乔治·莫兰迪(Giorgio Morandi ,1890-1964)生于意大利波洛尼亚,是意大利著名的版画家、油画家。青年时考入波伦尼亚艺术学院,曾经长期在这所学院担任美术教师,教授版画课程。莫兰迪既推崇早期文艺复兴大师的作品,也对此后各种流派的大胆探索有着强烈共鸣。
哥特弗莱德-勃姆在他的《乔治-莫兰迪的艺术观念》一文中写道:莫兰迪在他的“形而上”时期借用了这一异质,他着迷于塞尚对想象、构成和创造的拒绝。 以上哥特弗莱德-勃姆的这段文字,对理解莫兰迪的绘画十分重要.
George Morandi (1890-1964), born in Bologna, Italy, is a famous Italian printmaker and oil painter. When he was young, he was admitted to the Bologna Academy of Art, where he served as an art teacher for a long time and taught printmaking courses. Morandi not only praised the works of the early Renaissance masters, but also had a strong resonance with the bold exploration of various schools since then.
In his article George Morandi's Concept of Art, Gottfried Bohm wrote that Morandi borrowed this heterogeneity during his "metaphysical" period and was fascinated by Cezanne's rejection of imagination, composition and creation. This passage of Gottfried Bohm is very important to understand Morandi's paintings.