油画(an oil painting;a painting in oils)是以用快干性的植物油(亚麻仁油、罂粟油、核桃油等)调和颜料,在画布亚麻布,纸板或木板上进行制作的一个画种。作画时使用的稀释剂为挥发性的松节油和干性的亚麻仁油等。画面所附着的颜料有较强的硬度,当画面干燥后,能长期保持光泽。凭借颜料的遮盖力和透明性能较充分地表现描绘对象,色彩丰富,立体质感强。油画是西洋画的主要画种之一。
油画的前身是15世纪以前欧洲绘画中的蛋彩画,后经尼德兰画家扬·凡·艾克(Jan Van Eyck),(1385年-1441年) 对绘画材料等加以改良后发扬光大。后人因扬·凡·艾克对油画艺术技巧的纵深发展做出的独特贡献,誉其为“油画之父”。近代油画多用亚麻子油调和颜料,在经过处理的布或木板上作画,因为油画颜料干后不变色,多种颜色调和不会变得肮脏,画家可以画出丰富、逼真的色彩。油画颜料不透明,覆盖力强,所以绘画时可以由深到浅,逐层覆盖,使绘画产生立体感。
古典油画在整体上是油画语言等因素共时综合运用的结果。R.康平的三叶祭坛画《受胎告知》就细致地 呈现室内外的所有景物。意大利的提香是第1个特别注重油画色彩表现力的画家,他在暗底子上作画,并常用明度接近、色相略异的明亮色彩构成富丽堂皇的金黄色调,透明颜料的多次复叠,忽厚忽薄的笔法,又使色彩与形体有机溶合,造就出质感效果。
达达主义—— 达达主义对后来的超现实主义、活动雕刻、波普艺术直到后现代主义都有一定影响。
① 颜料,分矿物质和化学合成两大类。最初的颜料多为矿物质颜料,由手工研磨成细末,作画时才进行调和鼻衄内。近代由工厂成批生产,装入锡管,颜料的种类也不断增加。颜料的性能与其所含的化学成分有关,调色时,化学作用会使有些颜料之间产生不良反应。因而,掌握颜料的性能有助于充分发挥油画技巧并使作品色彩经久不变。
② 松节油,是一种挥发性医用油。在油画的调制中,起稀释颜料的作用。一两分钟即可完全挥发,干后无光泽。将松节油和调色油按照一定比例混合使用,干得较快,色彩也比较亮。
④ 画刀,又称调色刀,用富有弹性的薄钢片制成,有尖状、圆状之分,用于在调色板上调匀颜料,不少画家也以刀代笔,直接用刀作画或部分地在画布上形成颜料层面、肌理,增加表现力。
⑤ 画布,标准的画布,是将亚麻布或帆布紧绷在木质内框上后,用胶或油与白粉掺和并涂刷在布的表面制作而成。一般做成不吸油又具有一定布纹效果的底子,或根据创作需要做成半吸油或完全吸油的底子。布纹的粗细根据画幅的大小而定,也根据作画效果的需要选择。有的画家使用涂过底色的画布,容易形成统一的画面色调,作画时还可不经意地露出底色。经过涂底制作后,不吸油的木板或硬纸板也可以代替画布。
⑥ 上光油,通常在油画完成并干透后罩涂上光油,保持画面的光泽度,防止空气侵蚀和积垢。
⑦ 外框,完整的油画作品包括外框,尤其是写实性较强的油画,外框形成观者对作品视域的界限,使画面显得完整、集中,画中的物象在观者的感觉中朝纵深发展。画框的厚薄、大小依作品内容而定。古典油画的外框多用木料、石膏制成,近现代油画的外框较多用铝合金等金属材料制成。
(5)双氧水。有许多名贵的白色颜料的物质是铅盐,在空气含有微量的硫化氢气体,当硫化氢遇到铅离子时,会发生化学反应,生辰接近黑色的固体硫化铅,使油画变暗,而双氧水可以将硫化铅氧化为白色的硫酸铅 。
Oil painting is the predecessor of the fifteenth Century in Europe before the painting in tempera, after the painter Jan Van Ike (Jan Van Eyck), (1385 -1441) of painting materials to carry forward the improved. Inyan Van Ike made a unique contribution to the in-depth development of oil painting art skills, praised as the father of oil painting". Many modern oil painting pigment is mixed with linseed oil, after processing the cloth or wood paint, oil paint is dry because no color, variety of color harmonic does not become dirty, the painter can draw the rich and vivid colors. Oil painting opaque, covering strong, so painting can be from deep to shallow, layer by layer coverage, so that painting a three-dimensional feeling.
Painting has become the history of Western painting in the way the body painting, and Western paintings are mainly paintings. With the development of oil painting gradually in the period of life, which is an ordinary woman "Monalisa" is the most famous and widely circulated. In the late nineteenth Century, due to the development of science and technology, many new materials used in the field of oil painting, such as acrylic paint, paint, etc..
foreign country
The classical oil painting is the result of the comprehensive use of oil painting language and other factors. R. Kangping three annunciazione "on the altar painting" carefully presents all indoor and outdoor scenery. Italy is the first Titian with particular emphasis on the expressive force of oil painting artist, he painted in dark ground, the magnificent golden hue and lightness to constitute bright colors used, slightly different hue, transparent pigment multiple overlapping, thick and thin and brushwork, and the color and shape of organic combination, to create texture effect.
