释迦牟尼佛(巴利文:Siddhattha Gotama,梵文:Siddhārtha Gautama),意为“释迦族的圣人”;原名乔达摩·悉达多,古印度迦毗罗卫国释迦族人,佛教(世界三大宗教之一)的创始者。成佛后被称为释迦牟尼佛,尊称为佛陀,意思是对宇宙人生真相彻底的了知、大彻大悟的人;民间信徒称呼他为佛祖。
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北魏太和(477-499年) 铜镀金 高33厘米此像跏趺端坐,头部高昂,饰涡旋状发型,顶有高肉髻,面颊丰腴,大眼细长,神态威严。身着袒右肩袈裟,右肩披偏衫,胸前衣领上饰折带纹,衣纹厚重写实。右手举于身侧结施无畏印,左手置左膝。四足座床浑朴稳重,正前方和两个侧面刻有飞鸟、蔓叶、胡人装束供养人、卷云等纹饰,座后刻有“大代”等铭文。整体风格具有印度犍陀罗艺术遗风,但其圆大结实的脸庞、高挺健硕的胸脯、宽厚结实的肩膀和剽悍坚毅的神态表情,则更多地体现了当时北方鲜卑民族的人体特征和精神风貌。
Shakya Muni, formerly known as Gautama Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, BC five hundred years Shakya Muni was born in North India, adjacent to Luo Weiguo, the prince is in main Suddhodana. Into the road, was the world known as "Shakya Muni", meaning "Shakya sage".
Shakya Muni was born
Shakya Muni, formerly known as Gautama Siddhartha, is the ancient India Jia PI (now Nepal) Prince Luo Weiguo. Is the son of King Suddhodana, his mother mayadevi, from neighbouring in quo, is the day feel good King's sister's arm. Maya to marry in the net for many years did not have rice queen. One night, she dreamed of a head six white teeth Wang Fei into his body, thus be pregnant. India women back home children tradition, therefore, is coming to birth, Maya in palace of the company, set out to the boom days of the city. Way to Lumbini Park, mayadevi get off to rest, in her hand pick a carefree branch, from the right side gave birth to Prince Siddartha. However, in the seven days after Siddartha was born, Maya died, King Suddhodana married sister Maya wave Ge PLN, she put up Siddartha.
Shakya Muni growth
Prince Siddartha was gifted, and by the time he was 12, he had mastered the highest knowledge of India at that time, and at the age of 16 he married his cousin, Indra, who was his wife. His life was a happy one, but then something happened that changed his life because he had to drive out of town. He drove through the East, South, West three gates, respectively, to see the human old, sick, dead of the three states, and realized that all people have inescapable pain. Later when he saw a parade through the north gate, ascetic, decided to pursue this ancient practice, in order to get rid of the shackles of fate. When he was 29 years old, one night, he left his wife and family, alone out of the palace to practice asceticism.
Shakya Muni monk
After Siddartha out of the palace, first lived a life of begging from door to door. Then he went to look for a called Kalama Holy One, this is a live Lajiageli Hassan hermit. Find the Holy One in Kalama Siddartha, following the four learning methods eight get through breathing meditation and yoga. He soon learns these methods, but still could not escape from the confusion, because he can't find all sorts of pain produced and method to eliminate pain. So, Siddartha left the kalama. Later, he was under the tutelage of another hermit Rama putla learning "to" but it also failed to relieve his heart of the mystery. At this time, Siddartha decided to find their own answers.
Shakya Muni Buddha
One day, Siddartha is the snow capped mountains five ascetic meditation, respected his achievements and are willing to follow him. Since then, they together, live in the forest by begging for a living. After six years of this penance, Siddartha's body became as thin as a threadpaper, is on the verge of collapse, but he still did not find the real. When Siddartha realized that his penance is meaningless. So, he went to the falgu River to wash away the body deposited six years of dust, then received the support of the shepherdess lacteals restored. The five men who followed him thought he had given up and left him. But Siddartha alone came to a tree under the bodhi tree Biboluo Gaya, sitting cross legged, summing up the past experience, and re adjust the way of thinking. After several days of hard, finally got a thorough awareness, conduct a Buddha, known as Shakya Muni, he was only 35 years old.
Shakya Muni established Buddhism
Shakya Muni Buddha, the five men immediately went away from him. In Varanasi city of Sarnath, Shakya Muni found them, and immediately talk to them about their understanding to the dharma. The five heard taught to say, they are convinced to become the first disciple Shakya Muni, the Buddha, known as the "five monks". The five is the earliest monk world. The monk is a monk meant man. Since then, Buddhism has three elements that constitute a religious group: leaders, theory, participants. Shakya Muni is the leader, Buddhism is the theory of the five monks in personnel, the three factors of Buddhism tube called "Buddha, Dharma and Sangha Sambo". Therefore, Shakya Muni Sarnath dharma (Dharma) it is defined as a symbol of Buddhism was established.
Shakya Muni Nirvana
After the degree of five monks, Shakya Muni will continue to lead them everywhere to speak the Dharma, increase the number of monks, to expand the scale of the sangha. 45 years later, Shakya Muni led his followers to Kushinagar city tour, Nirvana in kushinagara Pawacun near the woods, at the age of 80.
historical origin
With the spread of Buddhism, Buddhist statues also finished. The statue of Shakya Muni Buddha has a Chinese face, its shape and rounded, carved rough lines for Ming Dynasty Buddha statues atmosphere.
Shakya Muni Buddha statues of various kinds, it depicts the different age stages of Sakyamuni, the Buddha is a prime portrayal of mature male faces, thick shoulders and arms full of strong. Early Shakya Muni Buddha head slightly, facial beauty and refined, slightly narrow thin shoulders.
The Buddha knot Jia fuzuo, handheld meditation. The Buddha is slightly bowed, eyes, face and arm muscles show tension, the Buddha into the depth of meditation moments before the facial capture quite nuanced, and many beautiful meditation Buddha style greatly different. This unique statue of Buddha, the Buddha's eyelids along the central each have a sesame size of the mole, although the mole is small, subtle is the visual shock is relatively deep.
One side of the Ming Dynasty Buddhist statues full of humanity, and Chinese Buddhism to a great relationship of secularization and socialization.
Wei Tai (477-499) copper plated 33 cm high like this in sitting, head ornaments, spiral hair, top with high meat bun, cheeks, eyes, slender, dignified. A bare right shoulder robe draped right shoulder, chest partial T-shirt, collar break lines, thick realistic drapery. On the right hand side with fearless India, left the left knee. A seat bed and steady, front and two sides engraved with the birds, leaves, Hu costume donors, cirrus clouds such as decoration, seat inscribed with "generation" and other inscriptions. The overall style is India Gandhara art legacy, but the big round face strong, high Tingjian Shuo chest, strong shoulders and generous demeanor and resolute expression, more reflected the northern Xianbei ethnic characteristics of the human body and spirit.