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约瑟夫·莱特Wright, Joseph

约瑟夫·莱特  ARA (3九月1734月29–1797),风格 皇家德比的约瑟夫·赖特 ,是英国的风景和肖像画家。他被誉为“第一职业来表达精神的画家 工业革命 “。 莱特是著名的为他使用 明暗对照法 的影响,强调光与暗的对比,和他画的蜡烛的主体。他画的科学诞生了 炼金术 ,往往根据的会议 月球社会 ,一批很有影响的科学家和实业家的生活在英格兰中部,是斗争的科学与宗教价值观在这段时期被称为一个重要的记录 启蒙时代 “。

莱特的许多画都归 德比市议会 ,并展出 赛马博物馆和艺术画廊 “。

  • 中文名约瑟夫·莱特
  • 外文名Joseph Wright of Derby
  • 性别
  • 国籍英国
  • 出生日期1734
  • 逝世日期1797
  • 职业画家

Joseph Wright 出生 在 Irongate , 德比 。决定成为一名画家,莱特去了 伦敦 1751、研究在两年 托马斯·哈德森 ,大师 约书亚雷诺兹 。在德比一段时间画肖像,莱特又当过十五个月的哈德森助理。1753他回到德比定居,改变了他在肖像画的工作具有很强的生产主体 明暗对照法 人工光源下,与他的名字主要是相关的,和山水画。赖特也度过了一个生产周期 利物浦 ,从1768到1771,画肖像。这些包括图片的一批杰出的公民和他们的家庭。

Wright married Ann(又名汉娜)迅速,一leadminer的女儿,在28七月1773

莱特和他的妻子有六个孩子,其中三个在婴儿期死亡。莱特开始在1773 约翰唐曼 在pregnant,赖特和安 李察hurleston 意大利。他们的船躲避三周 好 在他们完成他们的航程中 里窝那 二月在意大利1774。唐曼在1775回英国。虽然他花了大量的时间 那不勒斯 ,莱特从未目睹任何喷发 维苏威火山 ;然而,这是可能的,他亲眼目睹了小,少令人印象深刻的爆发,可能有许多启发他后来画的火山。在他从意大利回来,他确立了自己在 卫浴 作为一个肖像画家,但会议没有鼓励他回到德比,在1777,他在那里度过了他的余生。他变得越来越紧张,哮喘和房子,并为这些抱怨他对他朋友处理 达尔文 。Ann Wright死在17八月1790。月1797日29莱特死在他的新家在皇后大街28号,德比郡,在那里他和他的两个女儿度过最后一个月。
莱特是艺术家协会的展览频繁的贡献者,和那些的 皇家学院 ,其中他在1781当选为副和1784的正式成员。他,然而,拒绝对一个轻微的,他相信他已经收到账户后的荣誉,并断绝了与学院官方联系,虽然他继续为展览从1783到1794。


莱特已经接近中部的创业企业家接触。他的两个最重要的顾客 约西亚玮致活 ,存入 产业化 的制造 陶器 ,和 李察阿克莱特 的,视为创造者of the 工厂制度 在 棉花产业 。莱特的一个学生, 威廉泰特 ,是舅舅偏心绅士掘进机 约瑟夫威廉姆森 完成了莱特的一些作品在他死后。莱特也有联系 达尔文 和其他成员 月球社会 ,汇集了知名企业家、科学家和哲学家。虽然会议在伯明翰举行,Erasmus Darwin,祖父 查尔斯达尔文 ,住在德比,和一些画Joseph Wright的德比,这本身是值得注意的使用他们的光辉照亮阴影,是的,或是由月球社会聚会。

在空气泵中鸟实验 (1768),表明人们围拢观察早期实验为空气和其能力来支持生命的本质。

在魔法石搜索炼金术士 (1771)描述了该元素的发现 磷 由德国炼金术士 何尼格·布兰德 1669。其中一瓶量大 尿 一直归结是冲进光为磷,其尿液中是丰富的,在空气中可以自燃。

一个哲学家讲的太阳系仪 为证明行星绕太阳运动的早期机制。苏格兰科学家 詹姆斯·弗格森 (1710–1776)七月在德比进行了1762个系列讲座 基于他的书 选择在力学、流体静力学、动力学学科的讲座,光学与C 。(1760)。为了说明他的演讲,弗格森用各种机器模型和工具。莱特可能参加这些会谈,尤其是张票,从John Whitehurst、莱特的邻居,一个钟表匠和一个科学家。莱特也可以画在Whitehurst实用知识,了解更多的关于太阳系仪及其操作。

这些事实的画被认为具有隐喻意义也破灭在祈祷图表示从信仰到科学认识和启蒙过渡前的磷光,并在说明在科学时代的到来可能不人道关怀的空气泵鸟人物的各种表情。 这些作品代表了在科学探究开始破坏在西方社会,宗教的力量高一点。十年后,科学家们将发现自己在强烈的迫害 法国革命 1789、本身的思想启蒙的高潮。 约瑟夫普莱斯利 ,月球社会的一个成员,在1794离开英国后他的伯明翰实验室砸了,他的房子烧毁的暴民反对他对法国大革命的直言不讳的支持。在法国,化学家 拉瓦锡 被处决的 断头台 在高度 恐怖 。政治家和哲学家 埃德蒙伯克 ,在他的著名 对法国大革命的反思 (1790),系自然哲学家,特别是普莱斯利,对法国革命;后来他写在他的 给一个贵族的信 (1796),“英国人认为激进分子支持科学实验中没有更多的比他们做的小鼠在一个空气泵”。在这样的评论,莱特的空气泵中的花鸟画,完成了二十年前,似乎特别有先见之明。

