弗雷德里克·瓦特(1800年10月7日- 1870年7月4日)是英国风景画家受到警察的影响。他被称为“弗雷德里克·威廉·瓦”,“弗雷德里克水域瓦”,“威廉·瓦”或“威廉弗雷德里克·瓦”。1817,“William Watts”,他认为已经进入了 皇家学院 在伦敦,获得银牌1819-21之间。他在学院展出1821–60,并在 英国机构 从1823-62。他还显示了很多的画在 萨福克街画廊 进入 新邦德街 并在 新的水彩协会 。
很多淡水河谷 ,萨福克郡有稀疏的信息关于这个画家把他的血统不确定性,培训和死亡日期。[3]根据《牛津词典》国家传记,他出生f·威廉·瓦在浴,萨默塞特在1800年10月7日,也许接受洗礼,f .水域瓦,在赫特福德郡的圣奥尔本斯在1801年,威廉和玛丽瓦的儿子。
1817,“William Watts”,他认为已经进入了 皇家学院 在伦敦,获得银牌1819-21之间。他在学院展出1821–60,并在 英国机构 从1823-62。他还显示了很多的画在 萨福克街画廊 进入 新邦德街 并在 新的水彩协会 。
沃茨生活在 Hampstead ,伦敦,对他的生活和画风景,” EN plein空气 “在英国,有一个江景偏好。他强烈影响 John Constable 。
似乎在他的许多来源给它1860的死亡有一定的不确定性。然而,根据odnb,沃茨于1870七月在Hampstead的家中去世,所致并发症 糖尿病 。
A lot of vale, Suffolk, with sparse information about the painter of his lineage uncertainty, training and date of death. [3] according to the "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography", he was born f William Wa in bath, Somerset in October 7, 1800, perhaps baptized f. Waters watts, St Albans in Hertfordshire in 1801, William and Mariva's son.
1817, the "William Watts", which he believes has entered the Royal Academy in London, won the silver medal 1819-21. He exhibited at college 1821 - 60, and in the UK institutions from 1823-62. He also showed a lot of paintings at the Suffolk Street Gallery in New Bond Street and in the new watercolour society.
Watts lives in Hampstead, London, on his life and landscape painting, "EN plein air" in the UK, there is a river landscape preference. He strongly influenced John Constable.
There seems to be some uncertainty in his many sources giving it 1860 of the death. However, according to ODNB, Watts died in July 1870 at home in Hampstead, due to complications of diabetes.