张德泉1941年出生于江苏省宝应县,1965年毕业于江苏省国画院,现任江苏省国画院花鸟画研究所所长、中国美术家协会会员、国家一级美术师。 出版画册有《张德泉花鸟画作品集》、《工笔花鸟画谱》、《百花谱》、《中国牡丹》、《当代花鸟画作品选》、《当代花鸟画大观》等数十种。
张德泉 男,1941年出生,江苏省工笔花鸟画名家。 江苏省国画院花鸟画研究所所长、中国美术家协会会员、国家一级美术师。曾担任江苏省美协名誉主席、江苏省国画院院长 钱松喦的工作助手,追随钱老钻研传统中国画技艺,作品传承宋人笔意,格调清新高雅。出版画册有《张德泉花鸟画作品集》、《工笔花鸟画谱》、《百花谱》、《中国牡丹》、《当代花鸟画作品选》、《当代花鸟画大观》等数十种。
在 江苏省国画院深造期间得到著名画家 傅抱石先生、 钱松喦先生等前辈悉心指导,对宋元工笔画用力尤多,奠定了坚实的传统绘画基础。近年来注重深入生活,多次前往广东、云南等地写生热带雨林动植物,近距离观察各地独有的珍禽异卉,创作出一批富于生活气息和时代感的作品,形成了鲜明的个人艺术风格。得到过当代国画大师、中国画研究院副院长黄胄先生特别的关注与好评,并多次向北京艺术界同行推荐。作品先后参加第六、七、八届全国美术展览,曾获中华杯中国画大奖赛三等奖、中日美术交流展银牌奖、江苏省画院美术馆联展一等奖。作品还多次在美国、英国、法国、日本、韩国、香港、台湾、新加坡等国家或地区展出,广为国内外知名的美术馆和博物馆所收藏。
Zhang Dequan male, born in 1941, Jiangsu meticulous flower and bird painting masters. Jiangsu Province Academy of traditional Chinese Painting Institute, Painting Artists Association, member of Chinese national artist. Served as the Jiangsu Provincial Artists Association, honorary president of Jiangsu Chinese Painting Institute president Qian Songyan's work assistant, follow the old money on the tradition Chinese painting works, the inheritance with fresh and elegant style. Press "Zhang Dequan painting works", "flower and bird", "flowers Huapu spectrum", "Chinese peony", "contemporary painting works", "contemporary painting grand" etc.
During the Jiangsu Chinese painting school, Mr. Fu Baoshi famous painter Mr. Qian Songyan predecessors such as guidance, especially in song and Yuan painting hard, laid a solid basis of traditional painting. In recent years, focus on the depth of life, several trips to Guangdong and Yunnan to sketch the tropical rainforest plants, rare birds and different flowers close around the unique, the creation of a number of rich flavor of life and contemporary works, formed a distinctive personal artistic style. Has been a master of contemporary Chinese painting, Chinese Painting Institute Vice President Huang Zhou special attention and praise, and repeatedly recommended to the Beijing art industry peers. His works have participated in the sixth, the seven or eight national art exhibition, won the third-prize cup, the Grand Prix China painting art exchange exhibition Silver Award, Jiangsu province art museum exhibition first prize. Works also in the United States, Britain, France, Japan, Korea, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore and other countries or regions on display, widely known for domestic and foreign art galleries and museums.
Press "Zhang Dequan painting works", "flower and bird", "flowers Huapu spectrum", "Chinese peony", "contemporary painting works", "contemporary painting grand" etc.
Painting books have published "Chinese painting", "painting detailed essentials" series, "bird", "bird painting sketches", "flower", "bird painting sketches, and technical information" Audio & Video Publishing House of The Open University of China launched video teaching materials "teacher teach you painting" series of lectures.