韩美林, 男,1936年12月26日生于山东,中国当代极具影响力的天才造型艺术家,在绘画、书法、雕塑、陶瓷、设计乃至写作等诸多艺术领域都有很高造诣,大至气势磅礴,小到洞察精微,艺术风格独到,个性特征鲜明,尤其致力于汲取中国两汉以前文化和民间艺术精髓,并体现为具有现代审美理念和国际通行语汇的艺术作品,是一位孜孜不倦的艺术实践者和开拓者。国家一级美术师,清华大学美术学院教授,中央文史馆研究员。
Han Meilin, male, born in Shandong Province on December 26, 1936, is an influential contemporary genius plastic artist in China. He has high attainments in painting, calligraphy, sculpture, ceramics, design and even writing, ranging from grand momentum to subtle insight, unique artistic style and distinctive personality, especially in drawing on the culture and folk art before the Han Dynasty. Essence, and embodied in the modern aesthetic concept and international vocabulary of art works, is a tireless artistic practitioner and pioneer. He is a national first-class artist, a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University and a researcher at the Central Museum of Culture and History.