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胡塞佩·德·里贝拉Jusepe de Ribera

胡塞佩·德·里贝拉Jusepe de Ribera(1591年1月12日——1652年9月2日),西班牙画家。

  • 中文名胡塞佩·德·里贝拉
  • 外文名Jusepe de Ribera
  • 性别
  • 国籍西班牙
  • 出生地舍蒂瓦
  • 出生日期1591年1月12日
  • 逝世日期1652年9月2日
  • 职业画家


他早期的传记通常排他的追随者之间卡拉瓦乔。很少的文档从他早年生存,以学者推测为是因他来到意大利的确切时间和路线。里贝拉住在罗马不迟于1612年,并记录为是参加圣路加由1613年他住在一时间学院Margutta大道,而且几乎可以肯定与其他相关卡拉瓦乔主义者谁涌向罗马在那个时候,这样的作为格里特面包车Honthorst和亨德里克之三Brugghen,其他乌得勒支之间在罗马画家积极通过1615 1616年,贝拉搬到那不勒斯,以避免他的债权人(根据朱利奥曼奇尼,谁把他描述为寅吃卯粮他的手段,尽管高收入)。1616年11月,贝拉结婚卡特里纳Azzolino,西西里岛出生的那不勒斯画家的女儿,乔瓦尼圣贝纳迪诺Azzolino,他在那不勒斯的艺术世界的连接有助于尽早建立里贝拉作为一个重要人物,他的存在是要承担一个持久的影响对艺术的城市。



萨尔瓦托罗莎和卢卡·焦尔达诺是他最杰出的追随者,谁可能是他的学生; 别人还分别乔瓦尼待办事项,恩里科Fiammingo,米开朗基罗Fracanzani和Aniello法尔科内,谁是战斗片的第一个可观的画家。

里贝拉的主要作品可以被命名为圣圣雅纳略从炉新兴那不勒斯大教堂; 该下降从十字架在切尔托萨,那不勒斯; 在牧羊人的崇拜的;(1650后期工作)卢浮宫 ; 在圣巴托罗缪殉难的普拉多 ; 和圣母怜子图的圣马蒂诺,那不勒斯圣器收藏室。他mythologic科目往往因为他的殉道为暴力:例如,阿波罗和Marsyas,在布鲁塞尔和那不勒斯,或版本提堤俄斯的普拉多。在普拉多和卢浮宫包含他的画,喜欢的数字雅各的梦想在昆内特拉普拉(1639); 在国家画廊,伦敦,三。他执行了几个精致的男性肖像和自画像。圣杰罗姆写作的普拉多目前已被詹尼帕皮,一个相信对他卡拉瓦乔专家。他是一个重要的蚀刻,之前最显著的西班牙画家戈雅,生产约四十版画,几乎所有在1620年。在圣菲殉教(1639,经常被描述为圣巴托罗缪,烈属,在类似的方式,但现在公认的圣菲利普)[3]是在普拉多,马德里。

English Introductio

Ribera was born in Shetiva, near Valencia, spain. He was baptized in February 17th 1591, his father was a shoemaker, perhaps is large. His parents intended his literary or academic career, but he ignored these studies, said to have worked with the Spanish painter apprentice San Francisco Ribalta in Valencia, although there is no evidence of this existence. Eager to learn art in Italy, he made his way to Rome via Parma, where he was recorded in 1611 according to one source, the cardinal noticed he was drawn from the Rome palace facade murals, and placed him. Rome painter gave him the nickname "Luo Spagnoletto".
His early biographies were usually among his followers Caravaggio. Very few documents have survived from his early years, presumably by scholars as the exact time and route of his arrival in Italy. Ribera lives in Rome no later than 1612, and recorded as in Luke by 1613 he lived at a time of Margutta Avenue, and almost certainly with other related Caravaggio nationalists who flock to Rome at that time, such as Gerrit van Honthorst and Hendrik Brugghen three, other Utrecht between the painters in Rome actively through 16151616 years Bella, moved to Naples, in order to avoid his creditors (according to Giulio Mancini, who described him as living beyond his means, despite the high income). In November 1616, Bella married Azzolino Katrina, Sicily born Naples painter's daughter, Giovanni Azzolino of San Bernardino, he in the Naples art world connection help as soon as possible to set up in Bella as an important figure, his existence is to assume a lasting effect on the art of city.In his early style, sometimes Caravaggio and sometimes founded on the full diversity of methods of the study of Korejo, Spain, and Venice masters can be traced back to. With his large scale and shadow dominated, he retained the intensity from the first to the last in the local coloring. His form, though ordinary, sometimes coarse, is right; his works are gloomy and shocking impressions. He likes thrillers. In the early 1630s, his style changed from dark and light to a more diffused and golden light, as can be seen in 1642 of clubfoot.
Salvator Rosa and Luca Giordano is his most outstanding followers, who may be his students; others are Giovanni DOS, Enrico Fiammingo, Michelangelo Fracanzani and Falcone Aniello, who was the first significant battle painter tablets.
The main works in Bella can be named as Shengsheng Yanalve emerging from the furnace of Naples cathedral; the descent from the cross in the Certosa, Naples; in the adoration of the shepherds (1650; Le Louvre Museum; later work) at St Bartholomew's martyrdom of Prado; and the Pieta of St. Martino, Naples sacristy. He mythologic subjects often because of his martyrdom for violence: for example, Appollo and Marsyas, in Brussels and Naples, or the Prado version of tityos. Contains his paintings at the Prado and Le Louvre Museum, the dream of love in the digital Jacob El Rio de la Plata (1639); in the National Gallery, London, three. He performed several fine male portraits and self portraits. Jerome writing Prado has been a Gianni Papi, Caravaggio experts believe on him. He was one of the most important etchings before the most notable Spanish painter Goya, producing about forty prints, almost all in 1620. In Santa Fe. (1639, often described as St. Bartholomew, martyred in a similar way, but it is now recognized as Philip [3] in the Prado, Madrid).






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