作品入展中国文联、中国美协、中国书协、西泠印社等主办西泠印社诗书画印大展、西泠印社第六届篆刻艺术评展、第20届中日自作诗书法展、首届山东(国际)美术双年展、梦回琅琊2010九人书法篆刻联展、文之龙全国实力派书画家提名展、简帛耀洞庭国际简帛书法邀请展、世界华人庆奥运名家书画大展等百余届次国内外专业展览。荣获中国文联、中国书协等主办向人民汇报-文质兼美优秀基层书法家创作活动、全国产(行)业文联书法精品展览优秀作品奖、纪念中国共青团成立85周年书画展优秀奖、全国中青年书画学术展书法学术奖等数十届次专业展览奖项。编著出版刊介《翰墨丹青-中国当代书画篆刻家 第二辑高延鸿》、《中华经典与收藏十人书法精品集》、《中国书法百家写古诗文集丛》、《和谐龙凤全国书画名家精品集》、《中国书法通讯》、《书法报》、《中国钢笔书法》杂志及2013藏历春晚等数百余册典籍传媒。作品被王震故居、黄继光纪念馆、吴一峰艺术馆、沈善文将军等文博单位和个人收藏。策划组织全国当代中青年书法名家学术邀请展、第五届拉萨市书法美术摄影作品展览、西藏当代中青年书法家作品邀请展等十余届次艺术活动。中国书协、中国美协艺委会等授予中国书法进万家活动先进个人、漫画优秀作者、全国百名双优书法家、格桑花书法艺术奖创作奖诸称号。
Gao Yanhong, grand of pseudonym the Qin Dynasty, bosom of native place Heibei comes, graduate student record of formal schooling, division of national Registered Architect, advanced economy, senior engineer.
Art holds a post: Courtyard of traditional Chinese painting of province of chairman of association of calligrapher of city of vice-chairman of association of calligrapher of youth of vice-chairman of association of calligrapher of Chinese artist academician, Chinese calligrapher academician, the Xizang Autonomous Region, Tibet, Lhasa, Jiangsu is special Legalists of letter of appointment, with city calligraphy courtyard. The job holds a post: Irrigation works of director of institute of science of irrigation works of the Xizang Autonomous Region, China learns irrigation works of committee member of seminar of irrigation works history, the Xizang Autonomous Region to learn secretary-general to wait.
Work is entered exhibit beauty of Chinese article couplet, China assist, Chinese book assist, Xi Ling imprints the company sponsor Xi Ling to imprint company poem painting and calligraphy imprints exhibit greatly, Xi Ling imprints art of the 6th seal cutting criticizes the company exhibit, the 20th Sino-Japanese oneself. Have the honor to win book of Chinese article couplet, China assist wait sponsor report to people - article is qualitative hold calligrapher of beautiful outstanding basic level concurrently to create activity, whole nation to produce (all right) high-quality goods of Wen Lianshu law shows course of study the Youth League of China of outstanding work reward, souvenir establishs a book 85 years. Compile does publication print upright " does brush and ink painting - home of seal cutting of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy The 2nd collect Gao Yanhong " , " China is classical with collect part of high-quality goods of 10 people calligraphy " , " Chinese calligraphy a hunderd schools keeps collection of ancient poetry collected works " , " collect of high-quality goods of a person of academic or artistic distinction of painting and calligraphy of harmonious Longfeng whole nation " , " . Work by memorial hall of king shake former residence, Huang Jiguang, Wu Yifeng the Wen Bo unit such as artistic house, Shen Shanwen's general and individual are collected. Learning of a person of academic or artistic distinction of calligraphy of the youth in now invites concoctive organization whole nation exhibit, work of calligrapher of the youth in now invites exhibition of work of photography of art of calligraphy of city of the 5th Lhasa, Tibet exhibit wait for activity of more than 10 second art. Chinese book assist, China is beautiful assist art appoint the law receives the meeting letter of credence in awarding 10 thousand activities are advanced individual, caricature is outstanding 100 double actor calligrapher of author, whole nation, case Sang Huashu law is artistic award creates award all titles.