From the beginning of eighteenth Century, the oil painting art also in the society, culture, science and technology under the impact of multiple factors, the Fantian complex changes, all-powerful. More schools, more thinking, more creative, more profound theory and more extensive influence, Jiyang, deconstruction, rebellion, zhengqidouyan, All flowers bloom together. Chinese painting first appeared in the coffin of appliances, according to Zhou Li, Han literature written two thousand years ago Chinese has useful "oil" the history of painting. The usual argument is 1581 Ricci with God, Madonna to Chinese, began Chinese paintings, including a "wooden beauty" works, has lasted for five hundred years, is still faintly visible style quaint thick.
Kangxi, Lang Shining, Pan Tingzhang, Ai Qimeng and other missionaries to worship the palace painting, Western painting techniques into the palace; Yong Zheng, Qianlong Palace (i.e. Manchu slave) coating was appointed to the emperor, learning painting to missionaries, but did not leave any trace of. In 1840 the outbreak of the Opium War, Chinese and Western culture collision, the rise of Museum, folk painting painting workshop, painting also improved. But at this time due to the "low status, cultural literacy is also limited, so that their works failed to enter the high level of culture, the formation of a new independent culture.
The reform of the reform movement of 1898, many young students went to Britain, France, Japan and other countries to study western painting, they are: Li Tiefu, Li Yishi, Li Shutong, fenggangbai (Hong Yi, Lin Fengmian, Xu Beihong, mage) Liu Haisu, Yan Wenliang, Pan Yuliang, Pang Xun, Chang Shuhong, Wu Dayu Qin, Tang Yihe, Chen Baoyi, Guan Liang, Wang Yuezhi Wei Tianlin, Xu Xingzhi, Ding Yanyong, Ni Yide, etc.. These people returned to bring the western and Japanese advanced teaching methods and ideas, such as the 1911 Western Returned Zhou Xiang founded the first school of art Chinese; 1912 Liu Haisu founded Shanghai painting academy, and for the first time using the human body model sketch; 1919 served as Minister of education advocated by Mr. Cai Yuanpei opened the first National School of fine arts, Beijing art school, (President Lin Fengmian); 1927, Centre College Department of Art (Xu Beihong director); 1928 in Hangzhou founded the first National University of Art College (Lin Fengmian Dean) etc..
The three main schools of this period are: Realism (Xu Beihong); new school (Lin Fengmian, Liu Haisu); Modernism (Pang Xunqin).
Many domestic oil painting as a weapon, reflect the war, to expose tyranny, such as Wang Shikuo's "bloody" Taierzhuang, tangyihe the "victory and peace", Joe Stuart's "put down your whip" etc.. Some artists because of the war went to the northwest and southwest minority areas, creating such as "negative water girl" (Wu Zuoren). "The shepherdess" (Dong Xiwen) and other works. In this period Chinese is in the flames of war era, without a stable social environment, oil displaced. During the war, Yanan at this time, the painter's style by the influence of "literature and art in Yanan" speech at the forum, the tendency for the worker peasant soldier "." The realism of Xu Beihong coincided with the time and gradually formed a standardized China painting.
In 1964, "all class struggle" under the slogan of Lin and Jiang Qing in literary and art circles a cultural sweep. Many painters have been plundered, bell culvert "Yin River", "Du bond in the stream", Li Huaji's "forward", Qin Princess Wencheng syndrome "home" is the unwarranted public criticism, and have been destroyed. The influence of the "new art and people must be combined with the view of realism, dominate the world, still life, landscapes, figures and other themes are ignored. During this period the birth of a number of revolutionary history paintings, such as Hu Yichuan's "Wang Shikuo", "open and army" and Luo Gongliu's "tunnel warfare", Dong Xiwen's "founding ceremony", "Li Zongjin and Ai Zhongxin" flying from Luding Bridge "Snow". With the mass movement, Chinese painting entered the "overall Sovietized" situation, the oil painting teaching by Pavel Petrovich Cisca Kopf teaching system as the core of China painting quickly became the single teaching system, and cultivate a group of backbone of oil painting. Since then, a group of painters in the extended "nationalization" spirit of a single oil system of a breakthrough, the formation of Luo Gongliu's "in Jinggangshan", Li Huaji "Yuan Yunsheng" Princess Wencheng, "water", "Xu Jianbai" and other works of the first home.
On the other hand, oil painting has become a tool to create God, Chairman Mao went to Anyuan became a typical work, printing at the time amounted to more than one hundred million. At this time, some young painters began to emerge, such as Chen Danqing, Shen Jiayu etc.. Representative works: "never truce", "the Yellow River song", "tears", "I harvest fields for the great motherland guard" etc..
After the cultural revolution, is the opening period, various forms of painting will be raging like a storm have become rich and varied forms of painting. The Luo's "father" and Chen Danqing's "Tibet paintings", Wen Lipeng's "daughter of earth", Zhan Jianjun's "looking back" are the masterpieces of this period. After the initial period of painting and art spewing, reached a new crossroads, Chinese painting the urgent need for a more modern, more fresh air. Among them, Hu Tilin Jia Difei's "general Yang Jingyu", the "Su aunt home", Yu Xiaofu's "I gently knock", in the "corner" Yunfei Park and other works, in the contemporary consciousness under the care of the new development of theme painting.
However, although the culture of imprisonment has been lifted, but due to various reasons (mainly for economic reasons, the vision and thinking) most of the artist is not fully open, in order to change the world enjoy the numerous and complicated, and the lack of real representative works. But after all, China's oil painting has entered a new era, is learning, transformation, and constantly rich.
The development process of oil painting has experienced several periods of classical, modern and modern times. The oil paintings of different periods are dominated by the artistic ideas of the times and the constraints of techniques, showing different features.
