Peking Man. Be good at a stamp, collect books ticket design. Was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1953, the stamp is engaged in designing the job after. Ever held the post of stamp of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to publish director of room of division of advanced arts and crafts, editor. Work " butterfly " , " chrysanthemum " , " go straight towards a horse " and " Chairman Mao dies one year " wait to be obtained 7 times found a state 30 years optimal stamp award, " Gu Qiao " obtain new China optimal seal award first days, " Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas " , " white and pig " be being judged to be by Japan China is optimal 1980 stamp, " the whole nation mails couplet one big " obtain optimal 1982 first days seal award, " compartment is written down on the west " win award of optimal 1983 design. Work has " Lu Zhi is deep " , " Fu Xi starts day " etc.