国诠,唐初太宗时人(七世纪),名不见经传。贞观(627-649)中经生。 工书,明代都穆《寓意编》谓“其书精熟匀净而近媚”。明代詹景凤《东图玄览》提到:“唐贞观 中经生国诠奉敕作指顶许字,用硬黄纸书《善见律》。”他写的经卷,今唯见此一种。《善见律》卷后有明人徐*跋中提及家中所藏《兰亭禊序》乃楚人国诠摹写,《善见律》又为奉敕之作,可见国诠非一般经生。唐人写经,多不落名款,有的虽有名款但非名人,故以往书家并未给予足够注意。其实,由于唐代重书学,特别在中唐、盛唐,写经书法水平一般很高。
meishu.com 07-03 浏览
小楷《善见律》乌丝栏纸本,275行,行17字 纵22.6厘米 横468.8厘米, 故宫博物院藏。唐人写经,多不落名款,有的虽有名款但非名人,故以往书家并未给予足够注意。其实,由于唐代重书学,特别在中唐、盛唐,写经书法水平一般很高。《善见律》述释迦牟尼弘佛之事,卷末上端书“善见律卷”,下署“贞观廿二年十二月十日国诠写”。此卷经书工整,结构点画均匀秀劲,运笔灵活熟练,轻重适宜。全篇一气呵成,造诣精湛。用笔精妙绝伦,无点滴油滑轻浮之感和张扬外露之态。横势起笔露锋,稳健自然,遒逸灵巧,朴实直率。
“经生体”字体多样,除多数是隶楷或楷隶相间的正体外, 还有朴厚的章草和流媚的今草。“经生体”既有浓重的隶书笔意,又有楷书的用笔方法,继承了汉代简牍书体的遗风。“经生体”笔画丰富,书写熟练,因其形成时间与二王存世的年代相同,可以以此窥见魏晋时期的墨迹风格,与传世摹本王羲之的《姨母帖》、《十七帖》等书写风格和用笔方法极为相似,从中能够领略出王羲之书法的气度和神韵来。
Xiaokai Wusilan Paper Book of the Law of Good Views, 275 lines, 17 words, 22.6 cm in length and 468.8 cm in breadth, is collected in the Palace Museum. The Tang Dynasty writes scriptures, mostly not fall into the name of money, although some of them are famous but not celebrities, so in the past the calligraphers did not pay enough attention to them. In fact, due to the emphasis on calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty, especially in the middle and prosperous Tang Dynasty, the level of Scripture writing is generally high. The Law of Good View describes Sakyamuni's Buddhist practice. At the end of the volume, the book "The Law of Good View" was written, and the "Annotation of the Kingdom of Zhenguan on December 10, 22" was signed. This volume is neat, uniform and vigorous in structure, flexible and skillful in brushing and appropriate in weight. The whole article is accomplished at one go, with excellent attainments. With the exquisite pen, there is no sense of slippery and frivolous and publicity. It is steady and natural, elegant and ingenious, plain and straightforward.
"Jingsheng Style" has a variety of fonts, except that most of them are regular scripts or regular scripts.
There are also simple Zhangcao and flowery modern grass. "Jingsheng Style" not only has a strong sense of Li Shu, but also has the writing method of regular script, which inherits the style of Han Dynasty bamboo slips. "Jingsheng Style" is rich in brushwork and skillful in writing. Because its formation time is the same as that of the two kings, we can get a glimpse of the ink style of Wei and Jin Dynasty. It is very similar to the handed down copies of Wang Xizhi's "Aunt Tie" and "Seventeen Ties" in writing style and writing method, from which we can appreciate Wang Xizhi's calligraphy style and style. Charm comes.
The writers of "Jingsheng Style" belong to different classes of people, including officials in the government, knives and pens officials in the "Jingfang" in the Yamen, Scripture writers trained by monasteries, and some folk calligraphers. They express their minds directly, write letters and strokes freely, use square and circular strokes, fly their strokes, distribute white lines, fall and fall unevenly, ups and downs, puzzling and confusing, creating colorful and excellent works, which are full of fresh, empty, simple and lovely atmosphere.
There are obvious commonalities between the frame structure of "Jingsheng Style" writing and the method of writing, forming a unique style of writing in the west. Its rules are dense and its characters are independent, such as Liangzhou Dama, which runs all over the world; its shape is square and flat, with low wind and grass. Especially the "Jingsheng body" is characterized by its fluent and delicate strokes, clear bearing, coherent momentum, sharp-edged entry into paper, return of pen, vertical stagnation of transverse wave, light and heavy handing. It has not only the strong and heroic style outside the stopper, but also the cool style of music and dance in the west.