The historical conditions of the early development of oil painting laid the realistic tendency of classical oil painting. In fifteenth Century the European Renaissance, humanism for criticism of religion, with a focus on the positive requirement of social reality, many famous painters to gradually get rid of a single Christian classic theme creation, to observe and direct depiction of the then life figures, landscapes, objects, so that the works of religious subject with the reality of secular factors with obvious, some artists fully depict real life real. Renaissance painters inherited the Greek, Rome's artistic concept, which not only focus on work to describe an event or fact, but also reveals the antecedents and consequences of events or facts, thus forming a typical plot and pay attention to the idea of creating typical image art. At the same time, painters also explore the anatomy, perspective in the use of painting, the role of light and shade distribution, forming the scientific principles of modeling. The use of human anatomy to the figures in the painting are as real as accurate proportion, shape, depth and space structure; establish perspective focus make painting form through the composition of the illusion, instant visual perception and reality in the directional scenery in the same darkness; make images in a unified picture issued the main source of light, forming a clear hierarchy from the near to the distant. Humanistic art theme and the pursuit of realistic modeling concept in other paintings can not be perfected, because of the limitations of tool materials, and oil painting tool material performance is suitable for the two fully reflected. Thus, the classical oil painting has been a long-term production, highly realistic appearance.
As part of the seventeenth Century oil painting emphasizes painting light perception, creative use of color, light intensity comparison and contrast of changes in temperature level thickness contrast light, form a picture of dramatic atmosphere. Caravaggio Italy painters before he ordered painting in the light of harmonious effect, he strengthened the picture contrast between light and dark, often with a large dark background picture plane off a bright foreground figure, feel the light. Spanish painter el. Greco will be treated as objects in mottled light, he is not from the shade two decent shape dark distribution but from discontinuous scattered, the color changes in temperature also form a continuous change, continuous pen dignified, color level of permeability in extrusion of each other, the screen gives a whirling effect, some even filling a mysterious and disturbing atmosphere. Holland painter Rembrandt also put the light as a means of expression of people's mental state, he made many portraits, figures are shrouded in dark blocks, only show brightness important part of face, hands and other distinctive. He used the calm color in the dark with thin layers, the dark is deep, light painting is coated with thick and painting knife pile method, resulting in heavy volume. At the same time, the use of strokes is also emphasized by many artists.
The development of oil painting in nineteenth Century has a new trend, mainly the change of oil painting color. The earliest British painter Constable J. directly with the painting in the outdoor painting, rich colors, with fine brushwork in his local color to blend into juxtaposition, distinctive color, the picture is the classic brown tone MingMuch brighter. The color of the color - color color wheel poles can enhance each other principle lightness and strength in juxtaposition, in later scientific understanding, but Constable with observation of the natural emotion obtained in practice and the principle of complementary color, in part by. His work has inspired the French painter Delacroix e.. Delacroix dominated creation by Romanticism and created a large theme painting according to the historical events at that time. He will be more applied to the complementary relation between the creation of color performance, using active strokes, contrast color in many parts of the picture, enhances the color brightness and gorgeous feeling, forming a shock when painting style. Many painters of the French Barbizon School of landscape painting in the natural climate conditions of different understanding of the relationship between landscape light color, natural color and environmental color, realize color to reflect the time, environment, atmosphere, foil art theme, constitute a major significance of artistic conception and emotion regulation. They created a large number of landscape painting natural wind, rain, morning, twilight and other specific color atmosphere.
European oil painting in the nineteenth Century has a clear artistic proposition of the genre, although mainly reflected in the theme and content of art, but the oil painting techniques are correspondingly different. Like the neoclassical painting images focus on rigorous and solid sense, the classical traditional style rule; romanticism around the theme of the tragedy, and strive to tension in color, brushwork and movement factors composition lines create painting plot; a focus on the expression to the figure in the painting mood, more pictures in the green, purple, a sentimental, green tone quiet mood. Although the modern painting of the face is relatively rich, but have the overall characteristics of the realistic, their common performance: a painting is a unity of art form, color tone unified picture the local color, local color form a harmonious relation in transition in the gradient of each other, there is no isolated color; basic strokes it is used for shaping the image of the exposure level is limited, and unified in the long long or short, or some orderly disposition; unified images were depicted at the centre of the composition, formation and effect of real horizon isomorphism.
From the beginning of the end of the nineteenth Century, has undergone a fundamental change in Western painting. The narrow artistic function and integrated realism technique of traditional oil painting have already reached the saturation of their own system, so they tend to disintegrate in the change of philosophy idea and art idea. Oil painting no longer imitates nature and reproduces nature as artistic creation principle. The artistic image of artists' free structure is regarded as new reality. Artists no longer depict nature through oil painting forms, and use oil painting forms as the media to express their spiritual and emotional world. The three painters after impressionism first abandoned the traditional oil painting mode. V. in acute disease Van Gogh bold strokes, the strong, bright colors, full of strong sense of power, expressing the inner emotional discomfort. P. in a symbolic color and shape and composition, work space and traditional forms of conflict, mysterious atmosphere with non descriptive. P. Cezanne exploration and research with geometric form of artistic image, create a picture is a world full of their own order. Their work has become a symbol of painting face upheaval.
In twentieth Century oil painting, from different artistic ideas of different genres, and restrict the art forms a variety of tendency, factors of traditional painting techniques in the form of art is often used as a concept to be strengthened, and even to the extreme, a form of painting language is highly valued by. For example: the main body and neglect the color for free structure Cubism; focus on the strong color
The effect of equilibrium state in the Fauvism; through the disorderly use of color and brushwork expressive expressionism distorted psychology; abstraction of pure color in the point, line and surface composition; and pigment random rejection, splashing, dripping on the canvas of abstract expressionism etc.. In the past hundred years, the western modern oil painting schools are numerous and complicated, replacing one after another, as long as the oil painting tool material is the modeling medium, the artist can create any oil painting appearance.
