线稿可以让空无一物的画纸产生正形负形,更能以长短虚实、疏密深淡、张弛得当之势自然勾勒物象之形、神、光、色、体积、质感等,不同造诣的画者能驾驭出不同的画面,难度之大深不可测,变化多端甚是神奇。 线描技法源远流长,可以追溯到我们中国画的白描,中国古代有许多白描大师,如顾恺之、李公麟等都为我国留下了文艺瑰宝。但线稿的另一种意义是从某个图片转变而来,只有黑色线条,便于临摹,十分方便。
在美术学习中,线稿训练是不可或缺的一个重要环节。 对线的把控始终体现一个画者对画作的把控力,不管日后画者从事的工作接触与否,线条练习不可懈怠,对于学习者更是一个必经过程,当然,这也是对我们艺术先驱留下的宝贵遗产的承传。 现今,无论是 插画、 漫画、 原画等,线搞始终保持着主导地位,即便是后期的色块作画或是线块结合,甚至到矢量图的出现,无一不是从线到形的演变。(这里有必要记住一句话:世间本无线,两形相接便有了线。) 其实纵观各高手名家,大家都走过线稿作画阶段,只是经历时间长短有别,有的继续保持并探究下去,有的渐而渐之在其基础上发展出其他表现方式。所以,看待事物要深究其发展历程,而不能断章取义且盲目模仿。 线稿作画也是一种修炼心态的过程。俗话说看字如看人,其实也可以说看画面线条如看人。为什么?一条线条的长短连续性、拐弯转折的顿挫、虚实力度的把握,都和一个人的心境和艺术造诣有关。急躁的人线条琐碎断续,犹豫的人线条来回搓划,把握能力不够的人画面虚散等等,这些无一不和经验及作画时的心境有关。对线条的抑扬顿挫、粗细掌控和张折驰骋都需要长期的磨练。当然,转化到CG美术里,也还有另一方面的表现就是平滑稳定,这也是需要耐心和功底的。 在CG美术中,许多画者包括我已经习惯于色块作画,但不代表我们没画过线稿或排斥线稿,而是我们早已经经历过线稿阶段并扎实掌握,于是才有了底气去尝试和摸索接下来的各种各样的表现形式。所以我鼓励,学习,就要扎扎实实,每个必经阶段都要体验一番并对其了解,为下一阶段打好承接基础。以后熟练了,有了自身对绘画的理解并驾驭了,可以发展各式各样的艺术形式。 然后话说回来,市面的漫画、精品插画、CG美宣图等,依然还是线稿作画的天下。
In the study of fine arts, the training is an important part. On line control always reflects a painting of the painting of the control force, no matter after the painting work contact or line exercise can not slack off, for learners is a necessary process, of course, this is the precious heritage heritage left to us the art pioneer. Nowadays, both illustration, cartoon, painting, line has always maintained a leading position, even the blocks of color painting or line block combination, even to the vector map, not from the line to the shape evolution. There is a need to remember a word: the world of wireless, two - phase will have a line In fact, the master of all masters, we have gone through the line drawing stage, but the length of time is different, and some continue to maintain and explore it, and some gradually and on the basis of the development of other forms of expression. So, look at things to get to the bottom of its development process, and not blindly imitate and interpret out of context. The line drawing is also a kind of mentality. As the saying goes to see if people actually read, can also be said to look at the picture lines such as watching people. Why? The length of continuous turning, turning a line of frustration, and efforts to grasp, and a person's mental state and artistic attainments. Impatient people line trivial intermittent, hesitate to line up and down the line, grasp the ability of people who do not disperse the screen and so on, these are not the same experience and painting mood. On line thickness control and cadence, folding gallop need long-term training. Of course, into the CG art, there are other aspects of the performance is smooth and stable, which is also the need for patience and knowledge. In the CG art, many artists including I have been used to color painting, but does not mean that we haven't drawn any release or rejection of line line draft, but we already experienced line draft stage and a solid grasp, so only the form emboldened to try and explore the variety of the next. So I encourage learning, will be solid, each stage will experience and the understanding, to lay a good foundation for the next stage to undertake. After skilled, with their own understanding and control of the painting, you can develop a wide range of art forms. Then again, the market of comics, boutique illustrations, CG, such as the United States and other maps, or the line drawing of the world.