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卡济.马列维奇Kazimir Malevich

卡济.马列维奇Kazimir Malevich(1878年2月23日——1935年5月15日),俄罗斯画家。

  • 中文名卡济.马列维奇
  • 外文名Kazimir Malevich
  • 性别
  • 国籍俄罗斯
  • 出生地乌克兰
  • 出生日期1878年2月23日
  • 逝世日期1935年5月15日
  • 职业画家

中国美术网 09-05 5221浏览

拍卖史上最重要的马列维奇油画《至上主义,第18号构造》首次亮相拍场  “二十世纪国际艺坛最重要艺术家之一, 创造抽象新领域”拍卖史上最重要的卡兹米尔。马列维奇油...

卡济马列维奇出生卡齐米Malewicz到波兰家庭,谁附近定居基辅在基辅省的的俄罗斯帝国的过程中瓜分波兰。他的父母,Ludwika和Seweryn Malewicz,是罗马天主教最喜欢的种族波兰人,虽然他的父亲参加了东正教服务也是如此。他们两人都来自英联邦(的当今Kopyl地区前东部领土逃往白俄罗斯)基辅在失败的后果波兰1863年一月起义反对沙皇军队。他的母语是波兰语,虽然他谈到乌克兰语在公众面前。随后,马列维奇甚至写了一系列关于乌克兰艺术的文章。





从1896年至1904年卡济马列维奇住在库尔斯克。1904年,他的父亲去世后,他搬到了莫斯科。他曾就读于绘画,雕塑,建筑的莫斯科学院 1904年至1910年,并在工作室费奥多尔Rerberg在莫斯科(1904至1910年)。1911年,他参加了第二次展览组,联盟Molodyozhi(青年联盟)的圣 圣彼得堡,连同弗拉基米尔·塔特林,并在1912年,该集团召开了第三次展览,其中包括工程亚历山德拉Ekster,塔特林,等等。同年,他被集体参加展览驴的尾巴在莫斯科举行。到那时他的作品受到影响纳塔利娅察洛娃和米哈伊尔·拉里奥诺夫,俄罗斯前卫画家,谁在俄罗斯民间艺术被称为特别感兴趣鲁保。马列维奇形容自己是画在一个“立方未来派”的风格在1912年[14]在1913年三月的大型展览Aristarkh Lentulov的绘画在莫斯科开幕。本次展会的效果与可比塞尚在巴黎于1907年,作为时间(包括马列维奇)所有主要的俄罗斯前卫艺术家立即吸收了立体主义原则,在他们的作品使用它们开始。早在同年立方未来主义歌剧,击败太阳,以马列维奇的舞台设定,成为一个巨大的成功。1914年马列维奇展出他的作品独立沙龙在巴黎一起亚历山大·阿契,索尼亚·德劳内,亚历山德拉Ekster和瓦迪姆梅勒,等等。[ 来源请求 ]马列维奇还共同表示,与帕维尔Filonov,与后记诗选, 1907年至1914年由韦利米尔Khlebnikov并于1914年通过Khlebnikov另一部作品名为吼!护手,1908至1914年,与弗拉基米尔BURLIUK。


黑方,他的第四个版本代表作画在20世纪20年代,于1993年被发现在萨马拉和购买Inkombank为US $ 250,000。2002年4月这幅作品的拍卖为100万$的等价物。此次收购是由俄罗斯慈善家资助弗拉基米尔·波塔宁,谁捐款给俄罗斯文化部, ,并最终向国家冬宫博物馆收藏。根据冬宫的网站,这是国内最大的民营贡献由于国家艺术博物馆十月革命。

2008年11月3日马列维奇题为工作至上主义成分,从1916年设置任何艺术俄罗斯工作和拍卖这一年的任何工作的世界纪录,在销售苏富比在纽约市刚刚超过US $ 59亿美元(超过他以前的美国创纪录的2000年的$ 17百万套)。