With the concept of art continues to expand, resulting in the combination of painting materials and other materials, the comprehensive art does not belong to a specific kind of painting, oil painting and therefore to lose painting as the main position in the western trend.
Sketch draft
Generally speaking, just sketch the rough draft with few random lines outline the general shape of the images, and the final result is decided to screen color molding. For artists employing direct drawing, sketches may be so. For classical realistic painting artists, sketch manuscript is very important, it is all the artist modeling language. Because the sketch is the most basic art expression way, is the artist and the nature exchange first step. Here we examine the young painter of his sketches, as shown in figure 25.
(1) draw a tentative draft first, draw the big picture and the general expression with the pencil on the paper, then carry on the sketch to the model. Painters in sketching more sensitive factors, the figure and appearance as close as possible to the object.
Exquisite paintings of photo album
Exquisite painting album atlas Atlas
(2) temperament fully appreciate the model in the painting process, firmly seize this opportunity to strengthen the open spirit. Then, the painter processing, summarized and refined according to the sketch draft.
(3) on the basis of the continuous transformation and language purification of the first two sketches, the creation of the third sketches. This step emphasizes contour processing, so that the shape is more plump, people in the role of light and shade to produce a sense of relief. At the same time to the local content to be enriched, draw more sure. After the sketch was finalized, the artist copied the sketch onto the canvas in an extremely rigorous way (grid enlargement). From this point of view, the sketch is a flexible modeling process, which allows even encourage continuous modification and adjustment, all of which are to determine a clear and satisfactory visual image. At the beginning of any painting, there is reason and necessity to spend a lot of time sketching. Sketch is not necessarily on the tune, can be directly modified with the line on the canvas, adjust, you can also use a simple color to determine the main color and color of the screen relationship.
Here are some tools for drafting.
(1) charcoa. Carbon and charcoal are suitable for drawing on canvas or wood. Better performance of charcoal, because it marks the lighter, easier to wipe up more flexible. Carbon rod can leave a heavy line, the contour line is clear.
(2) a. The line is fine, more suitable for painting details. Some people do not advocate the use of a pencil that will come up from the oil pan sealing layer underneath.
(3) color chalk and crayon. Not easy to use on canvas, to avoid the use of white or light color. Too much use of pastels or crayons in this sketch can make the foundation unstable.
(4) watercolor and acrylic color. Thin of color painting watercolor will not cover any impact. If you want to use thick coating, acrylic color.
(5) ink and wash. The use of China ink painting, is a very interesting thing. Moxian can use oil painting color cover, can also be retained, it will not easily be turpentine wash.
(6) carbon paper. The copy paper sketches to the canvas. In the sketch stage, hair glue, glue and other liquid is indispensable. For easy shedding or color of the material is necessary to spray a layer of fixative. In addition, a variety of rubber cloth is a must-have.
Material tool
The use of transparent vegetable oils and pigments, in the production of basic cloth, paper, wood and other materials to shape the image of art painting. It originated and developed in Europe and became an important painting in the world in modern times. The painting of European painting before fifteenth Century was the predecessor of oil painting. In the use of egg color painting at the same time, many artists continue to look for a more ideal harmonic agent. Generally, the early fifteenth Century Dutch painter Van Eyck brothers is the founder of painting techniques. They try to base on the previous oil dissolved pigment, linseed oil and walnut oil as additive in painting, depicting fortune smooth pen paint on the screen drying time is moderate, easy to paint in multiple cover and modify, forming rich layers of color and gloss, dry paint adhesion, not peeling and fading. They use oil painting materials to create new and very influential at the time of the painting. Oil painting technology quickly spread in other western countries, especially in Italy, the rapid development of Venice.
The main materials and tools with oil painting pigment, turpentine, brushes, painting knives, canvas, varnish, frame etc..
The pigment, mineral and chemical synthesis of two categories. The original paint for mineral pigments, by manual grinding into powder, paint to reconcile in epistaxis. Modern batch production by the factory, into the tin tube, pigment species are also increasing. Chemical properties of the pigment related, color, chemical effects will lead to adverse reactions between some paints. Therefore, mastering the performance of pigment helps to give full play to the oil painting skills and make the works color unchanged.
The turpentine is a volatile oil for medical use. In the painting in the modulation of the effect of diluting the pigment. One or two minutes to evaporate completely, dull dry. The turpentine oil and oil color according to a certain proportion of mixed use, dry faster, color is bright.
The brush is made of elastic medium animal hair, a rush round, flat front flat, short front flat and fan type.
The painting knife, also known as the palette knife, made of thin steel sheet elastic, with sharp and rounded points, used to mix on the palette of pigments, many artists were written with a knife, with a knife or partially paint directly on the canvas to form paint level, texture, increase the expressive force.
The standard canvas, canvas, linen or canvas is tight on the wooden frame, with glue or oil and white blended and painted on the surface of the cloth and production. General made no oil but also has a certain effect: foundation, or according to the creation of the need to make a semi or fully oil based oil. The thickness of linen depending on the scale, according to the need of drawing effect selection. Some artists use color painted canvas, easy to form a unified color screen, the paint can also inadvertently exposed background. After coating bottom production, not oil absorbing wood or cardboard can also replace canvas.
The oil in the oil painting, usually completed and dry cover coating varnish, keep the picture gloss, prevent air erosion and fouling.
