弗兰克·霍尔Frank Holl(1845年7月4日伦敦- 1888年7月31日在伦敦)是一个英国画家皇家肖像画家。
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霍尔出生在伦敦雕刻所指出的,家庭的儿子弗朗西斯·霍尔 ARA以及的侄子威廉·霍尔年轻和孙子威廉·霍尔老,他的职业他本来打算效仿。他是受过教育的主要大学学校。进入皇家学院作为一个实习在1860年绘画,他迅速发展,赢得银牌和金牌,并在1864年他的首次亮相作为参展商的肖像,和原来的教会,一个主题的画面。蕨类植物采集者(1865);折磨(1866);康复的人(有点严峻的感伤吸引了很多注意力),和脸火(1867),成功了。霍尔获得了旅行奖学金;1868年成功的工作特点的年轻画家的心情,被耶和华,耶和华带走。
过度劳累了霍尔的健康,但他的名声被资助保证图片。1870年,他画好晚餐菜,彼此相爱,比肥牛,彼此相恨;没有大海的音信,一个场景一个渔夫的别墅,在1871 -一个故事告诉breath-catching感伤和权力;我复活和生命(1872);离开家(1873),废弃的(1874),这两个巨大的成功;她的长女,女孩带着一个婴儿严重(1876);和回家(1877)。梵高赞赏霍尔的作品和热情地写他的弟弟西奥。
霍尔的主要包括相似性的肖像主罗伯茨,画维多利亚女王(1882);威尔士亲王(1882 - 83);主Dufferin,克利夫兰公爵(1885);主Overstone,约翰聪明,格莱斯顿先生,约瑟夫·张伯伦,约翰,斯宾塞伯爵,子爵女王和别人的分数。
Holl was born in London to family of noted engravers, being the son of Francis HollARA, as well as a nephew of William Holl the Younger and a grandson of William Holl the Elder, whose profession he originally intended to follow. He was educated mainly at University College School. Entering the Royal Academy Schools as a probationer in painting in 1860, he rapidly progressed, winning silver and gold medals, and making his debut as an exhibitor in 1864 with A Portrait, and Turned out of Church, a subject picture. A Fern Gatherer (1865); The Ordeal (1866); Convalescent (the somewhat grim pathos of which attracted much attention), and Faces in the Fire(1867), succeeded. Holl gained the travelling studentship in 1868; the successful work was characteristic of the young painter's mood, being The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away.
In 1869 he was recruited as an artist by the engraver and social reformer William Luson Thomas, to work on Thomas's newly founded newspaper, The Graphic. In 1886 he produced a portrait of Millais as his diploma work, but his health rapidly declined and he died at Hampstead, north London, on 31 July 1888. He is buried in Highgate Cemetery.
Overwork undermined Holl's health, but his reputation was assured by the studentship picture. In 1870 he painted Better is a Dinner of Herbs where Love is, than a Stalled Ox and Hatred therewith; No Tidings from the Sea, a scene in a fisherman's cottage, in 1871—a story told with breath-catching pathos and power; I am the Resurrection and the Life(1872); Leaving Home (1873), Deserted (1874), both of which had great success; Her First-born, girls carrying a baby to the grave (1876); and Going Home (1877). Van Gogh admired Holl's works and wrote enthusiastically to his brother Theo about them.
In 1877 he painted the two pictures Hush and Hushed. Newgate, Committed for Trial, first attested the breaking down of the painter's health in 1878. In this year he was elected A.R.A., and exhibited The Gifts of the Fairies, The Daughter of the House, Absconded, and a portrait of Samuel Cousins the mezzotint engraver.
Holl was overwhelmed with commissions, which he would not decline. The consequences of this strain upon a constitution which was never strong were more or less, though unequally, manifest in Ordered to the Front, a soldier's departure (1880); Home Again, its sequel, in 1883 (after which he was made Royal Academician).
Holl's major portraits include likenesses of Lord Roberts, painted for Queen Victoria (1882); the Prince of Wales (1882–83);Lord Dufferin, the Duke of Cleveland (1885); Lord Overstone, John Bright, Mr Gladstone, Joseph Chamberlain, John Tenniel, Earl Spencer, Viscount Cranbrook, and a score of others.