English Introductio

Kazimir Malevich was born to the family of Kazimierz Malewicz Poland, [7] [8] [9] of the Russian Empire who settled near Kiev in Kiev province in the partition of Poland. [10] his parents, Ludwika and Seweryn Malewicz, are ethnic poles in Rome Catholic love [1], although his father attended too orthodox service. [11] the two of them came from the Commonwealth (the former eastern territories of today's Kopyl region fled to Belarus) Kiev in the aftermath of the defeat of the Poland uprising in January 1863 against the Czar's army. [12] his mother tongue is polish, although he said Ukraine [7] [11] in front of the public. Later, he even wrote a series of articles about the art of Ukraine. [11]
Father Kazy the sugar factory management. Kazy is the oldest of fourteen children in [10], only nine people survived to adulthood. His family often moved, he spent most of his childhood in a village in Ukraine, a beet plantation, away from the cultural center. Until he was twelve years old, he knew nothing about the professional artist, but art had surrounded him in childhood. He likes to embroider the farmers and decorate the walls and the stove. He can draw in the farmhouse. He was drawn in Kiev from 1895 to 1896.
When Malevich died of cancer at the age of 57 in May 1935, 15 in Leningrad, his friends and disciples buried his ashes in the black box marked with serious. Abstract form they did not fulfill his wishes and established his skyscraper "architekton" topped the whole design sketches of serious, equipped with a telescope, through which visitors stare at jupiter. [24]
On his deathbed Malevich has exhibited a black square above him, and was allowed in his funeral gathering of mourners waving flags with a black square. [21] Malevich asked under the oak tree was buried on the outskirts of Nemchinovka, a place where he felt a special bond. [25] his ashes were sent to Nemchinovka, buried in a nearby village villa. Nicola Suetin, Malevich's friends and fellow artists, design a white cube with the burial place of black squares mark. To commemorate the destruction during World War ii. Leningrad city to Malevich's mother and daughter pension.
In 2013, the apartment building built in the tomb and Kazimir Malevich burial place. Other monuments near Malevich, proposed in 1988, is now located on the grounds of a gated community.From 1896 to 1904 Kazimir Malevich in Kursk. In 1904, after his father died, he moved to moscow. He studied in the painting, sculpture, and architecture of the Moscow academy from 1904 to 1910, and at studio Fedor Rerberg in Moscow (1904 to 1910). In 1911, he participated in the second exhibition group, Molodyozhi Alliance (Youth League) of St. St Petersburg, together with Vladimir Tatlin, and in 1912, the group held third exhibitions, including the works of Alexandra Ekster, Tatlin, etc.. In the same year, he was taken to the donkey's tail in moscow. By then his works were influenced by Natalia Tsalova and Mikhail Larionov, the Russian avant-garde painter, who was particularly interested in Russian folk art. Malevich described himself as being painted in a "cube futuristic" style at the 1912 [14] in, a large exhibition of Aristarkh Lentulov in moscow. The exhibition effect compared with Cezanne in Paris on 1907, as time (including Malevich) all major Russian avant-garde artists immediately absorbed the principle of cubism in their works, they began to use. The sun beat early in the same year, set in a futuristic cube opera, Malevich stage, became a huge success. 1914 Malevich exhibited his works independent salon in Paris with Alexander Archie, Sonia Delaunay, Alexandra Ekster and Vadim Mailer, etc.. [source] request Malevich together said, with Pavel Filonov, and postscript poems, from 1907 to 1914 by velimir Khlebnikov and in 1914 by Khlebnikov another work called roar! Hand, from 1908 to 1914, and Vladimir BURLIUK.Black, his version of the fourth representative painting in 1920s, was discovered in 1993 in Samarra and the purchase of Inkombank US $250000. The auction of this work in April 2002 was equivalent to $1 million. The acquisition was funded by Russian philanthropist Vladimir Potanin, who donated to the Russian Ministry of culture, and ultimately to the national Winter Palace Museum collection. According to the Winter Palace site, which is the largest private contribution to the National Art Museum of the October revolution.
November 3, 2008 Malevich entitled work oriented components, set any Russian art auction this year work and any work from 1916 world record sales in Sotheby's in New York city just over $US $5 billion 900 million (more than 17 million sets of his former American record in 2000 $).
Malevich's life has inspired many reference events and painting players. Malevich paintings smuggled out of Russia is the key writers Martin Cruz Smith plot line thriller Red Square. Noah Charney's novel, tells the story of two art thieves stolen Malevich white story in white paint, and discussed the influence on radical supremacy of the composition of the art world of malevich. The British artist Keith Coventry Malevich works with modernism views, especially his painting village. Malevich also works in Lars von Trier film, highlighting the characteristics of depression.
In 1911 BrocardCo. production called Cologne Severny Hotel, and packaging and labelling by Malevich design. Cologne made until early 1990s.

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