The complete works include oil painting frame, frame, especially the oil painting strong, frame forms of works from the perspective of the viewer boundaries, make the picture complete, concentrated, the painting object in the viewer's feeling towards the depth of development. Frame thickness size depends on the content of the works. The frame with classical painting made of wood, gypsum, modern oil painting frame made of more Aluminum Alloy metal materials.
Color language
With the development of oil painting, we can see its beauty is constantly digging and creation.
Oil paint thick accumulation function and strong plasticity is unmatched by other kinds of painting, the characteristic that the painting can produce and people thought emotion resonance rhythm and dynamics in perception. In the role of the pen, shaping not only to complete the task of modeling, but also on the texture of the screen effect has a direct impact. Rembrandt, Lubensi are good at mastering and controlling the texture of the people, because the texture directly convey the artist's psychological feelings, affecting the work of infection. Reasonable performance includes not only the so-called texture texture on the texture of the object of imitation and reproduction, also includes the description and the overall performance of the mood on the screen. In the traditional realistic painting, the texture is capable of texture reconstruction task, object fine and coarse texture are available corresponding texture to imitate, but this is a very passive behavior, but the real beauty is a thing of the texture is who can express the picture of the rhythm and the artist's emotion, has the height of the texture of harmonious order. This texture is often beyond the limitations of the spirit of the texture of gas throughout the entire picture and the viewer's heart, become separate from the beauty of the concrete layer. In this sense, it is abstract. But in the traditional painting which in turn attached to the realistic object, fusion by the overall atmosphere of small to large.
Transparent color
Is not white but are oil color pigment dilution multi-level description. The next layer must be painted after each layer is dry, since each layer of color is thinner, the underlying color can be faintly revealed, and the upper layer color changes subtle tones. For example, in the deep layer and cover with blue, blue and UV will produce cold Yu in the warm rich effect, which is often not out of the color palette. This technique is suitable for showing the texture images and thick sense, especially to vividly depict the characters delicate skin color change, feel the skin under the skin blood flow. It is the shortcomings of narrow gamut, exquisite production process, complete the work a long time, not easy to express the painter's artistic creation of instant emotion.
Opaque color
Also known as hierarchical coloring method
When painting with monochromatic draw large body appearance, and then use the color of multi-level shape, dark often painted thin, medium and light layers of thick coating, or cover or stay, the formation of color contrast. Because of uneven thickness, rich color and texture with rhyme meaning. There is no strict distinction between the two methods of transparency and opacity.
Comprehensive use of paintings. In the dark shadow of the performance or images, with transparent color method can produce a stable and profound sense of volume and space; complex opaque color method outside the body in the dark is easy to shape, increase the color saturation. Before nineteenth Century, most of the painters use the two kinds of drawing, production time is generally longer, some painted a layer after layer to be placed for a long time, completely dry after paint.
Opaque coloring
Also known as direct staining method
That is to make images on the canvas body contour, by virtue of the images of the color of color feeling or idea of laying color, basically a finished, not the right place to continue to adjust the color after scraping knife painting. This painting in each dip of the pigment is relatively strong, high color saturation, strokes clearer, easy to express the vivid feeling when painting. Many artists more mid nineteenth Century after using this method. In order to make a full effect to the colored color, must pay attention to the use of gesture namely coating method, coating method used consists of coating, powder coating and coating thickness. Is the use of one-way color intensity, uniform style painted a large area color, suitable for shaping the static form in the smooth and stable composition; powder coating refers to the natural tendency of the painting form on the basis of turning the brush strokes, loose and flexible; thick coating is whole or partial thick pile of pigment. Some form of up to a few millimeters in colour or color, the pigment showed texture, taste, the image has been strengthened.
The oil painting example (Figure): contour techniques
However, the advantages of monochromatic light coating has its dark tone significantly, especially the object of painting is very complex and difficult to grasp the painting posture, its advantages are more obvious. First, because it is monochrome, in the drafting stage can let go to solve the problem of sketch and composition, do not need to take into account the color. Second, with a shallow layer of thin can be repeatedly modified, not general painting because the altered too much clutter and pollution problems. In the drafting stage to solve the problems such as sketch, color and edge, then focus on the colour and structure, would be easier.
The first step: the middle tone and cooked brown ivory black tone synthetic micro warm, to be cooked brown, add the turpentine thin, transparent, with bristles on the canvas pen (with a moderate degree of roughness, the dark canvas) - hair area and body painting. Draw the hair with a little thicker color, which add a little less turpentine in the middle tone contract kind, hair over the entire face, but it should be able to express a strong expression in the. I don't handle hair as a hair, and handle it as a dark hue that determines the size and shape. Even in the early stage, and try to draw accurate shading sketch. Draw a quasi local, then draw another local quasi. Each part is interrelated, part of the painting will not affect other, and the whole situation can not control.
The second step: this step is to put the human body image clearly drawn out. Use a soft cloth to wipe some of the original tones along the human arm and the upper surface of the arch knee to create a bright level. For bristle pen in the outstretched leg and back to wipe some more, resulting in light level, and make the whole arm to form an intermediate tone. You can use a clean soft cloth or a pen dipped in turpentine change tone, but in a profile stage absolutely can not use an opaque white. At this stage, sideline problems and shading, the sketch is equally important. From the top of the shoulder to the wrist and knee extension, through these lines are pretty obvious, but from the bottom of the long arm wrist armpit to the lower edge of the line is not so obvious, this is not an accidental phenomenon.
The third step: in the body to draw the main light all. Head, arm, shoulder and knee bent temporarily not to touch them, first in the lower torso, hips, legs and folded the outstretched leg development bright tone. These parts of the original color already dry, use a soft cloth dipped in turpentine wipe it away. The rest seems vague, but still accurate. The tone and shape are correct, and the location is appropriate, except for a particularly bright part.
