乔治·弗雷德里克·瓦兹的OM RA(伦敦1817年2月23日- 1904年7月1日)是英国维多利亚时代的画家和雕塑家与象征主义运动有关。他说:“我画的想法,而不是东西。”[1]瓦成为著名的为他的寓言作品在他的有生之年,比如希望、爱和生活。这些画是为了形成史诗符号周期的一部分称为“家庭生活”,在这生命的情感和愿望都在一个通用的符号语言。
沃茨出生在 马里波恩 在伦敦,生日快乐 韩德尔 (在他命名),到一个贫穷的钢琴制造商的第二任妻子。微妙的在健康和他的母亲死在他还年轻,他在家接受教育的基督教保守派解释他的父亲以及通过经典如 伊利亚特 。 前者把他从传统的宗教生活,后者是他艺术的持续影响。他给艺术承诺很早,学习从10岁雕塑 威廉贝尼斯 ,开始悉心研究 埃尔金大理石 (后来写作“是他们孤独,我学会了”)然后在学生入学 皇家学院 在18岁的时候。他第一次在学院展出1837。 [ 1 ] 他也开始了自己的职业生涯从他的肖像,近当代接受赞助 亚历山大ionides康斯坦丁 ,后来就来了一个亲密的朋友。
他来到一个绘图题为公众的眼睛 卡拉克塔克斯 ,这是进入了一个竞争的新壁画设计 国会大厦 在 西敏寺 1843。沃茨在竞赛中获得一等奖,其目的是促进爱国主题的叙事性绘画,适合国家的立法机关。在结束了对Westminster的装饰瓦的贡献不大,但从他设想他的建筑覆盖着代表精神和社会的进化人类壁画公司。
他的许多画都归 英国泰特美术馆 –他捐赠给泰特在1897他的象征主义绘画18,三1900。其中一些已被租借到近年来美国瓦茨画廊,并在那里展出。给他两次拒绝男爵 维多利亚女王 ,他被选为1867到皇家学院院士和接受 功绩勋章 1902–用他自己的话说,在所有的英国艺术家代表。
细节 身体能量 在 罗德纪念馆 进入 开普敦 ,南非。在他的晚期作品,沃茨的创作愿望变异成神秘的图像如 该系统的播种机 这似乎预料到旗下, 抽象艺术 。这幅画描绘的是上帝在激励模式的恒星、星云勉强可见的形状。一些瓦其他后期作品似乎也会画 毕加索蓝色时期 。他还很钦佩作为一个肖像画家。他的肖像画是一天中最重要的男人和女人,为了形成一个“名望”。许多这些都是现在的集合 国家肖像画廊 :17捐了1895,有30多再加。在他的肖像沃茨试图创造纪律的稳定性和行动的力量之间的张力。他还注意强调应变的迹象和他的模特的脸穿。保姆: 查尔斯迪尔克 , 托马斯卡莱尔 , 马丁纽氏 ,和 威廉莫里斯 。
在他的最后一年瓦也转向雕塑。他最著名的作品,1902大铜像 身体能量 在马背上,描绘了手遮住太阳的裸体的男人,他看起来比他。它最初是专门为 穆罕默德 , 阿提拉 , 帖木儿 和 成吉思汗 思想的体现,瓦原活力的权力意志。一个演员被放置在 罗德纪念馆 进入 开普敦 ,南非,纪念宏伟帝国的愿景 塞西尔罗德 。沃茨文章“民族先锋”表示他支持 帝国主义 他认为,这是一个进步的力量。也有在伦敦的一个铸造这项工作 肯辛顿花园 ,overlooking北西侧of the蛇纹石。
Watts was born in Marylebone in London, Happy birthday Handel (in his name), to a poor piano maker's second wife. Delicate in health and his mother died when he was young, he was educated at home by his father, a Christian conservative interpretation through the classics such as the iliad. The former put him from the traditional religious life, the latter is the continuing impact of his art. He promised to art very early, learning from the age of 10 William Bynes began to study sculpture, marble in Elgin (later writing "is their loneliness, I learned") and students enrolled in the Royal Academy at the age of 18. He first exhibited at the Academy 1837. [1] he also started his career from his occupation portrait, sponsored by Alexander ionides near contemporary Constantine, who later came to a close friend.
He came to a drawing entitled public eye Kharak tucks, this is the new Houses of Parliament mural design entered a competition in Westminster 1843. Watts won first prize in the competition, its purpose is to promote the narrative painting patriotic theme, for the state legislature. At the end of a little contribution to the Westminster decorative tile, but from his idea of his building is covered with the evolution of human society and the spirit of the company representative murals.Many of his paintings are owned by the Tate Britain, he donated to the Tate in 1897 of his symbolism painting 18, three 1900. Some of them have been loaned to the United States in recent years the Watts gallery on display there, and. For the two time he refused to Baron Queen Victoria, he was elected to the Royal Academy in 1867 and received the medal of merit 1902 - in his own words, in all of the British artist representative.
Details of body energy at the Rhodes Memorial in Cape Town, South africa. In his later works, such as Watts's creation desire variation planter of the system it seems to anticipate its mysterious image, abstract art. This painting depicts the shape of the star, the nebula, barely visible in the form of God's power. Some of the other later works also seem to paint Picasso's blue period. He also admired as a portrait painter. His portrait is one of the most important men and women of the day in order to form a "fame"". Many of these are now collections of the National Portrait Gallery: 17 donated a total of $1895, plus a further more than and 30. In his portrait Watts tries to create the tension between the stability of discipline and the power of action. He also noted signs of strain and the face of his model. Nanny: Charles Dirk, Thomas Karel, New Zealand, and the New York, and the New York Times, the New York Times, the New York times.
In his last year tile also turned to sculpture. His most famous works, 1902 large bronze statue of the body's energy on horseback, depicts a naked man hand covered the sun, he looks better than he. It was originally dedicated to Mohamed, Attila, of Timur and the thought of Gen Gi Khan, the original vitality of the Watts Power will. An actor is placed in the Rhodes Memorial in Cape Town, South Africa, to commemorate the magnificent imperial vision of Cecil Rod. Watts in the "national vanguard" said he supported imperialism he believes that this is a force for progress. Also in London, a casting this work on the west side of North Kensington Gardens, overlooking of the serpentine.