托马斯·本杰明(1856年4月7日- 1916年12月10日)是英国肖像画家。托马斯·本杰明出生在格里姆斯比林肯郡和训练在利物浦艺术艺术学院(赢得金牌),皇家艺术学院(RCA)在伦敦,和Academie朱利安在巴黎,在那里他学习了下Bougereau Robert-Fleury。他后来搬到在伦敦切尔西。
托马斯·本杰明出生在格里姆斯比林肯郡和训练在利物浦艺术艺术学院(赢得金牌),皇家艺术学院(RCA)在伦敦,和Academie朱利安在巴黎,在那里他学习了下Bougereau Robert-Fleury。他后来搬到在伦敦切尔西。
他在皇家美术学院展出,从1880 - 1916年的伦敦,也经常显示他在英国皇家学会的工作的英国艺术家(RBA)在萨福克郡大街和格罗夫纳画廊。 他是创始人新英语艺术俱乐部的成员和第一书记(1886年),并建立了帝国艺术联盟的目的是“保护和促进艺术家和通知的利益,建议并协助....” 他赢得一枚铜牌,1889年的世界博览会。
托马斯·本杰明不仅为他的理想而闻名国内和日常生活场景的绘画也是因为社会现实主义作品。画如孤儿(1885;泰特,伦敦),寡妇和孤儿(1885),无家可归(1890),和贫困的压力(1891),描绘为穷人生活在英国的严酷现实的方式扮演旁观者的情绪。它已经暗示他可能是受到西班牙画家Murillo(1618 - 1682),他的工作也流落街头的儿童。他画油画和水彩画。
1916年12月10日在伦敦去世。他的儿子埃里克群众(1888 - 1960)也是一个著名的艺术家,插图画家和雕塑家。
Thomas Benjamin was born in Grimsby, Lincolnshire and training at the Liverpool Academy of Art (gold medal), Royal College of Art (RCA) in London, and Julian Academie in Paris, where he studied under Bougereau Robert-Fleury. [1] he later moved to Chelsea in london.
He exhibited at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts from 1880 - 1916 in London, he also often appear in the Royal Society of British artists work (RBA) in Suffolk street and Grosvenor gallery. [3] he is the founder of new English art club members and first Secretary (1886), and the establishment of the Imperial Art League is "to protect and promote the interests of artists and inform, advise and assist... [4]." he won a bronze medal at the 1889 World Expo.
Thomas Benjamin is not only famous for his ideals, but also for domestic and everyday scenes. Paintings such as orphan (1885; Tate, London), widows and orphans, homeless (1885) (1890), and the stress of poverty (1891), depicting the harsh realities of life in the UK for the poor way of playing the emotions of the spectator. It has hinted that he may be affected by the Spanish artist Murillo (1618 - 1682), his work also street children. He draws oil and water.
Died in London in December 10, 1916. His son Eric mass (1888 - 1960) was also a famous artist, illustrator and sculptor.