The third step, with various methods on color. In the forearm, shoulder blade parts of triceps and back, with heavy flat strokes. In the middle of thigh lift, knee and chest, basically is with a palette knife. In the arms, legs and feet between the lift, and the pelvis behind these shadows, with a thin and transparent pigment. In the whole process, is very important to maintain transparency in the dark. Strong light opaque and strong transparent shadow interaction, bring the human body three-dimensional sense. In the processing stage, but also the dark spots under her arm gently scraping with a palette knife, these dazzling spots are formed in the horizontal strokes thick rough surface structure on the canvas. In addition, also will open the hips and legs underneath those ugly strokes smooth some badger brush. Badger Brush and mink brush can form a beautiful soft brush, but adverse effects often appear weak loose, must pay attention to the use of. The finished body: oil on canvas, 20 "x 30". In the completion stage, focused again on the sideline processing. In the form of turning obvious places, such as the knee up to top edge clearly; in the body turning round, such as the lower part inside the lift leg and hair on the left edge and background confluence, edge blur. On the shoulder and on the foot that is disturbed, with thick coating (that is, with thick pigment on the surface).
Technique NOUN
Contusion is a method for coloring the painting pen to the roots, according to write after a frustrated move and then lift up the front line, such as calligraphy, vigorous and strong. The difference, pen and brush root dip pen color according to the weight of different direction can produce a variety of changes and fun.
With a wide brush pen or fan pen dipped in color on the screen after the technique of gently pat called beat. The racket can produce a certain undulating texture, neither very obvious nor too simple, but also can handle the original too strong strokes or colors to weaken.
It refers to the picture of two or several different color pen directly exercises the method of color change produced naturally and mixed operation, obtain the color contrast and the brightness of delicate and vivid, and can play the role of cohesion in transition.
The line refers to a pen sketch painting line, hook line generally with a soft tip no clue, but in a different style, round, sizing and old flat pen can also lays out a similar book center like thick lines. To the western painting are line shape, in the early paintings are usually in the precise contour lines drafting, winding method of tempera techniques is the main means of the formation of light and shade. Western oil painting later evolved to light and shade and body first, but in spite of this, oil painting midline factor has never disappeared. Fine, bold. Neat or be careless and repeatedly staggered pressure using various lines, the painting language is more abundant, with different body line is very important. The Oriental painting line also affects many western style modern masters, such as Matisse, Picasso, Van Gogh, Miro and Klee are wire master.
Saul is often used to connect the two adjacent blocks, which are not too stiff, while the color of wet to dry
The fan gently sweep net pen can achieve this purpose. Also at the bottom of the color pen to another color sweep up to produce staggered up and down, loose and not greasy dead color effect.
A hard bristle brush dipped in color with a pen head vertically on the screen will stamp the pigment. His method is not very common, usually only when the local need to use special texture.
La refers to oil painting sometimes need to draw lines and edges strong sharp sword is picturesque or glass side, when available, adjust color painting knife blade side will pull the line in the picture color color or color surface, draw out these forms is certainly solid, brush or other methods to achieve the.
Rub the brush with the brush of the abdomen in the recumbent, screen drum brush, usually wipe with less color large area, can not form obvious strokes, commonly used method is the color layer. Draw a similar effect can be used to clean the painting feibai brushwork in the dry color or rolling texture, so that the underlying texture is more obvious.
The bottom surface of the knife is gently pressed down on the wet color layer, and the surface of the color can generate special texture. In some places need to depict special texture with suppression techniques can achieve the desired results.
The method is built with a knife instead of brush, like Mason trowel ring that will build to the canvas color bottoms up, leaving marks directly. For building methods can have different levels of thickness, size and shape of the knife with a knife and a different direction will produce rich contrast. With the transfer of different color painting knife is not excessive blending, the picture is naturally mixed can produce subtle color relations. The method can also be used with the color of the fluctuation is too large flat stone. Masonry method if used properly, there will be a strong sense of molding.
Planning refers to the painting knife blade in the wet color to depict Yin lines and shapes can expose the underlying color. Different painting knife can produce different shades of depth and brush strokes and knife painting techniques generated color surface formation point, line, surface to the ups and downs of texture changes.
Since the point point method, all are starting point in writing. As early as in the classical tempera technique, is an important technique of a descriptive expression level. In the works of Vermeer also use point strokes to show the flashing of the light and object texture. When the color became one of the impressionist style of its basic characteristics, but Monet, Renoir and Pissarro point method has different changes and personality. Is Neo Impressionism to the extreme, the mechanical point as its sole style. Modern realistic painting is also used to point density to produce the brightness level, the transition can cause positive and flexible. The method in comprehensive painting and line and a decent combination can produce rich contrast with different shape and texture of oil painting brush strokes and can produce different point, play a unique role in the performance of some object texture.
Is the basic purpose of oil painting knife scraping, scraping method is generally used to blade scratch the picture is not ideal, but also with a knife scrape off the unnecessary details or weaken the relationship is too strong, make picture of the relationship between relaxation of tension down. At the end of a day often need to finish the finished part of the color scraping with a knife in order to dry in time, second days and then painting. Color can also be used after painting knife or razor uneven uneven scrape some. Also can scrape with a knife in the wet color layer, to expose color to show various texture.
