理查德·帕克斯波宁顿(1802 10月25日 - 1828年9月23日)是英国浪漫主义风景画家,也可以让被称为法国艺术家。理查德·帕克斯波宁顿出生在镇阿诺德,从4英里诺丁汉。他的父亲也被称为理查德是一个连续狱卒,绘图大师及花边制造商,和他的妈妈是老师。波宁顿从父亲那里学到水彩画,并陈列在绘画利物浦学院在十一岁。
这是在这段时间波宁顿刚入在巴黎郊区和周围的农村写生之旅。他的第一个作品是在巴黎沙龙1822年,他也开始在油和光刻技术的工作表现,说明男爵泰勒的西洋pittoresques丹斯L'安西安娜法国和他自己的建筑系列Restes等片段(fragments) 。1824年,他赢得了沿着巴黎沙龙金奖约翰·康斯特布尔和安东尼芬戴克科普利菲尔丁,并花了一年的大部分时间在绘画的海岸景色敦刻尔克。
Richard Parksbonnington was born in the town of Arnold, 4 miles from Nottingham. His father, also known as Richard is a continuous jailers, drawing master and lace manufacturer, and his mother is a teacher. Bonington learned from the father of watercolor painting, and painting on display at the Liverpool college at the age of eleven.
In 1817, bonington family moved to Calais, France, where his father established a lace factory. At this time, Francois Luis Thomas Francia bonington began to learn from the painter, who recently [3] courses, from the UK, where he has been deeply influenced by the work of Thomas Girtin to teach him English, watercolor painting skills. In 1818, bonington family moved to Paris to open a store of lace. There, he met and became friends delacroix. He had used in the production of Holland and the Flemish landscape replica of the Le Louvre museum. In 1820, he began attending Academy of Fine Arts Paris college in Paris, under the tutelage of Antoine Jean, Baron gros.
It was during this time that he had just entered the countryside in Paris and around the countryside. His first work is the salon in Paris in 1822, he began to work in oil and lithography, that Baron Taylor of Western pittoresques dans L'Anxi Anna of France and his own architectural series Restes fragment (fragments). In 1824, he won the gold medal and Anthony Finn Dyke Copley Fielding John Constable along the Paris salon, and spent most of the year in the painting of the scenery of Dunkirk coast.