高式熊先生不仅书法、 篆刻造诣精深,还是著名的印泥制作大师,曾受教于 西泠印社早期社员,著名书法、篆刻家,收藏家,鲁庵印泥创始人 张鲁庵先生,得张先生真传。 张鲁庵1962年临终前,将“鲁庵印泥49号秘方”托付给高式熊,叮嘱其务必将鲁庵印泥的制作工艺传承下去,并将此秘方捐献国家。由于种种原因,鲁庵印泥原有的其它55号配方目前下落不明,“鲁庵印泥49号秘方”成为鲁庵印泥唯一传世的“血脉”。经过高式熊先生多年奔走呼吁,鲁庵印泥终于被上海市政府批准为“上海市非物质文化遗产”,并报送“国家非物质文化遗产”。高先生也随后表示将把“鲁庵印泥49号秘方”无偿捐献给国家,其高风亮节令人感佩。
High - bear, born in 1921, Zhejiang Province, China famous and seal. China, honorary vice president of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society Shanghai Research Institute of culture and history, Shanghai City librarian Shuxie consultants. The Shanghai Academy of painting and calligraphy, Tang Bai Yin club. Famous calligrapher, stone carving. His father Gao Zhenxiao is in the late Qing Dynasty, new China imperial Taishi first batch of Shanghai literature and history research librarian, a famous calligrapher. His family, the father of calligraphy Qinshou, won the sea famous Zhao Shuru, Wang Fuan guide at the age of 20, good at carving, calligraphy and seal identification, a gauge moment into calligraphy, refined and elegant; and a joy, a research on the history of yinpu, Yinren schools. The calligraphy, Kai, fragrance, and good Seiitsu, free and easy, especially in the most exquisite is Xiaozhuan, and seal and shuangmei. There is also a "Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society biography", "India people bear high type print" monograph etc.. Works exhibited at home and abroad many times, published.
Gao Xiong not only profound calligraphy, seal cutting, or the famous Indonesian production master, was educated at Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society early member of famous calligraphy, carving, collectors, Lu an Indonesia founder Mr. Zhang Luan, to Mr. Zhang chuan. Zhang Luan in 1962 before his death, "with an Indonesian Lu No. 49 recipe" to bear high type, it must be told Lu an Indonesian craft handed down, and the secret of donor nations. Due to various reasons, Lu an inkpad original other No. 55 formula is currently unaccounted for, "Lu an inkpad No. 49 recipe" has become an Indonesian Lu handed down "blood only". After years of campaigning Gao Xiong Lu, an Indonesian was finally approved by Shanghai municipal government as "intangible cultural heritage in Shanghai City, and submitted to the" national intangible cultural heritage". Mr. Gao also said later will take "Lu an inkpad No. 49 recipe" donated to the state, their exemplary conduct and nobility of character lingrenganpei.
Mr. Qi Baishi has long used type high bear Indonesia, and can guarantee fifty years running.