If the point drawing and outlining method is the means to form oil painting points and lines, then coating is the main method to constitute the oil painting. The method of coating, coating thick coating and thin coating, also have a method called Impressionism stippling coated powder. Color is the main method to draw a large area of color, uniform coating is also commonly used techniques of decorative painting. Thick coating is painting the main features different from other kinds of painting pen, paint can make certain thickness produced and left obvious strokes and the formation of texture. By drawing a thick paint scraping knife to or directly to the paint squeezed onto the canvas, can be called heap coating. Thin Xu is the oil dilute the color after the thin coated screen, can produce transparent or translucent effect. Powder use pen is flexible and vivid. Combined with the coating method is also known as the halo with rubbing sweep.
Use a pen to paint directly on the canvas no more changes that is one of the pendulum swing, brushwork painting basic. Pendulum method commonly used in painting at the beginning and end, to find the relationship between color and shape with a certain color and accurate key strokes, often only a few pen can make the picture changed, of course, you should first do have ready plans to meet a situation before work.
Oil painting in the preservation process will inevitably become yellow darken, this is due to the surface light oil oxidation results. So far there is not a light oil will not be oxidized, remove the old light oil re glazing is the only way to recovery the original works. Cleaning solvents are commonly used:
(1) turpentine. The old painting is weak, while the new color effect is strong, especially with hot water after heating with better results.
(2) refined gasoline and benzene (toluene, xylene). Dissolving capacity of the resin than strong turpentine.
(3) ethanol (alcohol) and methanol (wood alcohol). Is a strong solvent resin.
(4) acetone and chloroform. Can quickly dissolve resin and oil. Art supplies store cleaners are generally mixed with several solvents, strong solvents can not be used alone. The use of modern painting in light oil resin, can be washed with turpentine. The older painters use oily lustering oil, turpentine and ethanol mixed use need. Acetone is only used as additive when cleaning ancient works.
(5) hydrogen peroxide. There are many rare white pigment material is lead salt, in air containing hydrogen sulfide gas trace, when hydrogen sulfide encountered lead ion, chemical reaction will occur, a near solid black painting PBS, darken, and hydrogen peroxide can be oxidized into sulfate white lead sulfide.
Wipe method: white cotton ball (medical stores) with cleaning agent from a corner of the screen to do circular wipe, wipe every part of time is not easy too long, so as not to damage the layer. After the ball was stained with yellow light oil to replace immediately. The first time most of the old light oil can be cleaned, cleaning second times for the stubborn part can join the strong solvent. For extrusion and damage caused by dirt and stains can be removed using the tool of fly shit.
Commissioned repair process
Oil painting restoration principles and basic repair process
First of all, do a detailed repair before the test, inspection process can be divided into four aspects:
One, works textual research
And understand the author's works for the artist's related information and painting characteristics, such as a painter used material, color, style, style, creative ideas and aesthetic point of view. This research can make teachers and repair works to create a deeper level of understanding, in the repair can be more accurate to the original works creative features.
Two, state assessment
We must first determine the techniques of painting is painting or gouache, size, recording the theme of his works, the artist signature, date of completion, the inner frame and the outer frame storage status, in-depth analysis and record the basic situation.
A substrate: resolution of substrate material used is flax, jute, hemp, cotton, blended fiber, wood fiber board or fixed way is used to nail nail or nail gun; save the situation without damage, corrosion, damp mildew, insects and microorganisms or the phenomenon of infringement; whether after the previous repair, the repair mode and application of the adhesive materials.
B, basement "primer": to understand the substrate "primer" color, there is no substrate separation, floating, cracking, spalling or microbial phenomena.
C, painting layer: analysis of the use of paint coated adhesive; painting layer of thick and thin; color is bright color, grey or dark color: the color is transparent or opaque painting painting techniques: delicate strokes or rough; painting layer is cracked, partial or full crack, how to crack the depth, whether start peeling phenomenon; color layer surface blisters. These factors on the degree of assessment and analysis.
D, the protective layer: first to identify whether there is coated with a protective layer, full or partial, the number of coating, the thickness of the transparent color and carefully distinguish. Van Ness colours whether a lesion or bad microbes.
Three, laboratory diagnosis
A ultraviolet irradiation: ultraviolet irradiation can be seen through the protective layer and paint layer, when the UV light irradiation showed blue violet light refraction in the work surface, using the refraction of light, can determine the chemical reaction of painting layer, pathological changes of protective layer.
B, infrared radiation principle: it is similar to the X light, but it's not like the radiation function of X light is so strong, but it is far more than the X-ray range of ultraviolet radiation, can reach the substrate coating layer and sketch layer, so it can provide a correct repair division data.
Four, picture archiving
Before and after the repair and restoration of works of art, there are two different painting feeling. So be sure to take photo archive before the repair for days after the comparison of witness. In addition, often need pictures in the repair process of the original as a supplement to grasp the whole of God works of color, composition and other key pictures. Focuses on the integrity of the work is back, within the frame, then applied to the segmentation of macro lens camera do Department close-up.
One, the preparation of the new canvas
Selection of fine particles, uniform fine linen, the canvas on each side of the big 10-20 cm frame than the original canvas. Stretch cloth in order to maintain a certain distance equal to the straight line, this will not cause the imbalance of canvas strength. Then water spray wet canvas, canvas after dry, hand rubbed on the canvas on the canvas, and then tighten. So repeated three to four times, will not have a new canvas is not harmonious, and increase the adhesion.
Two, the preparation of old paintings
A, removal and cleaning inside and outside the box: inside and outside the box demolition must not be any force, would have to be very careful when removing, so as to avoid harm to the painting layer and the substrate, with a vacuum cleaner dust suction surface will gently clean, or brush pen hair fine row application can also be in the job must be gentle and careful.
B: the picture on the canvas. The wood frame with acid free Kraft. Paste side of the screen, to avoid peeling in flattening process
For this phenomenon, covered with cotton on the screen, and then paste in kraft paper covered with cotton yarn paper. After the old framed picture around the cloth is four tension leveling in the dry nature tightening process.
