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( 中国书法家协会理事 )


  • 中文名刘俊京
  • 外文名JunjingLiu
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地北京
  • 职业书法家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 主要成就中国书法家协会理事
  • 职务中国书协理事、北京书协副主席

中国美术网 09-17 浏览









































记得那是2004年夏秋之际,中国楹联界首届自撰楹联书法展在北京中国人民革命军事博物馆成功举办,刘俊京的名字深深地印在我的脑海了,他创作的一幅“五味清鲜身康体健;七情稳敛络畅经通”自撰魏碑八言联,从全国各地的两千多幅来搞中脱颖而出,一举摘得十名银奖中之次席,这无疑显示了他书法创作上不俗的实力和过硬的功夫。近几年来,他在经历了获“兰亭奖获奖提名”,全国第八届、第九届书展,北京国际书法双年展入展,北京电视书法大赛获银奖等系列颇有影响的书法展赛活动的历练之后,他的书法创作逐渐成熟起来,成为以追求碑学为间架,以二王帖学为意蕴,碑帖结合的书风。大约是2007年,他正式提出了“养生书法”的理念,我眼前为之一亮。现 在回过头来看他五 年前的那件获中国楹联界首届自撰楹联书法展银奖的对联,我猛然发现那其实就是一件地道“养生书法”。








“静”是俊京君的书学实践的第三个境界。这与他的人生阅历、个性风格不无关系,也与他曾经从事过医务工作很有关系。现 在他的书斋名号还是“静医斋”。《说文解字》云:“静,审也。从青争声,疾郢切。”静是形声字,青是形旁,争为声旁。徐锴注:“丹青明审也”;王筠句读:“采色详审得其宜谓之静”。审美之“审”字的本义是——色彩思维,或视觉思维。因此,“静”的原意不是安静,意思是:色彩安排很合理,很有章法。静的本意是不争,不争则能知足常乐。不争意味着不贪求名利,顺守自然。“静”的引申义是指一种悠远的境界,宁静可以致远,可以获得智慧灵感;一个静字,蕴含了古人圆融通达的智慧,更让我们感念到传统文化的博大精深。有哲人云:“有求皆苦,无欲则刚”,如果能不争,心就能静,静是一种安详平和之态,是一份怡然自得。所以古人赞赏:静居则安。这大概也是养生学主张的观点。















他的作品入古出新,师古不泥,有创新,有思想,有想法。作品充满鲜活张力与灵动气息,其书法创作追求:“敬、净、静”;其作品吸取的赵之谦笔意的魏碑书体、金冬心古拙厚重的隶书样式、飘逸流畅不激不励的“二王”书风,作品彰显其工整儒雅、正大气象。运笔轨迹一丝不苟、干净利索,毫无拖泥带水 之痕迹,通篇字体 讲究造型的变化,凸显其用笔的节奏韵律感,笔力遒劲,章法气息连贯、浑然一体。给人印象是清新、干净、悦目,境界高雅!







Introduction in English

 Liu Junjing, Director of China Calligrapher Association, Vice-Chairman of Beijing Calligrapher Association, Vice-Chairman of Art Association of Central Government Organs, President of China Buddhist Art Research Institute, President of China Health Care Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, Chairman of Beijing Dongcheng Calligrapher Association, Member of Beijing Haidian Political Consultative Conference; Calligrapher from Ouyang Zhongshi, a famous calligrapher Sir.


Personal Profile


Liu Junjing, a famous calligrapher, is the director of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, the vice-chairman of the Beijing Calligrapher Association, the president of the Chinese Academy of Health-preserving Calligraphy and Painting, the vice-chairman of the Artists Association of the Central Government Organs, the vice-chairman of the Chinese Zen Buddhist Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, the expert member of MBA of Beijing Forestry University, the special professor of Beijing Calligraphy School, and the vice-chairman of the Chairman, Art Consultant of the People's Liberation Army Tiejun Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Director of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association and Vice-Chairman of the Beijing Calligrapher Association. As one of the typical representatives of the Chinese Calligraphers'Association, the potential of its works to appreciate and collect works is enormous, which is highly regarded by the industry.


Liu Junjing, a famous calligrapher, was awarded the Second Chinese Calligraphy Flange Pavilion Award by the Chinese Federation of Calligraphers. His works were also presented at the Eighth National Exhibition, the Ninth National Exhibition, the Fourth Main Calligraphy Exhibition, the Eighth International Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition, the Fifth Top 500 Chinese Calligraphers Exhibition and the Fifteenth Fifteenth National Exhibition by the Chinese Calligraphers Association. The exhibition of self-composing poetry and calligraphy in China and Japan, the exhibition of calligraphy commemorating the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's birth, the exhibition of "Madame Xian Cup" and "Liang Piyun Cup" have been introduced into many calligraphy exhibitions.


Liu Junjing, a famous calligrapher, won silver prize in the "Fenjiu Cup of Xinghua Village" TV Competition, bronze prize in the "Sanjin Cup" Civil Service Calligraphy Competition, the "Holy Grail", "Gaohuan Cup", "Xizhi Cup" and "Coal and Electricity Cup of Northern Anhui" Competition held by the Chinese Calligraphy Association. At the same time, he won the first prize in the "Double Crane E.C Cup" TV Competition in Beijing.


Liu Junjing, a famous calligrapher, went into space with Shenzhou 8 and was widely collected by Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, the Central Administration Bureau, the State Council Administration, the Great Hall of the People, the Memorial Museum of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Museum of Chinese Literature and other institutions at home and abroad.