在这种背景下, 查尔斯达尔文 ,德比的人和月球的社会成员,Erasmus Darwin的孙子,会增加冲突的科学和半个世纪的宗教信仰后,与出版他的书 物种起源 和1859年。


English is introduced

Joseph Wright was born in Irongate, derby. Decided to become a painter, Wright went to London 1751, studied in two years Thomas Hudson, master Joshua, and the great master of science and technology in the past two years. In the past two years, the master of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the past two years, the great master of the. Painting a portrait for a while in the derby, Wright worked as Hodson's assistant for fifteen months. 1753 he returned to Derby to settle, and changed his work in portrait painting with a strong body of production under the artificial light source of light and shade, with his name primarily related, and landscape painting. Wright also spent a production cycle in Liverpool, drawing portraits from 1768 to 1771. These include pictures of a group of distinguished citizens and their families.
Wright married Ann (aka Hanna) swift, a leadminer daughter, in 28 July, 1773
Wright and his wife have six children, of whom three died in infancy. Wright started at 1773 John Dunman at pregnant, Wright and ANN in Italy, hurleston. Their boat from three weeks before they finished their voyage in Livorno in Italy in February 1774. Tang man in the 1775 back to the United kingdom. Although he spent a lot of time in Naples, Wright never witnessed any eruption of Vesuvius volcano; however, it is possible that he witnessed small, less impressive outbreak may have inspired many his later paintings volcano. After he came back from Italy, he established himself as a portrait painter in the bathroom, but the meeting did not encourage him to return to Derby, where he spent the rest of his life in 1777. He became more and more nervous, asthma and house, and for these complaints he dealt with his friend Darwin. Ann Wright died in 17 August, 1790. On 1797 July, Wright died in his new home in Queen's street, Derby County, No. 28, where he spent the last month with his two daughters, on the other side of.
Wright is a frequent contributor to the exhibition of the Artists Association, and those of the Royal Academy, where he was elected in 1781 as vice and a full member of the 1784. He, however, declined to a minor, he believed that he had received the honor after the account, and severed the official contact with the Academy, although he continued to exhibit from 1783 to 1794.Wright is close to the entrepreneurial entrepreneurs in the middle contact. His two most important customer Josiah Wedgwood, in the pottery industry, and Richard ackeret, regarded as the creator of of the factory system in the cotton industry. One of Wright's students, William Tate, is an eccentric uncle Joseph who had completed some of Wright's works after his death. Wright also has links to Darwin and other members of the Lunar Society, bringing together well-known entrepreneurs, scientists and philosophers. Although the meeting was held in Bermingham, Erasmus Darwin, grandfather Charles Darwin, lived in Derby, and some pictures Joseph Wright Derby, which itself is their light shadow, it is worth noting that the use of, or by social gatherings of the moon.
The bird in the air pump (1768), showed that the people gathered together for the air and the nature of early experimental observation of its ability to support life.
Search the alchemist in philosopher's stone (1771) describes the elements of phosphorus by the German alchemist Brand Rummenigge where 1669. One bottle of urine has been attributed to a large amount of phosphorus into the light, which is rich in urine, can be spontaneous combustion in the air.
A philosopher's solar system was used to prove that the planets move around the sun. Scotland scientist James Ferguson (1710 - July) conducted a series of lectures in the derby in based on his book selection in mechanics, statics, dynamics, lectures, optics and C. (1760). To illustrate his speech, Ferguson used a variety of machine models and tools. Wright may participate in these talks, especially Zhang Zhang, from John Whitehurst, Wright's neighbor, a watchmaker and a scientist. Wright can also draw practical knowledge in Whitehurst to learn more about the solar system and its operation.
These facts are believed to have the metaphorical meaning of painting also burst in prayer graph from faith to scientific understanding and Enlightenment before the transition of the phosphorescence, and may all face not a humanitarian bird in the air pump character in that era of science. These works represent a high point in the scientific inquiry that began to undermine the power of religion in Western societies. Ten years later, scientists will find themselves at the height of the persecution of the French Revolution 1789, their own ideological enlightenment. Joseph Presley, a member of the society, smashed in 1794 to leave England after his Bermingham laboratory, his house burned down the mob against him to support the French Revolution outspoken. In France, the chemist Lavoisier was executed in a high degree of terror. Statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke, in his famous reflections on the French Revolution (1790), Department of natural philosophers, especially Priestley, the French Revolution; he later wrote a letter to the aristocrat in his (1796), "the British people think the militants support no more than they do in mice in an air pump Science in the experiment". In this review, the air pump Wright in the flower and bird painting, completed twenty years ago, seems particularly prophetic vision.
In this context, Charles Darwin, Derby and the members of the society, the grandson of Darwin Erasmus, will increase the conflict between science and religion after half a century, with the publication of his book Origin and 1859.






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