C, the old painting back clean: after the old picture can be mounted over the cotton paper works to reverse back, back to the cleaning. Save the old general works a long time, there will be a lot of dust, germs, eggs attached on the back surface must be clean, otherwise it will affect the adhesion effect after transplantation.
One, cleaning screen
In the modulation of clean solvent, we must first distinguish the solvent strength, there are a lot of solvent in the use of materials, it will seriously damage the works used, sometimes even erosion works coat, the coat of soft texture, such as acetic acid, ammonia, acid amine are unfit for use. Commonly used solvents are: painting with pure white alcohol, turpentine, alcohol, acetone, benzene, xylene and other solvents, many can be mixed into two, three or even four used together, and every kind of solvent has its function and characteristics of dissolved materials, pollution in the complete works and depending on the extent of tolerance but. Either way, the most basic is to repair the teacher must first advance in a corner of the cleaning function of the solvent experimental works, make sure there is no problem to use, so as not to cause regret to work The cleaning process is hurt. The prepared solvent use cotton dip coated in the work surface and gently rub, gradually can be found due to infection of Van Ness to cotton layer or dust into dark yellow, usually until the cotton is no longer contaminated with any stains, generally can be determined is clean, and will not hurt the paint cleaning work. The success is entirely a matter of personal experience and judgment to repair.
Two, fill in the white pulp
If the work surface for spalling or damage is too serious, many hollow blank to fill the white pulp, make its reply smooth surface. The application materials of animal glue, take proper amount of water, heating water heating method, gradually add a little honey, phenol and slaked lime, will the white pulp on the heating of the blank shape and sag and surrounding the corresponding strokes. Fill in the white pulp is white.
Three, color
This work has caused many artists and academic controversy, because the color is from the repair of the hand of the teacher, so some people think that it would undermine the original aesthetic value. In contrast, others think it can be said that the premium works damaged. Complementary flaws addiction when it decided to first analyze the color layer, do reduction effect, complementary materials used should be made of high quality watercolor watercolor, the convenient application and no risk, because you can always be water washing. Color after dry, on the van Kniss (protection light oil) and then to repair the special paint, the paint can be easily removed with turpentine. This place should in principle than the surrounding light color to distinguish. Once, after all fill at days after can be easily removed. After more than a series of work in a shabby work was basically repaired, as fitted Frame work according to the work content and personal hobby.
The long-term preservation of oil painting should be the main task of collectors, to identify the causes of damage and be ruled out, so as to ensure the maximum extension of a work life. China major museums, Museum of fine arts is almost blank and the field of painting repair involves many aspects in oil recovery, worthy of further study. Article introduces the general situation of oil painting restoration, to arouse the attention of the fair.
Suspension technique
Compared with other kinds of painting in oil painting exhibition has its limitations. First is easy to reflect, in addition, with thick coating method emphasizes the texture of the screen texture, because of ups and downs and easy dust. In order to achieve better visual effects and protect the screen, the suspension should have a forward tilt. Painting face the light, the effect is often poor, should use the front side light, and as much as possible, consistent with the source of light at the hanging painting, such as painting of light source on the left side, should also be consistent with the light source when hanging.
In appreciating a painting works, mainly from the ideological content of the work, art skills to appreciate two aspects. Oil painting originated in the west, any painting works need to rely on visual image to reflect certain ideological content.
On the one hand, the image created by the oil painting takes the viewer to an artistic realm reflected by the painter, causing the sympathetic resonance and aesthetic effect. On the other hand, according to their own life experience, the viewer knows and enriches the connotation of oil painting. The understanding of an oil painting is not the same as the depth understood by others, it is connected with the quality condition of the spectator. Excellent oil paintings convey the ideological content, played a edifying sentiment,
Improve the role of the spiritual realm of art skills on the appreciation, there should be understanding of oil painting language and understanding. Oil painting material itself is different from ink painting prints, watercolor features, the beauty of this material is a major feature of oil painting.
Superb works are embodied in the painter mastered the characteristics of the material skilled use of materials and tools to shape the image. The picture reflects the whole and the local harmonious relations, the rich and the unification opposition relations.
"Sunflower" is where Gao painted in the south of France. Southern sunshine make artist ecstasy, he painted a series of still yellow, to express the inner feelings, "sunflower" is the representative of. The painter painted yellow sunflowers extremely dazzling with short strokes, each flower like a burning flame, crushing the petals and leaves of sunflower like flame full of the same picture, the picture is like fire across the canvas of the flame, show the painter cult of the passion of life.
"Sunflower" is the color of different brightness and different purity yellow paint, yellow background, yellow flower, yellow flowers. Deep yellow, light yellow, lemon yellow, orange, brown, with little green and green leaves and stems of painting,
With a little blue flower. The color with the vast vangogh. He used the yellow so touching that yellow played a moving charm. You see the air flowing in the golden sunlight, the sunflower petals open the bottle full of vitality, and breathed the air and sunshine. The full absorption of sun flowers seemed to have melted in the air, deep yellow, light yellow, lemon yellow, orange petals, how brilliant, how brilliant. The hearts of all the love given VanGogh lovely sunflower, sunflower to spit into the van Gogh love light "" sunflower "in the hearts of the strong feelings of Van Gogh, shocking and touching, this is the charm of" sunflower ". He felt a strong emotional picture of his most love not to mind taking the trouble of the sunflower, intensely subjective feelings of the painter of objective things. He is good at using strong colors, emotional factors, give full play to the color, the color has become an important means of expressing his thoughts and feelings, it is an important feature of the art of van gogh.