, Emperor Qianlong held a celebration banquet here, attended by more than 100 people, including princes and nobles, ministers of civil and military affairs, Mongolian leaders and generals of the Western Expedition. This picture depicts the grand scene of the banquet at that time. With the help of Western painting techniques, the architecture in the picture is represented by the traditional handscroll form of Chinese painting. Ziguang Pavilion, located in Zhongnanhai, was built in Ming Dynasty. It became the emperor's place for reading and shooting and testing military exercises in the palace in Qing Dynasty. It was rebuilt in Qianlong Dynasty. It still keeps the appearance of its flourishing age. The architecture in the picture is interesting compared with the real scenery of Ziguang Pavilion.
Qing Yao Wen-han's Celebration Axis Paper Setting Color 82.4 x 55 cm in Taipei Palace Museum Collection
This picture depicts the celebration and reunion of the whole family during the Spring Festival. The hosts and hostesses sit in the hall while the children play with gongs, drums, clappers, puppets, firecrackers and the courtyard. The housemaid waits with a wine pot or delivers cakes and shuttles in the front hall corridor. Backyard women were busy preparing New Year's Eve dinner, and men in the distant attic hung lanterns together. The garden fire basin burns pine branches and sesame straw, the indoor decoration is "Four Seasons Flowers" big screen, Zhu several bottles of inserting peony, foil the rich and auspicious flavor of the hall.