Artistic Achievements


His works were nominated for the Second Chinese Book Flange Pavilion Award by the Chinese Federation of Sciences, and were held at the Eighth and Ninth National Exhibitions by the Chinese Book Association. Fourth formal calligraphy exhibition, 8th International Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition, Top 500 Chinese Calligraphers Exhibition, 15th Sino-Japanese Self-Writing Poetry and Calligraphy Exhibition, Calligraphy Exhibition in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's Birthday, Lady Xian Cup Calligraphy Exhibition, Liang Piyun Cup and many other Calligraphy Exhibitions; and the "Fenjiu Cup in Xinghua Village" held by the Chinese Calligraphy Association. According to the silver award, the "Sanjin Cup" Civil Servant Calligraphy Competition won the bronze award, the "Restoration Grail", "Gaohuan Cup", "Xizhi Cup", "Northern Anhui Coal and Electricity Cup" and the excellent award. At the same time, it won the first prize in the "Shuanghe E.C Cup" TV Competition in Beijing, the representative of the Ninth National Literary Congress and won the "Deyi Shuangxin" Award for the third Beijing literary and artistic workers. Beijing Municipal Literary and Artistic Works Award, Beijing Top Ten Young and Middle-aged Calligraphers, Beijing Tourism and Culture Messenger and other titles. Calligraphy works were put into space with Shenzhou 8 and widely collected by Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, China Administration Bureau, State Council Administration, Great Hall of the People, Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, Chinese Literature Museum and other institutions at home and abroad. He has published 100 Chinese Calligraphers - Liu Junjing Volume, Annual Ink - Liu Junjing, and Chinese Artists.- Liu Junjing, Liu Junjing's Multidimensional Jinglu Xinjing Jing, Ink - Liu Junjing, Liu Junjing's Health Care Calligraphy and Painting, People's Art - Liu Junjing, etc.

Personal Review


Stepping on the Combination of Old and Modern Rigidity and Softness


Reading Liu Junjing's Calligraphy Works (Shi Xiangyang)


Published in Ink Pavilion March 20, 2012


Renchen New Year, Brother Niu Shuaibing, Editor-in-Chief of Ink and Wash Lanting, presented me a volume of "Classic Works of Contemporary Famous Calligraphers, Liu Junjing", which was displayed overnight and could not be released.


Today, Mr. Zhang Hai once said: learning books "before the ancients get together, after the ancients leave". Reading Liu Junjing's books can help us understand his words. This is the reason why people like Liu Junjing's calligraphy.


Liu Junjun Jing said: "Wide view, patriarchal Han and Tang Dynasty". He has four bodies, especially good at stele writing, stele writing and drafting. I especially love the stele style of Liu Jia's calligraphy. Such as: the book banner "Great Sadness and Great Dharani" more than 400 words, in one breath, echo. His brushwork is exquisite and elegant. Fine, its vigorous pen, press, setbacks, blood can be clearly distinguished. This style of writing is also marked with tablets and tablets. I read from: Wang Xizhi, read Minan Palace, Kangnan Sea,......... It can be seen that Jun Jingjun's "appetite" is great, absorptive ability is strong.


I have always believed that the essence of calligraphy is not divided into stele inscriptions and stele inscriptions. All division is caused by man. It is difficult for those who pursue monuments to be elegant, for those who write posts to be dignified, for those who are elegant to be dignified, and for those who are elegant to be elegant to be more difficult. However, Liu Junjunjing has surmounted this "difficulty" with his wise and clear "brain pen".


Liu Jun once said, "It's good to stick to the old customs and follow nature alone. No smart man can compare with the changes between heaven and earth." Looking at his works, we can see that Liu Jun is a changeable and changeable person. In the book "Great Sadness Dharoni", there are dozens of "Suboke", dozens of "Moro" and dozens of "Lu", whose lines, forms and sizes are not the same. Even if there are more than one hundred breaks in the text, Junjing Junjun's ingenious disposition does not reveal any trace.


Next, we will talk about the word "Lo, Di" concretely. From the beginning of this work, every line has the word "Lo". The first "Luo" is written in the style of "Two Kings", which is relaxed and restrained, with a downward focus; the second "Luo" is written in block letters, paying special attention to the left side and the right side, that is, the left side is small and the right side is big; the third is slightly characterised; the fourth is tightly broken; the fifth "Luo" is broad and generous, which is purely based on the northern inscription. These five "lo" words are in harmony with the whole article. Moreover, the whole article of several cursive scripts "emperor" word, also dispose of visible feelings.


Regrettably, the word "meaning" in the third line and the word "emperor" in the sixth, tenth, fifteenth and penultimate lines are all pure cursive scripts. Compared with the general travel scripts, the difference between movement and silence is too big, which is slightly "eye-catching". Nevertheless, the author noticed that the word "emperor" echoes the expectations of the past and the future, which is not harmful to the whole, and is still a good work. "Violate without violating, and be different with each other". It is the soul of Liu Junjun-jun-jing that combines all kinds of things into one.


Chuang Tzu said, "If the wind is not too thick, the negative wings will be weak." Only when the wind and rain accumulate to a certain extent can we "prosper". Reading Liu Jun's other sketches of painting and calligraphy, we can read his self-confidence and indifference. To a certain extent, Liu Junjunjing "plays" everything he plays.


(Shi Xiangyang: Nomination of the Third Lanting Award for Education)






    最近更新:2024-12-17 20:38:41
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