牧甫自小就对篆学发生兴趣,八九岁即操刀习印。十四岁时,家园被毁,不久父母亦相继去世,从此失学。因生活所迫,曾随从兄在南昌开设照相馆十多年,籍以糊口,期间开始了业余的鬻印生涯二十八九岁时,他在南昌出版了《心经印谱》,不但表现出卓越的才华,更窥见他对明清印派的深入研究。一八八二年,牧甫从南昌移居广州,就此很快结识了一班文人雅士,他的印艺也颇为很多官员所赏识。一八八五年,由于将军长善及其儿子志锐等人的大力揄扬荐举,牧甫于八月到北京国子监肄业,主要致力于金石学。他得到了盛昱、王懿荣、吴大澄等名家的指点,扩大了视野,丰富了收藏,印艺也有了很大的提高,而且参加了重摹宋本《石鼓文》的工作。一八八七年,两广总督张之洞、广东巡抚吴大澄在广州设立广雅书局,从事经史的校刻。吴大澄与牧甫有旧,便邀请牧甫参加广雅书局校书堂的工作,牧甫再次来到广州。从第一次来粤,住了近四年,到第二次来粤,一住便是十四年,牧甫前后在粤共住了十八年。他留传下来的大批印作,多刻于此时。一九〇〇年五月,牧甫离开广州回安徽。一九〇二年秋,牧甫又为湖北巡抚、署湖广总督端方所邀,到了武昌,协助端方从事陶斋吉金录等书的辑著工作。 一九〇四年,牧甫归老故里,从此不再复出,是年牧甫五十五岁。
Huang Mufu (1849-1908), a native of Yixian County, Anhui Province, was formerly known as the Shiling Tomb. He was also a Mufu and Mufu, followed by lines. In his later years, Yishan people, tired people and tired travelers in other departments. His father, Boya Nengyi, is the author of Zhuruitang Collection.
Art Experience
Mufu has been interested in seal art since he was young. He practiced seal art at the age of 89. At the age of fourteen, his home was destroyed, and soon his parents died, leaving school. Forced by life, his brother-in-law opened a photography studio in Nanchang for more than ten years to make a living. During his amateur career as a printer, when he was 28-9 years old, he published The Heart Classic Seal Spectrum in Nanchang, which not only showed his outstanding talent, but also showed his in-depth study of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In 1882, Mufu moved to Guangzhou from Nanchang, and soon met a group of literati and refined scholars. His printing art was also appreciated by many officials. In 1885, due to the strong praise and recommendation of General Changshan and his son Zhirui, Mufu went to Beijing in August to study under the supervision of Guozi, mainly devoted to epigraphy. He was instructed by Shengyu, Wang Yirong, Wu Dacheng and other famous writers. He enlarged his horizon, enriched his collection, and greatly improved his printing skills. He also participated in the work of reproducing the Song Dynasty's Shiguwen. In 1887, Governor Zhang Zhidong of Guangzhou and Governor Wu Dacheng of Guangdong set up Guangya Bookstore in Guangzhou to proofread classics. Wu Dacheng and Mufu were old, so they invited Mufu to work in Guangya Bookstore. Mufu came to Guangzhou again. From the first time to Guangdong, lived for nearly four years, to the second time to Guangdong, lived for fourteen years, before and after Mufu lived in Guangdong for eighteen years. He left behind a large number of prints, mostly engraved at this time. In May of 1900, Mufu left Guangzhou and returned to Anhui. In the autumn of 1992, Mufu was invited by Duan Fang, governor of Huguang and governor of Hubei Province, to Wuchang to assist Duan Fang in compiling books such as Tao Zhai Jijin Records. In 1944, the herdsman returned to his old hometown and never came back. He was fifty-five years old.
Artistic Achievements
Huang Mufu's achievements in seal carving art are mainly not bound by the schools of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although he has studied all over the world, he has been able to enter and exit. He combines his rich knowledge of epigraphy with seal art well. He not only introduces the ancient seal art to the contemporary era, but also gives the rotten copper seal as the only criterion for imitating the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years. Change. He reproduced the original face of the Chinese seal under the knife with his bright and beautiful manner, searched for the traditional seal art for the future generations, pointed out the broad way, and in the long-term research, took the past and innovated, creating his own style which was dangerous and unpretentious, upright and profound.